Saturday, January 04, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

August 6, 2013

This A list celebrity/singer who I wish was D- brought home a woman this week that he met at a club.According to her, when they got to his place he made her take off all her clothes and then turned on his laptop and got on the computer with his ex and started yelling at her about what he got and turned the webcam on the woman he had just picked up who was naked and by now crying. He then told her to shut up and put on her "damn clothes" and threw a bunch of money at her and told her she could walk home. He then went back to yelling at his ex.

Chris Brown


  1. Anonymous11:01 AM

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  2. Anonymous11:03 AM

    This scumbag is nothing more than an oxygen thief.

  3. You go home with Chris Brown, you takes yer chances.
    She's lucky he gave her some green instead of some black and blue.

  4. i just donr understand his appeal. His GF karruche is gona wake and realize she wasted her 20s on this dude for nothing.
    Plus hes ugly so nah nah

  5. Wasn't there a time period back a few years ago that everyone thought he was a great guy--like right before he beat up RhiRhi?

  6. He continues to be a class act.

  7. I don't understand show business at all. It's like, people claw their way to the top so they can be addicted to drugs and freaky sex?

    And the point of being successful is being able to treat assistants, sex partners, and waiters really, really badly?

    There was a recent post about the goopster being obnoxious about wine. All could think of was that she's high and mighty because she's *Pepper Potts* in awful comic book movies.

    How broke do you have to be in order to want to put up with these horrible people? Why does anyone do it?

  8. He's the poster child for abortion after birth.

  9. This boy acts like he hates women the way he acts. I'm starting to believe the rumors that he was past around when he started in the buisness. He was just a kid. Poor child is messed up for life. IF, this is true if not, he needs to jump off a cliff.

  10. was it rihanna he was screaming at? those 2 got issues

  11. Anonymous11:47 AM

    He's rotting from the inside out

  12. It used to be that getting caught beating up a woman was a career ending event.

  13. ninotchka said...
    It used to be that getting caught beating up a woman was a career ending event.


    When Sean Connery said that he did/does that and is still an A lister?

    When john lennon beat his wife and son and is still believed to be a martyr for peace?

    What you mention only happened in your imagination.

    1. Wasn't all that long ago beating your wife & kids -even to the point of murder - was just dandy b/c they were a man's property. Why is it surprising that this still exists when the foundation for it is still chugging down the tracks?

  14. I know that Rihanna is a mess, but at least she is out of this messed up relationship

  15. Or do you mean when sean penn raped and seriously beat madonna up in the eighties when he had her kidnapped?

  16. Can't he just overdose, crash his car, have a heart attack from all that rage or just simply drop dead from any reason already?

  17. I second and applaud kermit gosnell. And what in the name of christ, is this girls problem????!!!!! SHE needs help!

  18. So he's yelling at Ri about what he got? Sounds like STD to me. Maybe why he and Ri are all about the drugs now. I think there is more to this blind.

  19. I also think there's some info missing here...and I agree with @honey bunny, I think CB is having Corey Feldman type issues, but far worse.

    And pity the girl who goes home with CB and expects anything less than this.

  20. Stay classy Chris...


  21. Is this saying even more? He was yelling at her about "what he got". I'm thinking Rhianna contracted something while hooking that one night and gave it to Chris...

  22. @Kermit, John Lennon was man enough to admit that he had a problem when it came to women. He admitted to hitting both Cynthia and Yoko, and would not give Yoko credit for any songs she helped out on. I am by no means defending what he did, but he never went to the extremes that Chris Brown does.
    Chris brown will eventually kill someone at this rate.

  23. Yoko has no musical talent. Lennon wrote Let It Be. What could her contributions have been? A mallet on a cowbell?

    That said, Lennon it the Beatle I like the least, because it is his fault I know who Yoko is and their kid is a douchebag too.

  24. Paul wrote Let it Be. 99.9% of the time they sang what they wrote, except if they wrote something for George or Ringo.
    John Lennon had his issues, but I can't hate Yoko. She made him happy.
    He was missing something and for some odd reason found it in her.

  25. Why on earth would you go home with him? Surely every woman in the Western world is aware of what a douche he is. I wouldn't even do it for gold digging/gossip purposes.

  26. Anonymous9:22 AM

    It's sucks but no sympathy here. Did she think he would fall in love with her and change his ways? That they would talk all night about their inner feelings and he would caress and love her and cry about how no woman has ever made him feel that understood? This is Chris Brown, she got off easy.

  27. He is disgusting and Rihanna is disgusting. In spite of some dubious "talent", they both need to disappear from public view. They do not deserve the attention they receive. A bunch of dubious celebrities need to do the same. Tori Spelling, Camille Grammer, anyone whose name begins with a "K"....go the hell away. I don't want to hear anything from you or about you, and I especially do not want to see your faces on tabloids while standing in line at the supermarket.

  28. He is vile. He apparently currently has 3 women or so he is sleeping with while he is with that Karruche girl - who also is a druggie.

    I think he hated/hates Rihanna and blames her for the downfall of his career. Of course nothing to do with being unable to keep his fists to himself. people are like 'oh she's a mess' but what are you judging her on - she drinks,drugs, and sexes (allegedly). Well just like all her peers, then and if she's hurting anyone it's only herself. Unlike Chris who is abusive to everyone. Funny when the much adored Cumberbatch was unveiled on blind item as sleeping with prostitutes on here most comments were like, 'Well he's grown','At least he's not lying to women'. Very understanding, yet a young woman, single woman in her 20's is 'a mess'. Yeah ok. Well she managed to finally walk away from Chris. Good for her, because that union had murder suicide written all over it.

  29. Just wanted to add that even though it's hilarious and weird people believe blind items as if it's gospel, this particular one isn't too far fetched. A girl sold a story about Chris last year to one of the tabloids, about her and a bunch of girls who were picked to basically go on his tour bus and f@ck him and his friends. She talked about the brazen drug taking and disturbingly casual misogyny she witnessed. She apparently had second thoughts about doing whatever she went there to do, and wanted to leave. Chris and friends berated her in their inimitable way.

  30. Fist Brown is a psychopath. I have no sympathy for any woman who puts herself anywhere near this man.
