Thursday, January 30, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

October 11, 2013

The cheating on both sides of the relationship is fine with each of these A list mostly movie actors so I guess that means it would be an open thing rather than a cheating thing. What isn't ok with the A list male in the relationship is the drug use by his female partner. She had stopped for about a year except for pot, but she is back heavy on the one she loves most and her skin is back to that deathly pale look that makes you shudder when you see it up close. This will be revealed.

Brad Pitt/Angelina Jolie


  1. these two and their "shenanigans" are as exciting for me as watching paint dry. Call me when Angie gets Brad hooked on heroin with a tranny hooker...

  2. Who in Hollywood is true in their marriage?

    1. I know right....
      The real blind item would be...."This A list Hollywood couple has remained faithful to wash other during their whole marriage"

      I'm sure it will be a cold day in Hell before we see that blind.

  3. Angus was really typecast as Gia. Will she end the same way?

  4. They have very disconnected body language when together these days.

  5. They are perfect for each other…

  6. She is disgusting

  7. LOL, Damn autocorrect. Angie not Angus.

  8. Pitt is a moron. He could have any chick he wants and look at the heroin-addled skank he picked. He's had kids with her for fuck's sake. Shit for brains.

    1. He couldn't have any woman. He's aging, smelly and as dumb as dirt.

  9. Why doesn't Enty worry about getting sued for revealing something like this? Just because there is so much crazy stuff printed that it washes together with the rest of it?

  10. Mama Abroad - My first thought when reading this reveal was: Now hold up, how is this site not getting hit with major lawsuits making a claim like this? It does make you wonder.

    Is Angie really a junkie? Are any of you really in the know.

  11. I became concerned when she started dressing her daughter like a boy, wouldn't let grandma give her any dolls, and started calling her "John" or whatever.

    1. Aemish, the kids are off limits as far as im concerned. Having furst hand experience with a child like shiloh, im pretty sure she identifies as a he. Which is his private business.

    2. Aunt liddy, kisses to your awesomeness

  12. This one should have been labelled easy easy.

  13. @Mama Abroad: There is a disclaimer at the bottom of the site in super-micro-print to cover his ass. Maybe. I don't know. I think a *good* lawyer could destroy it with the right lawsuit. But here it is:

    "Crazy Days and Nights is a gossip site. The site publishes rumors, conjecture, and fiction. In addition to accurately reported information, certain situations, characters and events portrayed in the Blog are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Information on this site may contain errors or inaccuracies; the Blog’s proprietor does not make warranty as to the correctness or reliability of the site's content."

    Any (real) lawyers (sit down, Enty, clearly not you!) around here can confirm who would have to prove they are right in a lawsuit -- Enty or Angie?

  14. @aemish, I'm with what point did that go from letting her daughter express herself, to Angie manipulating her into what she wants?

    I mean, I walked around on all fours for a good year of my life, thinking I was a My Little Pony...but my mom didn't let me do it in public. Much. :)

  15. aemish---I cant disagree with you more on that. The young child is a tomboy who may identify with being trans at a young age. I think it is good that the parents are going with the flow and letting the kid be (herself?) she should not be forced to gender specifics in her childhood. @Susan I read a biography about her and she did H alot in her late teens early 20s and was said to quit but who knows--its not the easiest habit to kick I guess...

  16. also I read (who knows the truth) that Angie is not liking the idea of Shiloh being boyish but it is Brad that is all for it and encourages it more...

  17. @Cornbread.. right?? I mean the poor kid was only 3-years-old. All mystique for them evaporated when Brad started saying in interviews their kids keep pressuring them to get married. How would a bunch of 6-year-olds even know the difference. Had to call an immediate BS on that one..

  18. @Derek.. my kid plays with cars and dinosaurs but that doesn't make her transexual. Refusing to give her even the choice to play with dolls is a major red flag imo

  19. yeah but who knows what goes behind closed doors---maybe Shiloh has no interest in girly things and really is trans---from what I know the thought process for that etc. starts at a very young age...

    1. Dereck et al-again, first hand-this child knew at 2! something was off. Its a very troubling confusing time for the child as she or he sorts themselves out. In my case, at age 12, with 9 years of therapy behind her, she chose to identify as he. Its not just a matter of boy toys or being a tomboy. Its a matter of them in a body that doesnt feel like the right one for them. She is lucky her parents are so living and supportive. Mb others were trying to sway shiloh by forcing girlie stuff on her. If indeed this is even her situation.

  20. From my understanding, it would be Angie's burden to prove the claims are false, and then she would have to prove a loss of income to get any damages.

    99% of the time it is better to ignore than to get mired in litigation.

    Anyhow, I always heard Angie HATED Brad smoking weed. Tarantino and him had to smoke out of an apple because he was paranoid to have papers or a pipe around.

  21. @Count... Tom Cruise certainly proves that case!

  22. Oh, and disclaimers like that, don't mean anything. Like the parking lot that has a sign "We aren't responsible for items left in cars." It would probably garner an eye roll from Judge Judy.

  23. Isn't she just a wonderful UN goodwill ambassador. A role model for all citizens of the world- saintly.

  24. Shiloh, or whatever she's going by now, is the one who insisted on boys' clothes. She prefers to play with her older brothers. No one is forcing her to dress that way and it's too early to determine anything about her sexuality or gender identity.

    Jesus, let the kid be herself.

    1. Ex fucking actly.

    2. Anonymous12:09 PM

      And you're in the house are you? Who knows?! None of us. Either way phase or trans or Angie seeking attention this is a child and let's just not discuss it and leave her be until she's old enough to know and say herself

  25. Angie couldn't sue and win this one. It ain't libel if it's true. Truth is always a defense. And if even if it's not true that she's restarted -- hell, she couldn't show damages as a result of the publication of an inaccuracy like that when there's been all sorts of legit reporting on her earlier heroin use.

  26. Im skepitcal of this whole blind. They both work and they are always with kids. Always. Angie has her charity wirk, they travel alot, where does she have time to shoot up or have affairs? And Pitt himself said on bill maher he just cant smoke dope anymore, he has to be alert now cos he's got kids relying on him. So sign me skeptical to the max.

  27. ridiculously easy

    nobody believes me when I tell them I think she is a major addict.......

    1. rajacat-Oh I believe you. I was a closeted H addict for 4 years, or so I thought.Everyone knew. So when I became a public addict no one was suprised.

  28. and the speculation on Shiloh is silly

    she's a little kid

    really no way to know anything one way or another

  29. This Shiloh shit pisses me off, she chooses how she dresses, no one is forcing her. You can tell because the 2 other girls dress very girly.

    I still don't know about the heroin, she's directing a film, and seems to have lots of respect from everyone she works with. Is there such a thing as a functioning heroin addict? I don't know. Enty has aways hated her.

    1. There are high functioning heroin users - in fact it's one of the drug addictions you can be most high functioning with. The thing that usually gets in the way is money - not an issue for Angelina.

      I'd have to see some gave close ups - but appearance-wise, I totally rate the potential for her to be an addict.

  30. So basically, according to the disclaimer, things written on this site are more than likely to be BS. Also, I always imagined Enty as some fat, jobless slob who still lives with his mom, who has long but receding greasy hair...! Turns out I may not be so far off!! Lawyer my a**!

  31. Shiloh should just be allowed to be Shiloh. My daughter is four, dresses very comfortably (and often in boys clothes because she likes race cars and skateboards) and really has no interest in dolls, dress up, etc. I think she is just into what she wants - I don't think it has to do with sexuality.

  32. Good lord. Just because a girl likes comfortable clothes doesn't mean she's identifying with the male gender. I've always preferred tennis shoes, jeans and men's shirts to dresses; and climbing trees and riding my bike to playing with dolls; but I feel very much like a girl. An awesome, smart, athletic, feminine, and hetero girl, too. It sounds to me like Shiloh's an independent thinker, and doesn't give a crap what anyone else thinks, much as I did at her age. Fuck off, confused people.

  33. Mama Abroad - I would also point out that if Brad/Angie sues they can be cross examined, under oath, about the allegations. Hence, on the public record, will be a complete history of (a) all infidelities, including that when with former partners and (b) all drug use at any time during their life. You can also force testimony from any of their celebrity friends who observed/participated in any of these activities. These public discovery proceedings appear to be why Tom Cruise dropped his lawsuit about being an absentee parent - his answers were making him look bad. Hence the prefered Hollywood practice is to (a) deny and (b) send a nasty letter from a high powered lawyer threatening legal action - but file nothing!

  34. Brad is now a junkie too. There was a recent blind about his withdrawal symptoms kicking him during a flight. Csn you say John and Yoko?

  35. Brad has been looking dirty for a while, it wouldn't surprise me if he was smacking around.
    High functioning addicts are all around people.

  36. Sheesh, by the comments you would think Shiloh is having an Adams apple surgically inserted!

  37. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Hmmm double mastectomy whilst a heroin addict? Hmmm sounds quite unbelievable. What if the un goodwill ambassador isn't her PR job but the cartoon bisexual crazy was?!

  38. A fiend of mine oversees rentals for movie stars who need a house to rent while filming a movie on location. Her clients are B - A+ stars. Many times after the star vacates the house, they have to go in an paint certain areas of the house, especially the halls and bedrooms. The reason: Black tar herion. They smoke it, gets on their hands and then in the high, hold onto the walls. Smudges all over the house. Fairly common problem, she tells me.

    1. Anonymous9:01 PM

      @WritergirlinLa - Wow! Gosh, I could imagine some of the houses are left in a right state, too.

  39. And isn't Angie seeing some artist on the sligh?!

  40. @WritergirlinLa: If you started a gossip blog, I would read it.

    1. Ah thanks for the high regard. Sadly, my insider knowledge is fairly limited!

    2. Anonymous9:04 PM

      @NomNom83 and WritergirlinLa - I second that - a blog, please!

      @WritergirlinLa - have you seen the cool casting call woes blog? If not, you might get a giggle or two from this: (sorry, don't know how to make it clickable)

  41. Angie is cray cray and always has been . It has been the media that has tried to turn her into some sort of saint .

  42. This does not surprise me one bit! Have you seen pictures of her lately? There was a recent shot of her and one of the girls and the 6/7 year old's arm was bigger than AngieJo's. She looks sooo unhealthy and I don't mean in a recovering from surgery way.

  43. Anonymous1:47 PM

    I believe this one ... she's definitely on something. From the stories about her rushing into a bathroom to get a fix after arriving at an airport, to her terrible appearance (extremely emaciated and pale), there's definitely something going on. And no, I don't think it's due to her recent illness.

  44. Agree about writergirl being a great source of tidbits!

  45. Angie wasn't actually sick with cancer. She had a prophylactic bilateral mastectomy to avoid getting breast cancer in the future.

  46. Maybe she's an opiate addict and she's hooked on pills? Not so much in juecting anymore? Just a thought?

  47. She's always been a fucking junkie. The period of time when she wasn't a junkie is minimal at best.

    He's a huge pothead but that's not the whole story. It's not Jolie's fault, she didn't lead him astray. Pitt and Aniston did enough coke (and other drugs) to fell an elephant.

  48. not buying it. They've got six kids and are both super busy, career-wise.

    I SERIOUSLY doubt she has the time or energy to be doing heroin again.

  49. They probably have six nannies. And a cook. And housekeepers. Landscape crews. It's a different life. Every shot with those kids is phoned in and planned. You can't sue if it's the truth. And I still think she had cancer. These folks are not having a fairy tale life. Look at their faces. It's all right there. High functioning addicts - like the director in the movie about Gia, Sandy Linter in The Self Destruction of Gia.

  50. Shiloh looks like a kid. Angie looks like a junkie or is anorexic.

  51. Isn't there something wrong with the twins? Like some sort of developmental disorders from her drug use while pregnant? I know I read that somewhere other than here.

  52. Henriette, not to slam, but I think that's a bit on the nose. I believe those rumours are because of the child's jaw line, not because of anything much else. The kid has a pudgy face, big deal. I think it's as much a reach as Shiloh being transsexual because she plays in jeans wanted to be called John occasionally. Anyone that knows kids knows they come in all jaw sizes and insane desires. Not saying the kids can't be trans or lantern jawed or fire fighters, just that for me this speculation about the offspring is premature and a tad yuck.

    Angie though - I don't know, but she's an adult, so I feel comfortable saying that I can easily see her a heroin (or opiate) addict.

    We each have our own morality :)

  53. Personally I am not so sure this disclaimer would stand up in court - not for the blind item reveals. I am surprised and maybe it has happened but Enty has not shared this, someone with enough money who can afford sharp lawyers and is mad enough has sued anyway and is willing to test that disclaimer. Really smart lawyers can tear apart any disclaimer if they put their mind to it. Tons of case law on that very subject.

    Add to that the disclaimer is not obvious to many readers, it had to be pointed out to me by someone else.

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. I guess we must not see all the nannies because no way a heroin addict is a reliable functioning mother. And nice role model for her children.

    Yes kids, you can be philanthropic and heroin addicted at the same time.

  56. Get over yourself
