Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

July 16, 2013

This A+ list mostly movie actor has no idea that prior to the first date he had with his wife, she had spent the night before with this other A+ list mostly movie actor. She was working where they were filming and was determined to keep at least one of the actors. She did.

Ryan Reynolds/Blake Lively/Leo DiCaprio


  1. What a great year on the site it's been. First the introduction of Almost Reveals, and now *drum roll* Rerun Reveals. The exciting new directions are too much to take. BYE

  2. Wow so I guess you didn't read entys post or other peoples comments or you would know the reveals before 9 were all recaps for people who don't visit the site often? Cya don't let the door hit your arse on the way out *waves*

    1. +1 @Discobitch I cannot like your comment enough. Really.

  3. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Geez. I wonder if due to people spending so much time together on this site, if it has synced their menses?
    Enty was clear about repeats.
    Just. Chill. Out. Or just leave....

  4. Is Di Caprio still dating Toni Garrn?

  5. well reading ents comments is not something I do often. for lately its one of many ents blabbing, and the second is, bla bla bla follow me on twitter.

    also after reading your "or just leave" comments here is my response

    I will stay and comment as I wish to do. You may skip reading and / or commenting to that. dont care.

    see ya.

  6. BYE! *waves to Roxie, wishes her well, suggests putting in a bit of effort next time*

  7. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Sprink: I believe Roxie may also be Unknown? Both seem a little cranky! Hugs all round! I keep forgetting American hangovers from NYE are a day behind mine!

  8. I like that Unknown, and to the rest of you, I'm aware of Enty's latest hat trick here. Read my post again. You're the ones with the reading comprehension problem, which is probably a prerequisite for anyone who'd actually defend this new pseudo gossip version of the site.

  9. Anonymous9:12 AM

    She was doing what we like to call "hedging one's bets" ;-)

    ... Don't look at me like that - it paid off, didn't it? ;-)

  10. I'm more surprised that Ryan is still ranking an A+ rating here, I'd guess B- these days.

  11. There are a few unknowns, it's some sort of glitch with sync'g of google accounts. I've tried to fix it to no avail. I don't get why anyone would threaten to leave the comment section of a gossip site. Is that the equivalent of an online temper tantrum or something?
    The amount of time it takes to consistently provide entertainment for others is quite amazing. Complaints seem so ungrateful for someone who doesn't have to do this.

  12. ryan is so utterly boring and not at all funny ...he's always just playing himself ..why does hollywood continue to hire actors like him he's not even in the slightest bit sexy . and same goes for ben affleck and matt damon ..
