Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

July 22, 2013

This A+ list mostly movie actor has been in this space for being difficult. He is a great comic actor but his people skills suck. Even if he is standing right next to someone he will not speak to them directly unless he feels they are his equal. The only people he considers his equals are fellow actors who make as much as him or the director of his movie. There are times where he does not even speak to his wife directly but makes his assistant speak to her. He is in the top 5 most difficult actors to work with.

Ben Stiller


  1. Everyone guessed it because he is such a miserable little prick! Why people still pick his ass for movies is beyond me...actually no, I know why!

  2. Ben Stiller is A+ list??? Seriously?

    That aside, he seems pretty funny for such an angry, little man. I

  3. BLASPHEMY! No way is Zoolander such a prick.

  4. Priviledged Napoleanic terror. The Walter Mitty movie sucks so he should start dropping down the ladder soon and be back on useless Tv shows with Chris Elliott

  5. Maybe they just needed to bend down a little? Cmon, stoop for the movie star so he doesn't have to talk to your belly button!

    1. Anonymous12:24 PM

      Or your boobies ;)

  6. Was he repeatedly dropped on his head as a baby?

    If you don't want to speak to your wife (*wink* to Chris Martin) then don't have one.


  7. Did it really @Sandybrook?

    I really wanted to see it and love it.

    I have no idea why this little butt troll is so hateful, or why does his wife (who we pretty much love) stays with him?

  8. I've been boycotting his work for years now. Don't want to contribute a dime to this tool's pocket.

  9. A+ ?? Night at the museum.

    That is all.

  10. An insecure little tick. Walter Mitty had a production budget of $90M, only made $59M worldwide. It's only downward from here on out.

    1. Nah he gets a pass on bombs for being Jewish. Sandler has the same deal. Also if he is looking for equals he needs to look at hobbits... Shrimpy little troll.

    2. Nah he gets a pass on bombs for being Jewish. Sandler has the same deal. Also if he is looking for equals he needs to look at hobbits... Shrimpy little troll.

  11. I didn't realize he was such a douche of epic proportions

  12. Funny, I just saw a list of top people you wouldn't want to work with. He wasn't on it (though no doubt he's a jerk. His dad seems sweet, though)

    Anyway the list:

    Val Kilmer,Katherine Heigl,Ed Norton,Goop (heh, apparently on IM 2 she avoided Scarlett so much they never even said a word off set),Steven Seagal,Mike Myers and James Cameron

    Of course the list is subjective (it's on but pretty informative about what jerks the above are. Sounds like they need to make room for one more

    1. Bacon - Ed Norton on the list?!?!? Noooooooo! He was such a sweetheart in Austin. I am crushed.

  13. Maybe just intense and nervous? But you never do read a good thing about him.

  14. Sounds about right. He gave the impression that he thought everone else was beneath him on Graham Norton the other day. When you get the likes of Dustin Hoffman, Cher and GaGa joining in on the fun, I don't know why Zoolander thinks he's special.

    (For what it's worth, Bradley Cooper was the same way. When he was on with Heather Graham, Will Smith was also the guest, and as usually happens he sang The Fresh Prince theme. Heather, fair play to her was clapping and eventually dancing along. Cooper just stood there like the string of sulkiness that he is).

  15. Meet the Parents will always be one of my favorite movies, but aside from that he can take his little faccia brutta and beat it

  16. Well damn, that's a bummer. His parents were hilarious back in the day.

  17. Short people got no reason...

  18. Yeah @Jo Ella it is not really a remake its a re interpretation of the character and it stinks. People should leave classic movies alone.

  19. Anonymous12:26 PM

    What an asshat. I'm guessing his guest spot on FRIENDS wasnt much of a stretch. Angry midget man.

    1. Anonymous2:14 AM

      Keep that ball rolling dude. There might be big cut for you very soon!

  20. If he's in a movie I like, it's never because of him.
    Tropic Thunder: RDJ, Jack Black, Tom Cruise
    Fockers: Robert DeNiro
    There's Something About Mary: Everybody else

  21. He's just not funny. His parents have all the real talent and didn't pass it along to him.

  22. I've met some of his family members and they are super nice people. Never knew they were related to him until later, they never talked about him.

  23. I can't think of anything I've liked him in. His wife is pretty and seems sweet, must be a masochist.

    Freya - is Tropic Thunder good? Still haven't seen it.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. @Vera L - I like it because of the other people. Everyone else was funny to me.

  24. I wonder if the rumor is true about him having manorexia. He does look frail.

  25. Boy the Douche list is long isn't it?

  26. Doesn't he monitor his wife's caloric intake or something crazy?

    1. Yeah, she's in Nicole Richie territory too.

  27. On set I give actors a pass for not interacting--everybody has a different process and if the work's good, so be it--you're not there to make friends.

  28. I've always loved his work, so it's a bummer to hear he's a dick.

    1. NaughtyNurse, sometimes you just have to pretend you didn't read it or the joy gets sucked right out of life...

  29. That settles it - I'm going to start writing a screenplay to star all of the difficult actors/actresses in one movie, and to be directed by James Cameron. Unbeknownst to them, I shall secretly be filming a documentary to capture all the diva behavior. It will be epic! Now, what to call it?

    1. The D-Bag Chronicles. You can tell everyone the D stands for "difficult."

    2. Blogger101 - that would be epic!

  30. This is a good reveal, Enty.

  31. It seems he could be more insecure than arrogant, which isn't unusual for a gifted comedian. At any rate, I'd rather work with a star who kept to himself than the overbearing self-entitled ones.

  32. You're rich Ben. Break down, get the goldarn plastic surgery on your elephant ears so you don't hate yourself and everyone else. You know you're going to do it for your kids.

  33. If he treats his wife that way, I can't believe that his parents haven't confronted him over it. Stiller & Meara are supposed to be consummate professionals.

    Was he like this when he was best buds with Janine Garofalo?

  34. I guessed this one. I worked with him on a movie years ago and when he felt like people were watching he put on the funny guy show, but most of the time he oscillated between manic anxiety and just being an ass to everyone.
    Oddly enough, though he sometimes gets a bad wrap, Will Farrell was a doll to work with. He was friendly and engaging and took the time to talk to and take pics with hundreds of kids who were extras. Danny McBride, also a really nice and genuinely funny guy.

  35. Several years ago, an ex worked protection detail for a VIP and Ben Stiller was staying at the same resort. He said he took over the lounge area with his assistant and female aid workers/"companions". He was supposed to be in this African nation for volunteer work--can't remember which country. Got the impression he wasn't going to be sleeping alone, and was disappointed he was such a douche when not with his wife.

  36. Have never been able to stand him..

  37. Blogger101

    No matter the script, I would call it
    Val,Edward,Katherine,Steven,Gwyneth,Mike IS THE STAR OF THIS MOVIE (with all of their names struck through)

    Caption would be : You decide

  38. I hope this means he was willing to talk to DeNiro

  39. Something About Mary is the only one of his movies I have seen all the way through. He aint funny, he's a douche.

  40. Tiny Man Syndrome. He is a human elf and is mad at everyone else for it. So he overcompensates with shit like this. What a tool.

  41. @Taraji Jones I love Danny McBride and am relieved to hear he's a nice guy.

  42. Sad to hear he is such a jerk, I really like his movies. Seems very type A, he should chill out. Maybe hearing all the bad things about him is why I have no desire to see the Walter Mitty movie.

  43. I can definitely believe this about Ben Stiller.

  44. "Nah he gets a pass on bombs for being Jewish."

    Oh look, a dumbass starting off the new year with an anti-Semitic slur. Do us all a favor, pal: stick a hand grenade up your ass and pull the pin.

  45. A few people that I work with met him when he was visiting troops at an Armed Forces hospital. Not a single one of them has a nice thing to say about him. Apparently he refused to speak to or have any pictures taken with war veterans. A complete a-hole.

  46. Uhm..Jewish is passed through the mother and Ann is Catholic so o excuse.

    I blame his beaviour on him thinking he's too cool because of his parents. I studied at HB Studios and they were great in giving back. Shrimpy also went there an apparently thought that made him heir apparent.

    And for what it's worth, Tropic Thunder is a wonderful movie and he was a big part of that. "You never go full retard".
    Simple Jack.

  47. Blogger101 - awesome idea, I'd pay to watch that being filmed (not the finished product) with all those egos fighting it out. He's added to the DoucheList - you can call it that.

    I just recently saw a picture of him when he got his square on the Walk of Fame and his kids are absolutely adorable - they look NOTHING like him, he's such a troll. I feel sorry for his wife, he must be a really pill to live with.

  48. i'm so surprised by this...i wonder why he is the way he is?

  49. wow my mind is blown. never could have guessed, he seems so sweet. oh well everyone has a right to be batshit crazy. I think his wife taking that shit is also very surprising

  50. I know, right! The stories I've heard about Stiller...must be a personality disorder because his parents aren't like that. I don't know where he gets the nerve to behave on set the way that he does.



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