Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

July 1, 2013

A former assistant sent this in, and I loved the way she wrote it so much, that I kept it pretty much as is, except for my list additions.

I work in fashion and a few years ago was working for a designer named ____________( who is amazing by the way and probably the nicest boss I've ever had). Really big. Loved by Vogue. Well respected.
Anyways she got a call from this former A list celebrity/singer who is now still an A list celebrity and working on that singing thing again's assistant who said that our celebrity loved the designer and wanted to meet with her to discuss possibly designing some couture pieces for her. The designer had done some tie dye tights that our celebrity said were "genius". Which they were.

The designer went to the celebrity's house which was huge.
Our celebrity was in bed and called the designer in. Our celebrity was completely manic and jumped out pulling open the doors to an enormous cabinet that was completely full of pill bottles. This cabinet was 6 foot high and packed to the rafters with nothing but pills. She took a few handfuls and ran into the adjoining room telling the designer that she was working on designing a collection that was really punk.

In the next room there were rails and rails of vintage dresses, vintage might be the wrong word...try 18th and 19th century dresses that would be worth at least 10 grand a piece.
And our celebrity had cut them all up. Huge ballgowns probably worn by royalty were cut to the knee and had patches of random fabrics glued and half stitched on. She warbled on for an hour about working together. She kept leaving and downing more pills and going off on tangents. The designer really wanted to work with her. But after 5 hours of "speaking" with our celebrity she finally left after the celebrity passed out cold on the floor in one big thud.

The designer said she thinks the dresses that had been destroyed probably cost in excess of 1,000,000 pounds ($1.5M).

Designer: Emma Cook
Celebrity: Courtney Love


  1. That sounds about par for the course for Ms. Love!

  2. Pearls before swine...

  3. Oh, Courtney! Not cool, missy! Not cool at all!

  4. Well at least we know where Kurt's money is going now.

  5. I saw her once on a reality show Russell Simmons had and that was EXACTLY how she acted,onus actually popping pills on camera. She was all over the place in conversation. I am surprised Emma was there 5 hours!

  6. Anonymous7:21 AM

    I thought all the money went up her arm and nose....

  7. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Doesn't surprise me in the least ... there's obviously some creative talent hiding in that mind of hers though ...

  8. Wtf? this was revealed last week!Lame.

  9. so far ,2 reveal from last weak.keep it up.i love it

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