Thursday, January 02, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

August 2, 2013

This B list singer/celebrity has a boyfriend. That never stops her from cheating though. She had a meeting with this almost A list celebrity/rapper. She thought they would be alone and she wants a favor from him so invited him to her hotel room for room service and was planning on making some moves. The A lister showed up with his wife though who made it very clear that she did not appreciate the B lister or her reputation or plans for her husband. This will be revealed.

TI/Tiny/Rita Ora


  1. Anonymous9:42 AM

    She will never be faithful to anyone - she's all about career progression. Can't stand the Kardashians but what she did to Rob was pretty low even in her book ...

    1. Anonymous9:44 AM

      That came out wrong (!) - I meant - she'll only ever sleep with someone if it means it will progress her career - that they can do something for her in return. The thing with Rob was that she - allegedly - slept with 19 (!) guys when she was with him.

  2. DOH! Hahaha @ the wife tagging along

  3. Ha, he let his wife handle that for him! Rita's hair is just awful.

  4. ^^^^^^^^and all in one night too^^^^^^

  5. Gag, and she looks dirty too, poor thing still hasn't caught on that her revolving cooch isn't going to keep her working

  6. Gooooo Tiny. Handle Guess TI wanted nothing to do with Ora.

  7. Wow, she's in the wrong business if she wants to make money with her cookie. Might as well do that and save up a load of money for retirement.

  8. Poor Calvin. Isn't he worth like £gazillions though - surely he's a good bet to hang round with?

  9. What is the AGC Blog? I'm picking this up from a finished thread.

  10. AGC blog mentioned here.

  11. How is this trick B list? I have never heard a thing she sings or know of any songs from her. The only way I even know of her is from gossip.

    1. Reno, I've never heard a song of hers either. Let's consider ourselves lucky!

  12. I'm inclined to believe TIP brought TINY along to be a part of the business arrangement

  13. And tiny didn't appreciate not being included.

  14. Tiny and TI are as hood as it gets... and sometimes I need subtitles to understand her when she talks lol. But I LOVE their relationship and the way they handled this Rita situation is hilarious.

  15. You know, you can simply type in "agc webpages" into a google search and it will give you all the information that you want.

    But since we're obvs all lazy asses, here. May I also point out that Enty also provided a link.

  16. Lol Tiny's awesome. I don't know what it is about her but she just makes me happy. Us short girls need to stick together.

  17. #MM: Thanks for the link

  18. So TI isn't the sexist bastard that looks like in Thicke's song. Good.

  19. Rita Ora is more famous to me for sleeping with married men and randomly appearing in fashion mags than whatever it is she actually does.

  20. Anonymous2:21 PM

    ive kinda wondered about how faithful TI is to Tiny. I think she looks like a little odd troll, but they seems happy on their show. Oh and when she speaks! Her grammar and accent are horrible. She sounds like a complete idiot. I've spent too much time on this...

  21. This is bad a$$.
    I just decided I love Tiny

  22. Way to go, Tiny. Nice way to handle the talentless Rita Whora.

  23. Tiny consistently mentions that they have threesomes to keep the marriage spicy and keep cheating from happening. The only thing I can think of is that T.I. didn't want to get it on with Ora so he brought his wife as a get out of jail free card. Well-played T.I....well played lol

  24. Tiny and TI are definitely interesting. Her hair is just awful but you can see they love and respect each other. This reveal makes me happy

  25. You Go Tiny!!! Never understood the chemistry of TI and Tiny but you can totally see it and I totally respect it

  26. Anonymous7:17 PM

    Tiny returned a present that Chelsea handler gave TI. On Chelsea's show! Bitch is BADASS. She gave Chelsea the gift back and Chelsea was caught off guard by it. Lol

    Chelsea was uncomfortable and immediately started being catty. Most of it went over Tiny's (i think she just ignored it) head but it made for great TV.

    Tiny totally did this. Lol

  27. I'm from ATL, Sandybrook. No one should mess with Tiny and family. They'll cut a bitch.

  28. Include me in the "What in the world has Rita Ora done besides have sex with famous people?" camp.

    I recall first reading about her a couple of years ago and thinking she must be some up and coming singer.

    All I've seen this girl do music-wise was appear in a Drake music video.

    She didn't sing or perform any instruments in the video either. She just kind of stood there while staring lustily at Drake.

    I kept expecting her to bust a dance move, mouth a line in the song...something! What does she do again exactly?


    Oh to see her face when the wife walked through the door! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahah

