Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

July 31, 2013

This B- list mostly movie actress with the husband who is one of the most famous celebrities in the world right now, but just as much of an a-hole as ever was a bit upset this week. The actress made significant changes to her current movie and everyone said thanks and the producer and director told her how important it was and she believed them. They didn't use any of her suggestions and all the time and effort she put into the extra work was for nothing. She walked out of the premiere early, and was about as angry as she has ever been in her life, and remember who she is married to, so that is saying something. The rest of the press run should be exciting.

Paula Patton/Robin Thicke


  1. Oh, the dashing, daring dream that is Robin Thicke.

    Who wants more wine?

    1. Hehehe @7, alliteration makes me giggle!

    2. Yes please Seven!

  2. This couple intrigues me in a creepy way.

    1. @ Reno I wouldn't mid having a threesome with them. Of course would have to be coked out tho.

  3. I'm just happy when people bother to humour me. Genuinely appreciate it. Because basically what happened here is she wouldn't shut up making unwanted 'suggestions,' and instead of saying 'close your pie hole,' people - more than one of them! - went to the effort of pretending they gave a crap. Count your blessings!

  4. At least she's got a hot hubby. He may be smarmy, but damn…I'd do him!

  5. Doesn't she know that for the director or producer to listen to her she needed to bang them?? That's Hollywood 101.

  6. Im not making it to the August blinds @7 but thx for asking. I may not even make it thru July 31st :(

  7. Bring back Robin Thicke reveal day. Yay!!!

  8. Is she in that Remy commercial with him? If so, She's a terrible actress and her bedroom eyes look like she's fighting a sneeze.

  9. Ahhh!!! We've made it to the Robin Thicke portion of the reveals! These are the ones that are very close to Enty's heart!

    On another note, I have to wake up at 5 for work... not sure how much longer I can hang. Sigh.

  10. Kim Novak said Hitchcock listened to her objections and said Do it my way but thanks and she left the office and dealt with it. They placated her when they should have been honest. I'd be pissed too.

  11. Hope this is not the last reveal. Something really juicy at the end would be mucho appreciado.

  12. A friend of mine bet me there wouldn't be an August reveal tonight. If there is, I have to reveal my # AND my name. Stupid wine.

    1. @seven I think we are going to hit august. What time does it end? 11pm eastern time? Enty probably reveal some tomorrow.

  13. I am hanging onto this tiny little thread of affection for Robin Thicke. Paula Patton is gorgeous, but wasn't very good in the one movie I saw her in, Precious

  14. I've never heard him sing, is he THAT good? So good that he is the one in the relationship?
    Either way, it seems she may have been too big for her britches and they were humoring (instead of firing) her.

    Boo hoo. Send me the check they gave you. You a protest thing.

    1. @Bacon, I finally heard "Blurred Lines" today, and I was like, that's it? That's the song everyone was making such a fuss about? ...I don't get it. Not good. At all.

    2. Blurred lines became an internet hit from everyone trying to find the R? Rated video that had " models " jogging in place ( or dashing through) topless in shorty shorts. Abso stupid but everyone was searching for it to be upset and the ones that found it played it over and over

  15. Right @Dragon they're hot in a creeper way.

  16. Paula Patton was in Precious?!

    @Dragon, I think the 7PM PST posting is the last one, which means I'll maintain my spotless record of never going back on a bet. :D

    1. @ Seven Yes that's here. She's was also in Mission impossible 5.

      Damn. I never got that Channing tatum number and 4 condoms reveal. boo.

  17. Yes, she was the teacher. She seemed like she kind of white-knuckled it through, that was her acting method

  18. Anonymous7:12 PM

    Oh that's too bad - she seems really sweet. You never hear her diss anyone else so I hope good things come her way!

  19. Anonymous7:12 PM

    Oh that's too bad - she seems really sweet. You never hear her diss anyone else so I hope good things come her way!

  20. Hollywood 102 - Don't bother having sex with the director and producers because they won't do what you ask anyway, whether or not you sleep with them. How many actresses have learned that or keep making that same mistake over and over again.

    Or maybe I am naive, maybe for some select few women it works every once and a while, the majority not.
