Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

July 23, 2013

"There was this period of several weeks where I had to be home at a certain time and ready to go out. Not for a red carpet, but to go exercise with him. In public. Everyday. He had made arrangements with some photographers to capture us being together. He would try and hold my hand while jogging. It was all ridiculous. He would look at what I was going to wear and it had to match what he was wearing. Not identically, but the style. If he was wearing a worn out pair of shorts, then I was supposed to also look like I was wearing things I had for years. He would spend hours obsessing over each of these details. Should I wear headphones? Should he? Should we wear the same ones? What color? Those were a very long three weeks. Hours and hours preparing for a two minute jog around the block and then to the back of the building and up just so it would look like we had the perfect marriage."

Outtake of an interview this former B+ list mostly movie actress and now a C with still A+ list name recognition gave about her actor ex-husband.

Katie Holmes about Tom Cruise


  1. Sorry. But she had to know what she was getting into...

  2. Did Tommy Girl jog in her platforms or regular sneakers?

  3. Yikes! I doubt she knew just how restrictive it was going to be, though.

  4. Everyone guessed this one right when it came out

  5. My old boss started to get like this. Obsessing about what I wore to work. He could never pinpoint what he wanted but he just "knew".

    I quit too.

    1. Whaat? You poor thing. that is super creepy

    2. Flora -
      I worked for someone like that too. Run!!!!!!

  6. Do Matt and Trey pay ur-Enty to post these Cruise BI's or does he do it just for fun?

  7. Good Lawd, talk about strangling the life out of your arranged deal! C'mon TC, haven't you learned by now- humans and robots don't mesh.

    I don't think she knew how detail orientated he would be, but at least she got out...alive

    1. @The Adventures of... Love your avatar

  8. She really needs to write a book.

  9. What would've happened if she had refused to go along? Be locked in her room? Have her allowance taken away?

  10. If I've said it once I've said it a million times. That woman is shady as hell! (But glad she ditched that shady marriage).

  11. At no point does she even thank him??!

    1. And makes no mention of giving him piggy back rides...I gotta imagine that those would have been fond memories

  12. Had to be a living hell she seems so much happier now.

  13. Should have read your contract carefully.

    Im down with anything, tom. Depending on the $$$

  14. I bet it was all so unbelievable we can't even imagine. Jesus, what a burden. And for what!?

  15. I remember those photos. That was when she was training for the NYC Marathon. He's a f-ing nut job, and she is so lucky to be out of that marriage.

  16. He's become the gift that keeps on giving. Just when you think it can't get any stranger, it does and then it does some more.

  17. I think Holmes thought Cruise would make her a big star (did it for Kidman, helped Penelope Cruz in a big way). When it didn't happen AND he started making noises about "their" kid's future in Scientology (Sea Org?), she knew she had to make her getaway.

    Yeah, she knew quite well what she was getting into, but Cruise didn't deliver some things and changed others, so I don't blame her for bolting and then telling tales.

  18. @ Sandy Tom was a younger man when he was with those other actresses. Katie married him when he started to age out of leading man roles. All of his energy had to be focused on him and how he appeared to be "young".

  19. I think she really loved the guy til the fantasy was over and she realized who and what he really was.

  20. Funny how we all forget Penelope dated him. She somehow dodged that bullet.

  21. I remember all of those ridiculous sets of photos of the jogging together! Wearing the same clothes, holding hands and Katie jogging on whichever side of him had the lower dip in the sidewalk, curb, road so that he could appear taller.

  22. Her own damn fault. Glad it worked out so well for her career.

  23. My husband ever tries to make me exercise our marriage is over too. If Tom could just have toned down his crazy and not associated with Scientology so much in public he would still be super popular. But he can fly, so what do I know?

  24. I read this like it was at the end of the marriage...and I remember those photos too. It was the last year or two when we could tell how miserable she was. Before that, I think she was naive and the glamour wore off fast and reality sank in. Lucky she had her dad to help her escape.

    I would LOVE a book from her on time with him.

  25. Yep:

  26. A movie star who intentionally parades in front of the paparazzi! A movie star who tries to control his public image! Shocking.

    The irony is, Katie has proven to be much better at both of those disciplines since the divorce. It's like Tom doesn't care any more. Or maybe the public doesn't.

    Tom needs to knock off the stunt work and go the Meryl Streep Serious Drama Route. He's actually a very good actor.

  27. Sorry she knew what she was getting into and yes she thought she would walk the same path Kidman did.

    That said she did get out and he hasn't found a suitable replacement.

    He is also afraid enough of what she would say to back out of that lawsuit he'd filed against some magazine.

  28. No sympathy for her. No one would remember who she was if she wasn't married to that douche.

  29. So, Cruise calls the paps, too. He's a nutter.

  30. I would love for their marriage to be made into a Lifetime movie or something.

  31. Tom Cruise is not a good actor, he plays one role. He is however every bit a professional. He learns his lines, he does his research, he shows up on time and ready to work every day. He works with a coach to get his performance perfect. He takes direction and is an all around directors dream.
    Katie was in love and in awe. Then reality set in. She isn't complaining that she had to put on a show for the paps like every other actor, shes complaining that hours and hours were spent agonizing over 5 minutes of jogging around the block.

  32. Tom Cruise is not a good actor, he plays one role. He is however every bit a professional. He learns his lines, he does his research, he shows up on time and ready to work every day. He works with a coach to get his performance perfect. He takes direction and is an all around directors dream.
    Katie was in love and in awe. Then reality set in. She isn't complaining that she had to put on a show for the paps like every other actor, shes complaining that hours and hours were spent agonizing over 5 minutes of jogging around the block.

  33. Bleeding Nora, who in the world jogs while holdin hands?!!

  34. I don't believe this. I believe the jogging solely for a photo of, but there is no way Katie would say this in an interview.

  35. @AnotherAmy, we'll have to disagree about Cruise's acting chops. His action movies bore me, but I think he's done some fine dramatic work (Magnolia, Collateral) and some fun comic stuff (Tropic Thunder, Rock of Ages).

    I don't think it's 'just a 5 minute jog' when meatheads like us are still looking at the photos 3 years later. It's image, and that image is what stars live for. But I do agree that it's dumb and fake to jog and hold hands.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. It's a juicy BI, and probably authentic, but a much more interesting reveal would be for Enty--and I mean ur-Enty--to reveal how and why he gets so much COS-related gossip about Cruise. Perhaps he clashed with him and them professionally?

  38. COS has quite a few celebrities/Hollywood types that have broken away from the church and more than happy to expose the COS for what it really is and more than happy to talk about what has gone on. Like Paul Haggis the director.

    At least get its tax exemption revoked for human right and labour standards violations. If COS said this is a way of life a philosophy, and didn't have slaves, fine but signing people to billion year work contracts. That is actually a legally null and void piece of paper. You can't legally contract for anything in perpetuity.

  39. I think Katie got swept off her feet and didn't realize what she had gotten herself into until it was too late. But she did manage to pull off the Great Escape and for that, I give her and her attorney dad a ton of credit. She pretty much got sole custody of Suri - just look at Nicole Kidman and their kids to see how that could have gone. She looks so much happier since they've split. And Suri seems like she having a more normal childhood too.

  40. Loooong Katie, more dish, please!

  41. Love #29!! I have a golden too and they are the BEST!!!

  42. "At least get its tax exemption revoked for human right and labour standards violations."

    Unfortunately, other recognized religions employ similar practices. For example, certain Catholic monastic orders require lifelong commitment to extremely rigid restrictions--how different is that than signing a Sea Org contract? COS would have strong constitutional precedent behind them if attacked on those grounds

    However, there are other grounds on which their status as a tax-exempt religion could be revoked, and there were rumors that the FBI was building some kind of comprehensive case against COS early in Obama's first term. I'm hoping that one of Obama's lame-duck actions--along with complete Federal MJ decrim--will be to bring a massive RICO case against COS. We'll see what happens after the elections next fall.

  43. Katie probably had a crush on Tom her whole life and when the occasion arose to date him was no doubt blinded in many areas due to the love goggles she was wearing. It took a while for her to realize that fairytales don't always come true.

    I think the situation is similar to Richard Gere and Cindy Crawford. Again, she crushed on him in her teen years & when given the shot at hooking up with him she had blinders on and took it all the way.

    Old story, repeated ad nauseum

  44. I think Katie was blinded by the rush as Tom set his laser beam on her.

    Tom is not a great actor, he might have been around the time of Fourth of July, but he got stuck by his crazy to always be in control. Someone like that can never let go and become a character. But he's an accomplished technical actor.

  45. I'd like to read the rest of this interview,espec. if more is revealed!! I don't doubt this happened but I thought she probably had a pretty tight non disclosure clause with him from the divorce about anything personal, even stuff like this... no?

  46. Knowing what you're getting yourself into and actually having to live it are two different things, @i'm just sayin.

  47. i wonder who got that interview?

  48. Tom exposed himself for who he is by marrying Katie. Not one person sees her as being a clever bitch, like Nicole, but just as a sweet gullible woman. Now it could be that she is the smartest woman he has encountered. It appears this way. Tom would have been better off with that CO$ chick that played Nora on HIMYM, but his ego got in the way. Truthfully, "Nora" is a much better actress and would still be with Tommy center tooth. He's still a crap person.

  49. I knew my ex-husband drank often but BOY was I naive about alcoholism until it was too late.....

    Mothers/Dads...educate your kids about alcoholism.

  50. and educate your kids about Tom Cruise!!!

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. Anonymous3:13 AM

    Thank goodness she had the strength and support to escape his craziness - imagine putting up with that shit for an eternity!

  53. I agree he's made some good films and delivered good performances, but "Rock of Ages" definitely isn't one of them. I thought he was horrible. You never for a minute believed he was "Stacy Jaxx" or any of the "real" rock stars who inspired the character. He was very much ACTING throughout (and he was bad!).

    And re: Katie and her crush, I think she actually said in an interview that she grew up with a poster of Cruise up in her bedroom.

  54. Tom Cruise is a piece of work!

  55. Katie needed a father for her baby, and Tom needed a beard for his career. They both got wanted they wanted, but not what either expected.
    I don't think Katie realized how nuts he was when she signed her contract and he did not think that she would stand up for herself and her daughter.

  56. Poor Nicole Kidman. She had it worse because she was with the loon for longer.
