Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

July 31, 2013

This A+ list mostly movie actor has a kink that has gone unnoticed until his wife was spotted at the Hustler store on Sunset recently. She purchased a few things including handcuffs and a paddle. She asked the salesperson lots of questions about the handcuffs and how easily you could get out of them and how much the paddle would hurt and said she was trying to spice things up.

Matt Damon


  1. Jimmy Kimmel just exploded!

  2. No strapons though??

  3. Yay for keeping it spicy!

  4. we all called bs on this and nobody really got it right. I think we've got one more blind to go and thats it for today.

  5. I thought he was into dudes?

  6. The kink has gone unnoticed because it looks like they are newbies if she doesn't know how to work the handcuffs and wondering if paddle hurts much.

  7. Not really a big deal if they are into that. However, I have to wonder why anyone who was as fairly recognizable as she is wouldn't just buy such items online and call customer service with questions???

    1. Either he wants to jazz up his profile or it was a spur of the moment thing.

  8. Anonymous7:37 PM

    Hmmm ... good on them for keeping things exciting. He's always struck me as a bit boring though ... didn't know he had it in him.

  9. Cuffs and paddle for him or for her, eh?

  10. It could be a surprise, ya know. Being open minded does not mean its habitual. ( not that there's anything wrong with that) ;-)

  11. I would use a paddle on Jason Bourne.

  12. There are rumors he's into some kinky stuff, but handcuffs and a paddle seem a bit lame. I thought he dug South American pool boys.

  13. Pretty mild kink but the scenario seems fishy. Don't they live in New York? Just because she was shopping for cuffs, you can't assume that he's into being topped.

  14. Maybe she was buying for someone else and not Damon.

  15. Hey it could have been a gift for someone else. If it was for them then getbur kink on

  16. Get it Matt!! I think if it keeps their marriage functional that's awesome. Better than a sexless marriage or constant cheating..

  17. i can never see him as gay...maybe i'm just naive. New poster here...hello everyone. (long time lurker though :)

  18. hmm, maybe it's just me but I don't find that kinky at all.

  19. Is he the spanker or the spankee?

  20. Good to know they like a bit of fun in the marriage.
    Spankee or spanker: they can take turn.

  21. This makes me love him more!

  22. This makes him look much less boring. Good for them, spice things up

  23. I call BS on this too. They are pretty private and low key. If they wanted this stuff they're smart enough to know you get it on line and not march into a store and say you're going to spice things up. That's more Tori Spelling's style.

  24. Mainly, uh, big deal--& considering all her questions, sounds like a newbie hoping to try an unexplored 'kink' for fun.

    Also, is Damon's wife such a recognizable public figure? The salesperson may not even have known who she was til Ms D handed over her credit card. If shop folk tattle about their customers, that doesn't sound like it'd be good for business.

    --In blaming the sales-person BTW, I'm being no less presumptuous than someone stating "this actor has a secret Kink..." ;-)

  25. Perhaps the Damon couple could work out their hidden frustrations & acrimonies by taking turns w/cuffs & paddle...

    "F--k you, Affleck! [bam!]Bourne is 10x cooler than Sooperman! [swinging paddle] You over-rated a-hole!"

    "Why don't you just go away, phony Miss Dimpleface! [whoosh] Or stay at home--you can't act your way out of a paper bag with those 4 diferent facial expressions--b1tch! [smack]"
