Sunday, January 05, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

August 7, 2013

This B- list mostly movie actress with A++ list name recognition who is an America's sweetheart type is in crisis mode because she is about to be accused of homewrecking. This is not something the actress at all because she has the world at her feet and they think she is always the victim and want her to find love, but not as a homewrecker. This is not Jennifer Aniston. Think younger. Not into your 20's younger though.

Katie Holmes/Luke Kirby (and within a week of this blind there were no more rumors and no more after work dates. Nothing. It was like it never existed.)


  1. Who is Luke Kirby?

    1. @blondie he is the founder of the Kirby game! Duh lol

  2. Probably someone who was paid...a visit, Blondie!

  3. God, even her home wrecking is boring.

  4. I dunno, he sounds like some sort of cucumber. "Oooh, look! The supermarket has a sale on Luke Kirby Cuckes! They're so good pickled!"

  5. Luke Kirby was the guy she was filming with this past summer. They supposedly got close. Blah.

  6. Told y'all bitch is shady.

  7. Leave Katie alone! She didn't see any manparts for years and she is hungry, the clock be ticking! And Suri needs a bigger family.

  8. Anyway, not sure what Enty is suggesting with the 'no more never existed.' Is he suggesting that the Scientologists pulled some strings to make everything look nice and tidy again?

  9. why were there no more rumor? because it's bulls**t!

  10. I thought the implication was that she saw or was made aware of the blind and shut that affair down with a quickness.

  11. Um, He's not married.

    1. @Rhody: We will not let irrelevancies like the "truth" or "facts" stand in our way.

  12. @Rhody now why did you have to go ruin everything like that? :)

  13. @The Real Dragon--Thanks!
    @Nutty_Flavor Thanks!
    I'm always nervous about cracking a joke here, I've been lurking forever and really started commenting a few months ago.

    What I don't get is why CoS would even care if she's doing someone. At least this Kirby can't be found in the produce section.

    1. @Blondie Joke all you want, girl.

      I was joking about the kirby thing I dont really know who is he.

  14. Poor girl needs dick. She is trying to make up for the lost time w/ the closeted midget.

  15. @Blondie!, Katie is still Suri's mother, and with Suri being a potential future Great Scientologist - in their eyes, at least - I assume they'd have an interest in making sure her mother doesn't look bad. I don't think they necessarily control Katie any more, but I assume they still have the power to make a few calls to Mr. Kirby's agent, publicist, or manager.

  16. I have no idea who he is, off to google.

  17. Well as Rhody pointed out if he wasn't married what's the big fucking deal?

    Yet another sloppy BI based on possible conjecture with limited research. Yup, nothing to see here AGAIN!

  18. @Nutty_Flavor Suri might be the "great second coming" for CoS, but I have a feeling that Katie won't let her near any more CoS crazies.
    I only have a dog, but if I had a kid and TMD was my ex (MAJOR SHUDDER) I would have a portable electric fence with me at all times.

  19. Sorry Sandybrook, I only know he's not married because I had NO idea who he was and had to google him. Showin my age again....

  20. I think it's great that Katie is back in circulation. She certainly deserves some happiness in her life and if she can make a bunch of guys happy at the same time, I love the win-win.

  21. Maybe it was going to be leaked/planted by the Scientos that she left Tom to be w/Kirby…therefore she cheated and was a home wrecker? I'm grasping for meaning here.

  22. ummmmm...but Jennifer Aniston IS a homewrecker, too. Justin Theroux was in a 14-year-or-something relationship when Jen went after him. people seem to forget that.

  23. Some sites have him married to an Alison Elliott, I've no idea what's true or not.

  24. He's not married, but is engaged apparantly. According to the Canadian gossips I know, Sarah Polley cheated on her husband with him for a couple of years. He was also rumoured to have dated Michelle Williams (yes from Dawson's Creek) briefly. He wasn't attached at that time from the looks of it.



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