Thursday, January 02, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

August 1, 2013

This actress is B- list. She should be higher considering she is the star of a middling network hit that has been on the air for a few years now. She was mostly known prior to the show and likes people to think that she is this perfect person with a happy home life and everything is great. Turns out though that much of that happy home life came about because of an affair she had. One she does not talk about and will not talk about if asked. She likes it swept under the rug. The whole leaving her boyfriend and father of her child and lying about the reason. She likes to tell everyone it was this plain and vanilla reason when in reality it is because she met a very very rich man who threw money at her over the course of a very short time and promised her more and she dumped her boyfriend in a split second. It took him totally by surprise as one minute everything was fine and the next, her new boyfriend had hired movers and sent a private jet and our actress was moved out of her boyfriend's place and into her new boyfriend's place in a matter of hours. The new boyfriend loves telling everyone that he is having sex with the star of a network show. Within two minutes of meeting the guy he will tell you how they met and how he broke up the family and took her away from the other guy. The actress though? She keeps saying it was all very proper and innocent and nothing tawdry happened.

Poppy Montgomery


  1. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Well I know a very experienced make-up artist who has worked with many a celebrity and she is by FAR the worst one she's ever had to make up. Rude, nasty, arrogant, you name it (second worst was Toni Collette).

    She is not a nice person!

    1. Anonymous7:51 AM

      Step forded: nooooo!!! Not OUR Toni. No one here gives a shit about Poppy, but I'm devoted that Toni is a diva... *sad face*

  2. Anonymous9:06 AM

    O/T here, but ... I've just been reading some of the very first entries from 2006 - wow, things have certainly changed!!

  3. Oh no, I liked her. This is disappointing.

  4. Interesting Step. I've heard many people say how Toni is a nasty person too.

    1. Anonymous9:15 AM

      @Renoblondee - Collette is also very stupid - she put an offer in on a house in Australia then tried to back out of it, leaving the owners in financial strife. They sued, and won ... she won't be making that mistake again (this was all openly reported in the press at the time).

  5. Her exBF I believe was the actor on Without a Trace who impregnated her character, a hunky looking guy.

    Stepforded I am sooo disappointed to hear that about Collette.,

  6. "Hello Google, my old friend..."

  7. Don't care about this blind - some people are way shallow. But like everyone else too disappointed about TC - forever Muriel to me (note to self actors are not their characters).

  8. Oh hey we made it to August!!

    1. @sandy - I know, July seemed like the month of infinite blinds / the infinite month of blinds (one or the other)

  9. Here's some interesting information about her family:

    Siblings: Jethro Tull Donahue, Rosie Thorn Donahue, Marigold Sun Donahue, Lily Belle Donahue, Daisy Yellow Donahue
    Parents: Phil Donahue, Nicola Montgomery

    Sad about Toni Collette. I so love her but when people are rude that does it for me.

    1. There's some names and a half going on in that little lot.

  10. I googled this gal and I still don't know who she is, so she probably made the right choice following the money.

  11. Sad they don't mention the wife with two children he left her for

    1. Oops enty proofreading there, he left his wife for her

  12. Wow did Shawn Sanford (her Microsoft boyfriend) ever go through a transformation! Google him and Poppy and then him and Molly Sims..... Money talks.

  13. Look at her wiki page and read her background. I don't know who writes the wiki stuff but sure makes her sound like a bitch - here is a sample-

    "Montgomery hated school, being expelled from six private academies before finally dropping out at the age of fifteen to pursue stage acting[4] and to also travel around Bali with her boyfriend at the time.[2] Montgomery emigrated to the United States at the age of eighteen, arriving in Florida to meet a boyfriend whom she had met when he was an exchange student. After five days, she realized that "[she] couldn't stand him" and then took a bus to Los Angeles to pursue an acting career.[4]

  14. lol @texasrose. I thought the exact same thing. 6 schools and travel to Bali with her boyfriend at 15? Good parenting there. Oh well, she has the last laugh. Whatever happens now, she's loaded.

  15. Ah. But still, she starred in the Lifetime movie based on my friend's book. So, I'll give her a pass.

  16. Basically her boyfriend paid for her.

    I've never heard anything good about Toni Collette, especially how she's shaved about four years off her age. She's now only 40, but she has to be pushing 45 unless she did her first movie lead at 13.

  17. I never have said anything about Toni C because the set director who told me she was a bitch is one themself, so I discounted it. Welp, this makes the second vote.

    I like Poppy M. :(

  18. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Fuck. I really liked Toni (since Muriel's Wedding). Damn.
