Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

July 19, 2013

This former A list tweener who is in this space frequently picked up two women and made them have sex with each other in front of our former tweener and his friends as a condition to being with him. They agreed and were filmed the entire time. There is some question whether one of them is over 18. Neither ended up having sex with the tweener who passed them off to his friends while he watched.

Justin Bieber


  1. What a chooch head. Seriously.

  2. Usually I like to play with my toys first, I have to give him props for sharing!

    plus: GROSS

  3. We knew this give us juicy stuff Entybot!

  4. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Those who can't do..... Teach, or in his case, watch. Little perv even needs to get other people to fuck for him

  5. I surprised one of the girls didn't kick the snot out of him

  6. I could've done without being reminded of this one.

  7. In front if his bodyguards mynerva? They'd kick a little girls ass!

    1. If I worked for that turd I let anyone kick the crap out of him

  8. "Made"?? Does he have evil genius, mind control powers? Ladies, have some self-respect.If you "want" to do that, cool, but don't claim that you were "made" to do that. Remember, V is like Kryptonite to dudes.

    1. This. Do what you want
      But don't say you were made
      To unless you actually were.

    2. Having said that, he's an assbag of the highest order sometimes...

  9. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Ugh! This guy is such a douche!!!

    Hopefully he'll keep his word and "retire" this year!

  10. +1 @Kristin...I loathe Bieber BIs and their subsequent reveals.

  11. Some people should have to wear 'stupid' collars.
    When they do something stupid to the nth degree, they just burst into flames.

    Sure the hotel would have had to deal with a fire. I'm sure they have insurance.

  12. The idea of him watching with his friends is more sickening than anything else--imagine this hairless wonder giving commentary while he's bonding with his boys. Gross.

  13. He won't be allowed to retire. Too much money is being made off him but then again, his documentary bombed. This may be his final year.

  14. I think every 10 minutes would be sufficient!

  15. Anonymous9:56 AM

    @ Bacon : I just envisioned Bieber in an Elizabethan dog cone, unable to scratch himself or sniff his or others' butts.

  16. He is, without a doubt, a maggot....the friend, a slimy leech and the girls, skanky whores to allow this.

  17. he's a nasty, disgusting waste of air whose mother should have swallowed him.

  18. I am firmly convinced he is a she, or at the very least a he/she. He's just so damn fragile and effeminate looking.

    1. You mean his big boy muscles haven't convinced you that he is a testosterone filled studly man?

    2. Anonymous10:15 AM

      Ha ha mynerva! My sister in law is PCOS and has more male hormones (& I must say, a more impressive moustache)

  19. Or spit him out. Either, or.

  20. I remember when I thought he was a sweet kid. Geez, what the hell happened?

    1. I know! He was annoying but harmless for a good 15 minutes there...

    2. Anonymous10:13 AM

      Baba: Attila the Hun was probably a cute kid too.

  21. GROSS! Don't these Tweeners have any morals at all?

  22. Enty, can we say no Bieber blinds for 2014? Please??? Love you forever???

  23. mynerva-love your pic

  24. Thanks Beth! Looks like its going to be particularly apt today

  25. Anonymous10:11 AM

    I was watching something on TV a few months back where a reporter asked his mother if it was true he was tiring of the whole pop star lifestyle and wanted to take a break (this was before he announced his "retirement"). She looked all cross and responded that it was the first she'd heard of it, that she'd have to have a word with him because that would not happen. Guess more than a couple of people rely on him for their "lifestyle".

  26. I don't wish rape on anyone but if Justin just HAPPENS to get butt raped, well, i'm cool with it

  27. no more about this little creep, please. As an everyday lurker, I implore you to ignore the impulse to please the twice yearly tourists and drop any more reveals about this douche - just him - I'll put up with stupid ones we already know as a courtesy if you do this one thing, otherwise, you are dead to me, Enty - I've already curtailed my habit to twice weekly, but today I'm delaying the preparation of dinner to revel in reveals and this is just pure disappointment, Enty, a big letdown - just this one little piece of shit shouldn't be too much to drop on today of all days, no?

  28. I wish Cy-virus and Beiber bug had a cure, and end my misery. Oh to never ever hear of either of them again would be so pleasant.

  29. Bacon Ranch, I couldn't agree more. And I'm picturing those collar things from one of those futuristic movies. I think it's doable!

    Someone needs to beat the ever-loving shit out of this little twerp and permanently send him back to Canada. (Sorry, Canada.)

  30. I wish he would post the video to a tubesite.

  31. Proofs Bieber really is King Joffrey: just watching and being a douche.

  32. Ever notice Bieber's strange posture..Where would you place him on the chart?

  33. Gad, I hate this kid. I wish he would vanish and take Rihanna with him.

  34. His father has continually also tried to pick up my 20 year old daughters friends whenever he was in town. They're no longer fans of his for so many obvious reasons.

  35. Joan Rivers and the gang picked him as worst of the year 2013. They were talking about fashion but he's at the top of worst lists in several categories in my opinion.

  36. Maybe the girls were forced by the entourage? For real?

  37. My guess is that watching is all he CAN do. Pisher.

    And for any who might not know what that means, from Urban Dictionary:

    Yiddish word to describe someone who is arrogant, spoiled, and conceited, and thinks he is a big deal. Literally means an adult who is still in wet diapers.

  38. He didn't make them, he just found some desperate girls who would do anything for a chance at the Beibs. No respect for any of them.

  39. Nobody really talks about Beiber being gay, but I have always thought he was. He is waaaay down with bros and sees women as hos. He loves to watch his bros have sex in front of him. Everything about his life is geared towards impressing his bros. This is so easy to see, IMO.

  40. what a scummy thing to do.



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