Monday, January 06, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

August 8, 2013

This former A list singer/reality star and now just a C list celebrity trying to stay famous made a whole lot of people angry last night. Our former star was throwing back booze like prohibition was on the way back. On one of her trips to the bathroom she literally slammed into another table and knocked everything off, including an entire bottle of wine into the lap of a man. She didn't even say sorry, just kept stumbling to the bathroom. This will be revealed.

Ashlee Simpson


  1. Still sounds like basic twenties stuff!

    1. At twenty-freakin-right years old?! A divorced mother of one?! No. Just no. Souls more like typical addict behavior, actually.

    2. *sounds*

      Stupid iPhone!!

  2. Anonymous10:33 AM

    I haven't seen her pictured with little Bronx in ages ...

  3. What I would like revealed is when in the f*ck Ashlee Simpson was A list.

    ..Yet Kate Winslet is a B

    1. +1. How the hell and when did she make A list?! If having made front page of tabloids or front page of the entertainment section of USA today newspaper for lip synching gets you A list recognition, than I'm on my way out to stand infront of a crowd and show my ass! That should get me A+! FFS

  4. She was almost A list before the SNL fiasco.

  5. She was in the big time for one hot moment back in the day.

  6. Exactly, Bacon!

    Are you (Enty) actually saying she's in the same league as Madonna, Beyonce, Lady Gaga, Cher, etc.? Please, time to either revise your list or drop it all together.

  7. I would love for someone to post a video of the sexual hoops Asslee would jump through for an 8-ball. You know if she is that much of a mess there has to be cell phone sex footage out there.

    1. Liberally apply Valtrex to your eyeballs before viewing. Rinse. Lather. Repeat.

  8. Pieces of Me was a HUGE hit. She was very big for a hot minute.

  9. She'll aways suffer from ugly swan syndrome, plus having to compete for men up against her sister and father, it's a no win for her. Poor thing, pass her another drink!

  10. Sounds like she was f'ed up- while they were probably mad don't think the people at the table expected an apology from drunk slut bumping table on way to puking in the bathroom.

  11. I'm not going to lie I bought her first album and her second.. What? She was in

  12. "drunk slut bumping table on way to puking in the bathroom" ... I'm stealing this.

    1. Harry - every once in a while I can turn a phrase:)

    2. It's absolutely perfect Texas. I'm still laughing!

  13. @TTM thats right. Totally me last friday lol

  14. Wow, Real Dragon, thanks for the confession, hope you can walk around a little taller now. Good purge.

    1. @kimba took me while to admit. I was in Denial. The first step to recovery is to admit the truth.

  15. Being a one hit wonder does not an A list make.
    As Surfer pointed out, check those names.
    If having one HUGE hit makes you A list then Splender,Eiffel 65,Westlife,Joan Osbourne,9 Days,Meredith Brooks etc need to start checking this site to find out how A list they are.

  16. Right-o you never do see her with Bronx. Apparently that's a good thing.

    And I never piss about the ratings but come on! Kate Winslet nom'd 4 times for an Oscar and she's a B+ but Asslee had ONE hit and she's former A? Oh hail naw.

  17. I can't believe I forgot Baha Men.
    And Billy Gilman.

    A LIST!!!!!

  18. Right Said Fred :) Big Country :))

  19. Yeah, but he did say A list REALITY/singer, so...... He didn't say A list singer or actress. Makes sense for her status back then. She was A list reality/singer. Just like KK is A list reality now. Sucks, but true.

  20. Ratings are in perspective - if Real Dragon bought her two (ahem) albums, at that time maybe, RD may have rated her as A (Dragon, just using you as an example, calm down!). Maybe Enty's has a like-on for Ashlee, this is how he tells us?

  21. You're on the road Dragon, don't stop!

  22. she sang that song "I did't steal your boyfriend" about Lindsay and Wilmer

  23. Reno, he listed singer first.
    Hahaha sandy, When in Rome,Stacy Q,Cece Peneston,Chumbawumba,Macy Gray

    We could do this all day..

    Kimba, sure it's subjective but I highly doubt Nickleback would be listed as A here and hands down they have sold faaaaaaaaaaar more albums than ashlee.

  24. @Bacon theres a facebook page called 27 million Nickleback fans cant be wrong lol

  25. I don't understand Nickleback Count, and I'm Canadian.

  26. I'm one of 'em Derek :)
    Well, not a FB fan but I own a greatest hits cd. I like their sound. It's mindless driving music, kinda caveman style.
    You know, if back in the day cavemen had electric guitars,mics and good producers. Like that.

    I just block out that the lead singer is a dick.

  27. Wait what?! She didn't even do the look over her shoulder and say "MY BAD!" ?!?!?!

    How gauche!

  28. Atta boy, Derek!

    Nickelback is only wrong because they only have the one song. Sometimes they play it fast, sometimes a little slower, but it is almost always the same song. Like The Offspring without the awesome self-awareness.

    BTW, Macy Gray is not a one-hit wonder. Her first album is fantastic in its entirety.

  29. Sounds like she has problems. I also can't remember the last time I saw her photographed with her son. She probably was pretty close to an A reality star at the time. I do admit to buying her CD, I really liked her song pieces of me.

  30. The charts don't care about how great an album is, TTM. If that were the case everyone would know who Sass Jordan is.

  31. Sass Jordan is amazing. And Canadian. Is is Canadian music day on here?? Lawrence Gowan!!

  32. OMG - Sass Jordan. Now that's a name I haven't heard in, well, forever.

    And for you TTM, how about Celine Dion, Justin Beiber and Bryan Adams, to name a few?

  33. BNL! Still remember hearing "the old apartment" for the first time. Also being astounded that a friend memorized "One Week" for karaoke.


  34. Rush and April Wine are Canada's greatest exports!

    1. @Sandybrook I thought it was oil and crystal meth?

      Kidding TTM!

    2. Kristin and sandyboo, it is TOTALLY weed, not meth, sillies. Hate Rush with the fire of a milllion plus one candles.

    3. @TTM I was wondering where you went. I understand. I had to take a small break, too.

  35. Am I the only noticing the abuse of wine here? Who lets an entire bottle of wine dribble onto their lap? Sad (hic).

    But we'll always have Ashlee's drunken times at McDonald's.

  36. McDonalds is the perfect place to take drunk bitches to eat nothing there breaks

  37. And Bruce Cockburn..Just adding to the Canadian awesomeness.

    1. LOVE Bruce Cockburn, although trying to pronounce his name got me a LOT of timeouts as a kid. For everyone's sake, it's COE-burn

    2. Ah, I graduated in May and wrote my entire thesis to Lovers in a Dangerous Time. I would listen to it for HOURS on repeat. Always meant to listen to some of his other songs... although, TTM, if his last name is really pronounced like that, I feel a bit disillusioned.

      (Frequent lurker, infrequent poster!)

    3. Yay for lurking turning into posting, Theodora!

      I love that song, Barenaked Ladies did a great cover of it. Have you heard Wonder Where The Lions Are? That's another big one for him. And sadly, yes, no roosters at that table, it is all COE and no show.

    4. Ah, thank you, TTM! I have been lurking for years so it's only right at this point!

      I actually did hear the BNL cover first and liked it so much that I checked out the original. Listening to Wonder Where The Lions Are right now! Also, "all COE and no show" is the best thing I've heard all day.

      (OMG, Wikipedia tells me he also wrote and performed the Franklin theme song. WHAT?)

    5. Bwahaha! I can totally hear that now that you say that; I have little kids, apparently I listen to Mr. Cockburn alla time!

  38. And his ex Joni Mitchell!

  39. Bitch, don't spill my wine!

  40. Alannah Myles! I made a complete fool out of myself with her AND Sass Jordan as well as Lawrence Gowan when I worked at this one hotel. It was fantastic, all these awesome acts (like Honeymoon Suite!) but also kind of torture because nobody else I worked with knew who they were. Johnny D!

    Also, Corey Hart! Gino "Sex Bomb" Vanelli!

  41. Harry if you are just doing a random google on Sass, you are robbing yourself.
    Check out "You don't have to remind me" and tell me that woman doesn't know blues.

    1. Bacon, I just gave "You don't have to remind me." a listen and I can state to you unequivocally, based on this recording, that Sass doesn't know Blues.

      Hang on to your hat!

  42. Leonard Cohen, tell me a story, and pass me the wine (still on holidays!). Love Sass too - amazing.

  43. I'm sorry, I really am trying to comment less, but I adore Leonard Cohen. One of Us Cannot Be Wrong and Famous Blue Raincoat, I'm Your Man, he's a gdang national treasure

    1. @TTM, why are you trying to comment less? Your comments are gold! And I must agree about Leonard Cohen, I <3 him!

    2. @LowKey, thank you! But sometimes it gets on people's nerves, so I'm trying to limit myself. NOT working! Leonard Cohen is amazing, remember the Closing Time video? Le sigh

    3. @TTM: screw the haters. You're awesome!

    4. Thanks, LowKey! You can tell it's not really working anyway. Can'

    5. Anonymous3:57 PM

      @TTM, Closing Time, recorded while Leonard was drunk - makes sense when you listen. Good times!

    6. @Cocoa, it does sound a little "drunk-osophy" but is also totally awesome for it. I would so get drunk with that man, can you imagine the stories??

    7. Anonymous6:25 PM

      @Talks, I'd get drunk with Leonard just to hear that graaaavelly voice!

  44. TTM, Famous Blus Rain Coat is in my top 5 songs off all time. It makes me tear every time in hear it played.

  45. Haha ttm @ gino vanelli! I hear he still draws at crowd of older Italian ladies on the casino niagara circuit.

  46. I know, Kimba, I feel the same. The fact that he was shacked up with Rebecca DeMournay just blows my mind.

    You laugh, urban chaos, but Gino Vanelli could still totally get it. What with all that carefully combed chest hair with shirt open to his waist, and curly perm-look hair, hot stuff. What casino was this??

    Dizzel, was Gowan awesome back then, too??

  47. @TTM, what Low Key said! Phuque the rest! :D

    You keep being your fabulous chatty self, girl!

  48. I'm shuddering at Gino Vanelli memories from disco days...

    I just wanna stop...

    Coming for you, TTM! *shakes fist*

  49. Thanks, Meanie. Sorry about Gino! I just wanna STOP!! And tell you how I feel

    Kristin, you're not allowed to go away, though. You're the funniest thing ever. I have this idea that you are Tina Fey with a " recreational" drinking "habit".

  50. @BaconRanch--if we ever get drunk at a dive bar I will pay your drinks if you promise not to go near the jukebox---totally different tastes in tunes haha---HATE Barenaked Ladies (the band) dont care for the real deal either ; )
    @TTM--I thought we discussed your Gowan obsession? lol--keep away from the Gowan before you tend to scare him
    @Krisitn--yes A.H. was amazing and cant wait to see Her.
    @Sandy---thats more my scene for Canadian music--Joni and Neil but as a Canadian I cant ignore the great indie bands like: Arcade Fire (though they seem to get enough attention), Broken Social Scene, Constantines, old school Sloan, Feist, so much great new talent coming from our "boring" country.....

  51. NOBODYS ALLOWED TO LEAVE ANYMORE! Hehe. And then there's Gordon Lightfoot. And The Hart Family

    1. Man! Got me with the Lightfoot! If You Count Read My Mind (the depressed Canadian version, not the dance version) and The Wreck of Edmund Fitzgerald , all golden.

      Now I'm definitely gonna get in trouble, if Wendy Davis or someone with a lot of consonants in their name shows up, I just left.

  52. @Derek always continue to support indie music and your college radio station that plays it.

  53. Let me tell you something Harry

    We can talk John Lee Hooker, Professor Longhair,BB King all day long

    How would you classify Joplin?

    Listen to the damn song again,

  54. I don't want to listin to the damn song again. It wasn't very good the 1st time and it won't be any better the 2nd time. And it sure as Hell isn't Blues.

    Janis Joplin was/is the worst vocalist in the history of recorded music. A screeching trainwreck of a singer that for me and many others was unlistenable. So many people hold Joplin in reverence but all I can think when I hear her is "turn that awful fucking noise off".

    Now sit back and enjoy real Blues, done very well.

  55. Serves you right to suffer.... Serves you 'right to be alone...

  56. Seems legit. Farrah Abraham is former A-list, too, ya know.

  57. ugh. This is a post about Ashlee Simpson and you people go around and ruin this post with your mustang sally bullshit. I am going to bed and cranking Pieces of Me in her honor. ; )

  58. Well, there ARE a lot of good bands currently in Canada, we didn't totally end in the 70s. There's Tegan and Sara, City and Colour, Mother Mother, Finger Eleven, Christian Hansen, 10 Second Epic, LOTS of good music. Humour us old people, Derek, it's only polite.

  59. Tragically Hip always and forever!



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