Saturday, January 04, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

August 5, 2013

This A+ list mostly movie actress yelled and screamed with spit flying at an employee for an hour because she thought the employee was hiding her cell phone and what would be a very incriminating video of our actress. It turns out that she had the employee confused with one who had been there the day before. Our actress did not apologize and fired the agency that kept sending these people. This will be revealed.

Halle Berry


  1. This sounds almost like the Rihanna reveal. What is wrong with people to act in such a way?

  2. Does the new agency offer "hazard pay" to the poor employees that have to deal with her? I hope so!

  3. they think they are above it all

  4. wonder if the evidence was of the beatdown they unleashed on Gab

  5. Anonymous10:49 AM

    I've come across people who've worked for her before who have not had anything nice to say ... the fact that she didn't even recognise her employee speaks volumes.

    Makes me wonder if Gabriel Aubry is a decent kind of guy who's just made out to look like a bafoon ...

  6. Chris Pine gave an interview that clearly outlined the problems with successful actors.

    They live in a microcosm where everything is done for them. After awhile they believe they deserve it. So screaming at PA's and below the line crew is in their right and acceptable.

    Halle is just a monster of her own hype.

  7. "Look at me, I'm having sex"
    "Look at me, I'm snorting coke"


    Anyway, does this mean the other assistant did actually swipe her phone?

  8. I believe Gabriel Aubry is a nice guy who feel for a monster, but they have Nalha together so he's stuck…I waiting to read about the split from Olivier…it's going to be nasty….
    Question : Have there been any photo's of the baby ?

  9. I keep telling y'all that Halle is batshit crazy, and making her child crazy. That little girl already sees a therapist. She's going to be a terror when she's a teenager.

    1. @hollywood dime When are you starting your blog? Inquiring minds wanna know.

  10. It probably does not help that some of these people were the entitled type of personality before they became famous - when you look at it objectively you have to have a big ego and lot of determination to make it in a cut throat business in the first place.

  11. Gabriel was just a simple guy from Canada, he was raised in foster care system and didn't seem well educated. He just happened to have the face of a God that got him on the global catwalk and out of Canada.

    It was so obvious Halle never loved him. Though I think he loved her. She just wanted a sperm doner and he looked good on her arm for a few years. She did support him financially more than he could ever do for himself.

    He has a temper for sure and it is documented with child services but never against Nahla.

    But he didn't deserve that beating from Oliver and the smear campaign Halle set on him.

    Though knowing he took out Kim Kardashian to drive Halle nuts was clever.

    He should get a t-shirt that says 'I survived Halle Berry and all I got was this stupid t-shirt'

  12. @timebob spot on narrative!

  13. No surprises here. Her craziness is well-documented.

  14. Halle, I love ya but giiiirrrrrrl...

  15. Why do famous people put private videos on their cell phones that can be hacked, stolen or easily misplaced?

    Does no one know about camcorders?

  16. Anonymous11:45 AM

    @timebob I would totally buy that shirt!

  17. Hollywood dime is right - she's always been batshit and most people around town know it. For an Oscar winning actress, she isn't getting a lot of high profile work.

  18. Halle, so beautiful, yet so crazy. Hope her kids don't get her crazy gene.

  19. @Timebob, agree 100% with everything you said.

  20. I love the part about her spit flying, lol. I have also previously read nahla has some develoomental problems and see a therapist for that. I think shes adorable. I like Gabe too. I do wonder why we havent seen her and ollie out and about. Hope nothing wrong with baby or halle from childbirth.

    1. @auntliddy. Nahla isn't seeing a therapist for developmental issues. She's fine in that regard. It's anger issues and night terrors.

    2. Awwww, that poor child. No child deserves that. I hope she can get away soon. Sooner than Paris.

  21. TEAM GABE! Sad to say this blind doesn't really surprise me. Wait til her and Martinez split - that should be epic.

  22. And how do we know Nahla is seeing a therapist and for what reason? That sounds like an awful breach of privacy for the wee girl.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Duh, basil, i read it in a gossip site, so you know it must be true! Lol

  23. Wonder what the incriminating video is, that would be something to look at..

  24. I would totally wear a 'I survived Halle Berry and all I got was this stupid t-shirt." Too bad most of the people I know wouldn't get it.

  25. @hollywood dime

    can't imagine what it's like having Olivier around

  26. I tried to tell you in the past that Halle was crazy as a loon. There‘s something wrong when a woman with that incredible body is so frigid and grumpy that she can’t keep a man. Both of her ex-husbands dumped her and went looking elsewhere for sex.

  27. Gabrielle is drop dead gorgeous and I feel sorry for him for getting sucked into her vortex of crazy. And @cowbells, didn't one of them beat the sh*t out of her? Not so sympathetic to the exes. She obviously has issues.

  28. Gabrielle is drop dead gorgeous and I feel sorry for him for getting sucked into her vortex of crazy. And @cowbells, didn't one of them beat the sh*t out of her? Not so sympathetic to the exes. She obviously has issues.

  29. Wesley Snipes is said to have beaten Halle and she is said to be partially deaf in one ear because of it.

    David Justice, the former baseball player, got away as soon as he could and it was about that time that someone in the business told me Halle was out of her freakin' mind. The person was female and she didn't condemn Snipes for what he did. I always found that interesting.

    I'm sorry to hear about Nahla having issues at so young an age. I think if her father had been able to gain custody maybe it would've been different for her.

  30. Halle has tried to publicly mailgn the character and often career of anyone in her life who has "wronged" her, whether it was delusionally perceived or it was real. I do not believe ANYthing she has to say about any of her ex lovers. If anything, she is the controlling and abusive party.
    I was raised by a borderline personality mother and I had constant anxiety as a child and woldn't be surprised if this is what might be going on with her daughter. Nobody knows obviously. The only indication that her daughter may have some "issues" or a disablity of some kind are that Moms on some of these blogs have noted that they see the Hugo Boss model, Gabriel?, coming out of a clinic that has occupational therapy for kids a few times a month so they have assumed it must be for her. It might. Who knows.

  31. I can't believe that years ago I actually liked this unholy bitch. She needs to disappear from public view too, and take care of herself (intensive counseling) and her family. She had a dysfunctional upbringing but that is NO excuse for behavior like this.

  32. They should put Halle Berry and Naomi Campbell in a room and lock them up. Those crazy bitches are a danger to society!
