Sunday, January 05, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

August 7, 2013

This A++ list rapper and celebrity did not seem too worried about his marriage last week when he had the two bottle blondes brought to his suite and who stayed the night after a show. They left with $25K each for the night so they must have been doing something right and our celebrity was feeling very generous. Usually he is more of a brunette guy, so this is different.



  1. 25k? I'd sure as shit fuck Jay Z for 25k!

    1. And he'll give you the gift that keeps on giving too. Just sayin'

  2. Hey now! I'm a bottle blonde!! Call me, Jay Z!!

  3. Couldn't miss this Jay Z and Beyoncé shop for sex toys plant last week. Is this the new equivalent of 'renewing your vows'? (I think Heidi and Seal did that 6 or 7 times before the divorce.) Or is it the latest version of Will and Jada's assurances that "We have sex all the time, all over the place!" ?

    At any rate, if Jay Z and Beyoncé really needed sex toys, they could send their assistants for them, or order by mail. No need for a public outing unless they're trying to show us all how happily, happily married they are. Gold-plated indeed!

  4. If he prefers brunettes, how does one explain Rita Ora?
    Oooh, and don't forget Madge and Guy Ritchie were "caught" walking out of a sex shop too.
    I'm now waiting for celeb selfies with sex toys.

  5. I bet Beyonce isn't big on facials or swallowing.

  6. Anonymous10:38 AM

    he prefers brunette and he's married to a blonde????!!!

  7. $25k seems about right.

  8. ...and so continues my search through the world of Hollywood for a married couple who are faithful to each other...
    'Cause these two sure ain't it!#businessarrangement

  9. I doubt there is anything sexual going on between Jay-Z and Beyonce i have the feeling she prefers the ladies…

  10. If you are married to your own race, then chicks of a different race don't count as cheating.

    Especially if they are whores, cause whores aint people. You have to have a soul to be a people, that is what makes us different than animals. If I fuck a goat or a panda, would that be considered cheating on my woman? No.

    1. Um ok....I guess interracial dating is comparable to bestiality....

    2. Count! Seriously, we've talked about this! Everybody has a soul, buddy, even you.

      Also, wasn't it an area code, not a race? Like if you're out of town in a different area code, all bets are off? Don't know where sheep fit in

    3. I wouldn't try to have sex with a panda. It's a bear and all and might confuse your peen to a nice before lunch snack

  11. Huh, Count?
    Nevermind. Don't answer.

  12. Well then someone needs to tell Bey to dye her hair back brown!

  13. @Kels: No. Banging whores is.

  14. And yet again I agree with Count!

  15. Welp I guess that PR gravy train is finally running dry. And call me Jay I have a few student loans lol

  16. If whores are soulless and therefore not people, are the people who, void of emotion, fuck them and and treat them like commodities also soulless and therefore not human.

    I'm just checking. I'd hate to give Jay Z a pass on anything.

  17. @Equation: About whores or I/R extra marital boning? Actually, either way, if yer a chick, wanna get married ;)

  18. Anonymous12:22 PM

    He's SO friggin' ugly!

  19. @Trudi: No. They are just taking care of a need, like blowing your nose when it is full of snot.

    The inhuman, soulless ones would be the sociopath who manipulates the emotions of potential partners to get sexual satisfaction, not caring about the feelings of the person they are using. Cash make everything cut and dry.

  20. I have a hard time believing Jay Z was taken advantage of by a whore. Maybe she was a fan and he took advantage of her.

    Jay Z strikes me as a first class practitioner of cut and dry money exchanging transactions. From Barneys to that building he purchased in Philadelphia that was going condo as soon as enough renting tenets were terrorized into leaving.

  21. Jeez, not sure if $25K would do it for me to see JayZ's junk. Ugh!

  22. Nooooooo this betch needs to exit TO THE LEFT!!!!!

  23. It's Jay Z s fault that North West is cuter than Blue Ivy! Beyoncé should make à baby with Halle Berry's ex piece, hè makes cute babies!

  24. I wouldn't fuck him with Count's dick. He is one ugly man. I'd let my cooch close up before I'd let him come near me.

  25. 25K sure would be nice, but I ain't going there to get it.

  26. I seen a clip on a tube site were a chick shot a black bear treed by dogs, then dropped trou and bent over it so her dude could bang her before the guides got there. Primal hotness.

  27. I seen a clip on a tube site were a chick shot a black bear treed by dogs, then dropped trou and bent over it so her dude could bang her before the guides got there. Primal hotness.

  28. I'm surprised so many of you on here would sleep with him for only $25k. I would need a helluva lot more than that. $25k wouldn't even cover the Valtrex prescription for life you'd need afterward.

  29. I'm surprised so many of you on here would sleep with him for only $25k. I would need a helluva lot more than that. $25k wouldn't even cover the Valtrex prescription for life you'd need afterward.

  30. I would gladly pay Jay-Z $25,000 not to sleep with me. Having that face up close would give me nightmares.

  31. Eeew, I have Goosebumbs, I couldn't even fake my orgasm for his unattractive self. 25K ain't enough, trust me. It's a recession, that like change is worthless in 2014.

  32. Eeew, I have Goosebumbs, I couldn't even fake my orgasm for his unattractive self. 25K ain't enough, trust me. It's a recession, that like change is worthless in 2014.



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