Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

July 11, 2013

Shortly after this B+ list mostly movie actress split with her A+ list mostly movie actor husband she was asked out by a co-star, who also used to be an A+ list mostly movie actor. She was willing and said that she was excited about it until he picked her up and the for the next three hours she could barely breathe. Apparently the actor had not showered in weeks because he said he was cleansing his body of toxins and this included also not brushing his teeth despite chain smoking and gorging on coffee. When he went in for a kiss at one point, our actress said she would have rather died and was hoping to pass out.

B+ actress: Robin Wright
A+ husband: Sean Penn
A+ actor: Keanu Reeves (who after his recent movies and especially Ronin is now a former A+ lister but is probably a permanent A lister because of the name.)
Movie: "The Private Lives of Pippa Lee"


  1. this is a collection of already revealed items.

    how boring is that...

  2. Anonymous8:17 AM

    Funny. When I detox it usually involves cleansing - which extends to showering & basic hygiene.

  3. Anonymous8:18 AM

    New reveals are in their way Unknown

  4. You guys realize that "Enty" isn't really going to reveal many new blinds today, right? I mean he usually starts revealing on reveal day pretty early. And most of this stuff was stuff that he revealed in the past month or so. Just saying.

    1. I've been reading for a few years, reveals have always started at noon(ish) EST, where I am.

  5. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Nemesis : did you not read what I said? Just repeating what has been posted earlier, so no need to be mean.

  6. Read the Reveal Day announcement. It explains the old blinds. New ones will begin shortly.

  7. *sigh* New reveals begin at 9:15 California time.

  8. Anonymous8:22 AM

    Exactly what I was trying to say Wayor. I must be speaking in another dialect.

  9. I know, I'm new to this site and even I read it.

  10. Whew glad It was 'splained. Getting worried. Howdy Rach and Meanie!

    1. <3 Sherry! Happy New Year, luv. Been thinking of you! xoxo

  11. Anonymous8:35 AM

    *kisses for Sherry*. Had so many cool gigs recently. Had to miss some due to other stuff, but good to see you! You survived the festive season?

  12. The minute I read the Reveal Day post explaining the timings and format, I KNEW this would happen. Just hold your water, people! About 45 minutes to go for new reveals.

  13. I'm not trying to be an ass or stupid. Just saying that we won't have many new reveals before Enty passes out. Ok I'll shut up now until after the 5th or 6th new reveal and it stops.

  14. Enty explained the timetable for reveals very clearly. SMH.

  15. Hiya everyone. Happy New Year!!!

  16. Anonymous8:53 AM

    People should return to more feral scents. Your bodies natural pheromones should b your perfume /Cologne. Coffee/cigarettes aside, maybe he had ingested some godawful stuff into his system. Some cleanses aren't very aromatic.

    Having said that, he should've kept his rank ass home. Eww...

    And what dumb bimbo doesn't bail after 10 min of realizing that nobody accidentally farted?

  17. Anonymous9:02 AM

    I still love Keanu ... I was taken aback at the photo of him at Cannes but that's nothing a gluten-free diet, several hundred crunches a day, and a good haircut and shave couldn't fix :-) As for the halitosis and bad hygiene ... I'd book us in for a weekend at Blanket Bay with spa treatments galore to fix all that. Hee hee!!!

  18. She didn't realize he stank while they were filming together?

  19. Happy New Year everyone!

    @NomNom, @They prolly bathed him daily for the movie.

    "The Private Lives of Pippa Lee" was actually a very good movie, and Blake Lively was actually pretty good.

  20. wouldn't go near him or Depp. Don't fancy tramps
