Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

July 27, 2013

This A list singer/former A list tweener made five women stand naked in his hotel room before they were allowed to talk to him. While they were standing there they were talked about and leered at. There were more women originally but some gave up and one was pulled out of the lineup because one of the guys there wanted to have sex with her and another two were kicked out for being too fat. This will be revealed.

Justin Bieber


  1. These Bieb ones are all too obvious and yucky. lol

    1. And this was already revealed.

  2. quite similar to the earlier one (what 6 hours ago) where he didnt do anything either

  3. Please retire, please retire, please retire

  4. Women? What grown woman would be stupid enough to do this for Bieber? Most of his fans are little girls.

  5. Those women are dumb. Da fuk you getting naked for Bieber?

    I sleep with Carrot top(yes I said) before I tried to do him

  6. He needs to be vaporized.

  7. he's such a rude little turd...he makes me throw up in my mouth. would love to laugh at him naked and see how he likes it.

  8. This kid is disgusting. So glad his album and movie are tanking.

  9. "I wasn't good enough for Justin Bieber" sounds like the first line of an after-school special.

  10. Again, as Ol'OneEye said, nobody can MAKE these women do this shite - that's low self esteem and poor parenting at it's best

  11. he's a twat and the girls should know better. No self-respect at all. I wish girls/women stop putting up with this kind of crap. Bieber needs to go on the naughty step and think very hard about what he's done. tsk

  12. They LET him do this.

  13. For the love of God, no more Bieber blinds for 2014...I don't even know why these are over this dude...

  14. No guns were mentioned in the story, so the women were free to leave at anytime. In fact they were free not to show up in the first place.

  15. They do it because, as Kanye said, "She got one of your kids, got you for 18 years".

    1. @Aoife. Now He ain't saying she's a gold digger

  16. @trudi, so right, sad but right.

  17. Can somebody tweet this to his Mama? Clearly the tattoo of her eye on his arm "watching him" isn't doing the trick

    1. Sunny, um I think he just wears long sleeves. Or leg warmers on his arms. His Mamma's eye is doing a bang up job!

  18. Has anyone socked him in the face yet?

  19. I always assume these blinds are exaggerated or straight up made up but I believe this.

  20. Christ girls, have some self-respect!

  21. That scenario is borderline pimping, and it's a little known fact but California has a rather harsh criminal law against pimping. Maximum sentence is something like 5 years, IIRC.

  22. I blame the women for putting up with this shit. The fact that they did it with Bieber makes it 10x worse. Losers.

  23. Justin is a living, breathing morality tale.

    I wish his mom had not allowed him to blow up like he did. I wish she had insisted he not work so much because unlimited money, drugs, hangers-on, yes men, and teen girls throwing themselves at you day and night as well as being told you are a "god" would be very difficult to navigate at the age of 40, much less the immature ages of 16-19.

    Yes, he's a little shit, but he didn't get that way all by himself.

  24. Again, "made" them???? Uh no. Nobody made them do it. They were there willingly, the desperate fame whores.

  25. Beiber is not going to be alive and functioning much longer. The best he can ever hope for is the Lindsey Lohan territory.

  26. I don't usually hope for tragedy to befall celebrities ('kay... that's a lie, I usually do) but Bieber is a special case. Seriously, I'm sure there are people (1 or 2 anyway) who actually give a fuck about that little piece of shit, but this planet would be a slightly better place without him or his nauseating sista from another motha, Hannah Montana. In fact they're #'s 1 & 2 in my death pool this year. Crosses fingers...

  27. This makes me want to throw up.

  28. Dumb women and pathetic men. Hope they used protection.

  29. Hopefully this will be the year that the Beebs is put out of OUR misery.

  30. No sympathy for those skanks. He probably could have spoon fed them dogshit and they wouldn't have left.

  31. It's not as though being a groupie isn't as old as time. Absolutely nothing new about this.

  32. I hatez this repulsive little tyrant. Fly his a** to N. Korea and drop him out of the plane without a parachute.

  33. Anonymous7:40 PM

    Someone needs to make him enrol in military training to sort his shit out ... otherwise, in 10 years' time we're going to be hearing the stories of how he has resorted to living in his car, eating McDonalds once a day as that's all he can afford, and how his "friends" have left him.

  34. @The Actress
    Is your avi of Franz Josef?

  35. @Alita
    Or perhaps a shrug :)

  36. that little fetus is sick, I am looking forward to him becoming another Corey feldman like loser

  37. Anonymous5:41 AM

    They just don't make groupies like Bebe Buell anymore.... At least she fucked TALENTED people who didn't have a willy akin to a button mushroom

  38. How can he make a woman stand naked?

    They allowed him to do this so shame on them for being stupid little girls.

  39. He is absolutely disgusting. I'm glad he is becoming irrelevant. I predict he goes through his money too.
