Saturday, January 04, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

August 3, 2013

This A+ list celebrity who used to be a pretty popular singer and a horrible actress was talking to friends the other night about the time she hooked up with this A+ list mostly movie actor a few years ago. They had dinner and then went back to her hotel. Apparently the actor had way too much to drink because he was not getting up to speed so to speak and our celebrity started laughing when he wanted her to talk dirty because he had an accent and she could not understand him because he was slurring and she started crying from laughing so hard and he just got up and walked out and never spoke to her again.

Jessica Simpson/Gerard Butler


  1. Wouldn't have guessed simpson hooked up (almost) with him. Good reveal.

  2. Seems like every actress has had their Gerard butler escapade

  3. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Sounds like a win-win.

  4. Gerard Butler is A+?

  5. Read another version of this hook-up, they dated a few times and she told him she loved him and took off so fast he left a dust trail…
    This was while he was in New York making The Bounty Hunter…

    1. Misch - thanks. That version makes more sense. I guess she is not spreading rumor about him having a small dick because too many others to refute it so she went with the he couldn't get it up slam which, if you think about it, might actually reflect poorly on her too.

  6. Anonymous9:22 AM

    It's rude to laugh at somebody that can't get it up.

    1. @Fancy, not if it's.Gerard though. He's fair game.

  7. That's a great dinner party story for Jessica.

  8. All the women that have ever gotten together with The Butler should exchange notes so that future women can decipher his slurred speech. It could be considered charity work at this point in his career. Help a poor foreign fellow out, so to speak, so he won't get laughed at again.

  9. Misch, sounds like a little tit for tat, who knows what the truth is with this self centered celebrities.

  10. I read that one right after it happened…he was juggling Jennifer and Jessica….
    God women are stupid…

  11. fancyscreenname,
    She didn't laugh at him because he couldn't get it up. She was laughing at him because he was drunk and slurred his words with his accent and it probably sounded like cross between Daffy Duck and Elmer Fudd. To be honest it was any other actor besides him I would say that they probably dodged a bullet. But it is Gerard Butler ..... so

  12. Anonymous9:31 AM

    I am already feeling frustrated. I tried once to hook up with a scottish. very handsome just like Butler. couldn t understand a word from what he was saying. Is just me and the Simpson who thinks they are overated in bed? Jesus epic failure lovers

  13. she shlda tried out Double Dick Dude.
    if one fails, maybe the second wrks?

    1. Warecat, that was pretty uhm, interesting.

    2. Oh gawd, Ware Cat!!! LMAO

    3. Anonymous9:44 AM

      I can't get enough of DDD and his sexual stories of eight-somes!

  14. Well add it to the CDAN blind reveals that suggested Brandi Glanville experienced something similar only the white powder was the culprit. Was she lying when she rated him an 11?

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Well you don't need an accent to be unintelligible when you are drunk, LOL.

  17. @Ware I could not stop staring. Is that real?

  18. Did you rnead double dicks ama? Very enlightening :p

    This cracks me up, it's not like he has erectile dysfunction, he just has a case of whiskey dick. But its the accent/slurring/Jessica crying that gets me

  19. dudes legit.
    i read about his sexual experiences on reddit.
    pure nightmare fuel.

  20. jinx J!
    u owe me a coke!
    preferably diet,
    or another version =p

  21. Anonymous9:45 AM

    Might I just add, Jessica usually needs things explained via pictures. She doesn't do too well with diction. Poor dear.

  22. OMG i live in a world where someone thinks Gerald Butler is A+ list actor!!!,,20314765,00.html

    I guess Butler flirts with every attractive woman

  23. DoubleDickDude was offered a porn contract from some outfit who makes bi dude porn.

    Whiskey dick is great when you are drunk enough to take home a bar hag. Not so much when you have a prime cut in bed with you.

  24. Anonymous10:13 AM

    He sure does get around ...

    Jessica aside though, he seems to have the most lousy taste in women ...

  25. DDD is killing me! I saw the AMA yesterday and clicked on the NSFW pic but the Twitter is even better!

    "We think the left fork narrowed some since."
    "My X-Man name is 8-skin."

  26. Glad that virginity contract worked out for her.

  27. He should of just taken a giant shit on her like John Mayer did and THEN walked out.

  28. Warecat is Colombian ok?

  29. I have spent entirely too long on DDD's Twitter and AMA. Thanks, CDaNers.

  30. I thought he was dating Jen when he was doing The Bounty? Anywho I think she dodged a bullet. He is a straight hoe.

    P.S. I'd been laughing too.

  31. I always had a soft spot for Ms. Simpson. This just makes me like her e'en more. She does seem to have some bad taste in men, though...

  32. Anonymous11:24 AM

    I just can't imagine what these two would have to talk about over dinner.

  33. See, why can't we see a celeb sex tape like that? It would be classic. Butler, drunk, naked and limp. Stroking himself slurring "Eyye I am gonna stick this up you arse" While Simpson sat there befuddled at what he was saying.

  34. I read DDD's AMA yesterday night, and could not stop laughing. And I thought 2014 is gonna be crap..!
    (PS: I think DDD is fake, but still, the comments in the AMA! A++++)

  35. Bwa ha ha, Good for J Simps, and she can consider that a bullet dodged. Allegedly G Butts don't like to wear condoms... and always gets his way.

  36. Dude wouldn't be using his mouth for speaking if he was with me.

  37. Anonymous1:13 PM

    2 sides to a story peeps.....And Butler is not talking and never take it several ways...assumption and speculation, earlier IF he was drinking who is to say Simpson tried to make a move and he dissed her...pissing her off. Speaking of pissing do we not know with the previous stories for example about Butler they were not made up or "enhanced" to make it look like Butler was as many assume he is because he pissed some person say a woman trying to make a move on him...and he dissed her...she was hurt so payback.....there are no saints in Hollyweird....and Butler is not the only one in that town, yet many carry on like he is and he is the only one who does as he is accused of. Also, not saying what is said is all lies,but it only takes one person to start a rumor and a fool to believe it without confirming with the second party. I have partied with the best of them, and the women that go after Butler, even those who have been drinking their kiss and tell stories should be given with a "and what did you do"....I know several who have dated him and also hung out....and not one has anything bad to say because it was a mutual agreement tween the 2. And living in Hollyweird I do not pass judgment because there are 2 sides to a story....and everyone looks for their 5 minutes of Simpson, Granville...etc. If Butler was to say enough, here is what I did and said...I am sure then and only then would there be something worth commenting about then crap like Simpson, Granville, etc....Peace.

  38. LMAO .. this, with the Lohan story... Gerard does alot of walking out ~

  39. Hold up!

    Last year, I read this exact blind, but the answers were Britney Spears & Colin Farell, right before the time of her breakdown.

    Could it be that Enty just recycles Blinds, using different people for the answers???

  40. Poor Nick Lachey allegedly had to wait for their wedding night. He would have been better off letting her marry someone else before him and then dating her after her first divorce.

  41. First, he barely dodges a Lohan Double-Team. Then, dodges Simpson? That dick has had come close calls. It probably goes flaccid as a defense mechanism.

  42. Dumb and dumber. She is too stupid for word, can't understand how she has become a multi-millionaire on her "designer" duds. She can barely sing and absolutely cannot act. And as for him, jeez, what a dunce.

  43. Omg Dennis relax! It happend to every guy once in à while! Teeeeeheeeeee

  44. lol that's a very funny one
