Saturday, January 11, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

February 17, 2013

Have you wondered why this former A list tweener is working out so much? It is not just for her career, but also because she caught her husband cheating and she thinks that she can keep him if she looks perfect. She looks pretty good to me and since he has been cheating for a while with several different people, I think it might be time to just dump him.

Hilary Duff/Mike Comrie


  1. WHAT?!! There are more of these? What kind of monster did she marry?

  2. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Oh Hilary, you've always been beautiful!!

  3. Ladies, this is exactly what happens when you internalise your dude's lack of self-esteem. You can't make him feel better aboot himself by being "perfect"; gtfOOT

  4. I read they have indeed split up. Also working on body to get work.

  5. Glad she finally left him hope u find a decent man who appreciates you.

  6. Stay away from Robin Thicke, Hilary.

  7. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Good grief - this gets worse :-(

    She and her sister are absolutely gorgeous ... so sad :-(

    I do empathise with her situation though - I was in a similar one myself many years ago where I thought that if I just lost a bit more weight, he'd come back ... or if I did this / that / the other, that would bring him back ... in the end, he did come back but it was only because he didn't have anyone better in his life at the time. Everyone around me thought I was a fool but I couldn't see it. Ah well; if nothing else, it's character building.

    1. Step, hugs and hooe you git it sorted out in your favor. Im older and ive seen this ploy many times," oh honey, i wldnt cheat if you'd get ur hair done, your nails done, lose weight, wear better clothes-"its all bullshit. None of these marriages lasted, even after wife tried to "do better,". You're right, its all a learning experience.

  8. I understand that they are still best friends.

    1. Anonymous9:10 AM

      @Paint Chips - but isn't that the standard spiel they all issue? Surely the resentment has to settle in at some point in a situation such as this? I hope they do remain amicable for the sake of their little one though.

    2. @Paint Chips Think they're dedicated to parenting their kid together? Dunno, maybe they want us to respect their privacy at this time...

      (I got you, PC)

  9. apparently her mind cameback!

  10. If I was her with bucks to spare I would 1st tackle the horse teeth veneer problem

  11. Best friends my ass. That's what they all say. And behind closed doors, it's acrimonious and will remain that way.

  12. He will cheat on whoever he's with…..better rid of him

  13. I wonder if the Duffs mom is lurking. Someone claiming to be her has posted in the past. I think her name was TexasMom...You can do better girl cause he is not that easy on the eye and seems stupid---time for a real man! and Mikes family are one of the richest in Canada---over 500 million---I am sure Hilary will be sucking it to remain friends

    1. @Derek i remember that. Wasn't she actually defending Mike from one of these blinds? calling him lovely and such?

  14. *sucking it up NOT sucking it lol

    1. Anonymous9:23 AM

      @Derek Harvey - ooooh er ... I did wonder what you were implying there - LOL!

  15. Perfectionism will *uck you up for life if you don't get over it - Hilary has her own money, success - showing a failure in her marriage may have been worth the facade. Sads for Hilary.

  16. I like TTMs comment about not internalizing his self esteem. So soooo true. Well put,

  17. if anyone is fucking that Frankenstein monster is because they know he is in line for a piece of that 500 million fortune one day.

    Hillary will be fine.

  18. I'm with @Brenda L, stay away from Robin Thicke. Because I want him to come see me and I don't need your interference. lol

  19. he is not a great hockey player regardless. Dude never gets time on the ice---just a spoiled little bitch he is.

  20. He is apparently retired and he sure got traded a lot.

    From Wiki
    "He retired after undergoing hip surgery for the third time."

    Amazing he can still work it with the bad hip.

  21. I don't actually think they've been friends for a long time, I just thought it was a ludicrous statement for them to make.

  22. $500 million Canadian means they have about $40 million American. ;)

  23. @Reno and I said I thought he was unattractive and she got a little lippy lol---she seemed sweet though--she is her mother so gotta defend your kids decisions even if they are not great

  24. Damn. I hope this isn't true, because Hilary has always seemed to have a pretty good head on her shoulders.

  25. @Audrey---Not Quiet. Maybe 470 million. I assume you are joking if not enroll in a basic economics class--at least we have healthcare
    ; )

  26. oooh anyone can link that convo with Texasmom?

  27. He needs to unretire hockey has goons he needs a beatdown

  28. If Texasmom is reading this I hope you let Hilary know what good will people have for her. I think a TV show on HBO would be great for her. Something gritty and totally unexpected.

  29. @Derek...I'm Canadian too. Health care rules...and it was a joke. Our loonie is down, and I always did suck at math.

  30. audrey---haha I was not sure----just get some hate from Mericans on blogs like this so I get defensive over our land lol --sorry---no hard feelings!

  31. If TexasMom is reading, give Hillary my email, so we can set something up next time she is in the NYC area. Being papped w/ a "regular Joe" would be good for her image and a few orgasms would be good to clear her mind of all this break up nonsense.

  32. What a jerk. He was lucky to even be seen with her. She has one of the best figures in Hollywood (IMO) and she basically glows. Their son is adorable too, hope he keeps looking like mom.

  33. Anonymous1:07 PM

    Mike wasn't a very good player. He was a career 4th line player, the last string in hockey. Got traded a lot because he never lived up to the hype he was projected to be in his pre-pro days. Then earned way too much money for a chronically under-performing, over playing weight and injury plagued player. He's been out of the game for several years now from the injuries, had a total hip replacement I believe, which would make him useless at the NHL level now.

    Women need to know, if you're dating a pro athlete they have regular girls that have sex with them in every single city in their league. They're called "puck bunnies" in NHL, nowadays they even have Twitter accounts they post little subtle things about different guys on.

  34. Yes I remember when a poster claiming to be Hilary's mom was around! If she's still here … please pass on these messages of concern from us. Hillary is a great girl, she doesn't need that asshole. AND I hope she takes him for everything he has because she deserves it.

    Some indie films, maybe a role on a cable show would be great for her career.

  35. Well she finally split with him. NBA and NFL players get a lot of publicity related to their slutty ways but ALL athletes are sluts. Michael Phelps didn't get herpes by staying home and reading books.

  36. Anonymous6:02 PM

    @Aoife NHLers seem to get into especially disgusting sex scandals a lot. A player named Jeff Carter slept with a teammate Scott Hartnell's wife. Another, Martin Brodeur, cheated with then married his sister-in-law. There's been several criminal cases involving NHL prospect players involved in rape, sometimes under-aged, one a gang rape involving a group of them.

    It's sickening the demented sexual culture in the sport. Which is why I have zero sympathy for Comrie getting put on blast for cheating.

  37. @Northbynorthwest: Didn't Lindros bang a teammate's wife, punching his ticket out of Philly and leading to one of his concussions?
