Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

July 19, 2013

This A list mostly movie actor who is getting serious buzz as a sort of television actor was out celebrating last night when he went into a rant about how ugly his waiter was and called the manager over to tell him how ugly the waiter was and that our actor was never coming in again unless he got a different waiter. Preferably someone young and hot and attentive.

Kevin Spacey


  1. Look in the mirror much KEVIN?!

    1. No kidding. He's not exactly Brad Pitt.

  2. This disappoints me so much........

  3. This sort of shallow bitch behavior makes all of his fellow gays look bad. He should be a better ambassador for the homosexual community. So unfortunate.

  4. If you have seen him as Buddy Ackerman in Swimming with Sharks (great movie) you would totally understand if the waiter ended up in tears for the rest of the night.

    Great actor.
    SuperDouche of a person.

  5. my favorite Kevin story is when he was in the english park notorious for gay hook ups in a certain area and he was mugged by a young man. Blowie gone wrong?

    Kevin acted such the victim claiming he was just there to 'walk his dog'

  6. That poor waiter. I had no idea Spacey was such a disgusting jerk.

  7. @BR is correct Swimming with Sharks is a genius movie.

  8. Ah, shit. Now you ruined Kevin Spacey for me. Damn you, Enty!! I can't stand people who treat people in the service industry poorly.

  9. This is disgusting. I hope this waiter has thick skin because this is the type of thing that could really scar a sensitive person.

  10. For someone so in the closet he was rather upfront there wasn't he?

  11. that really annoys me. waiters and waitresses work so hard and make so little. the last thing they need is an entitled smarmy douche acting like a dick. eat your friggin food and leave a tip.

  12. Drinking usually makes people MORE attractive doesn't it? Sounds like his beer goggles were on backwards

  13. Here's a thought.
    Why are we so hot to 'out' Kevin Spacey (who has never to my knowledge) officially stated his choice of bed partner, yet we bitch so much about forced outings?
    I mean yeah, it's a glass closet, but it's still a closet.
    And really, 'ambassador for the gay community'?
    Ru Paul is a far better choice.

    Ru for President 2020 !

    1. I would TOTALLY vote for RuPaul, Merlin! Where do I sign up to be on his fabulous campaign team? Best.thinktanks.ever

  14. Francis, that isn't very gentlemanly.

  15. @JSierra....thank you for making me laugh out loud.

  16. Yay! JSierra is awake!

  17. Lol Kristin barely!

  18. We can ship RuPaul up there to Canada TTM, so ya'll can replace that very chaste fella you are currently dealing with. It would be our thank you for Barenaked Ladies.

  19. Thanks, BaconRanch! If you see Stephen Page kicking around, can you send him up? BNL just isn't the same withoot him

  20. probably had his annoying little dog with him, too.

  21. Just when you think you someone couldn't be a bigger dickhead, they go and prove you wrong. What an asshole - it says so much about people when you see how they treat service people. Fuck him.

  22. Hello pot? Yeah this is kettle. We're black!!!

  23. Spacey is a great actor who deserves every accolade he's getting for "House of Cards".

    As a human being he leaves a lot to be desired.

  24. This is very disappointing; I always thought better of him.

  25. Why should he be "ambassador for the gay community"? He is just an ambassador for his doucheness. I don't think that if for instance sean penn does the same, he would be an ambassador for the straight community, or the unclean community, not even ambassador for the liberal community.

  26. Whoa, whoa Bacon Ranch. You can't just go shipping our national treasures off like that. Let's talk this through before making any hasty decisions.

  27. It's too late, Kristin, we already shook on it! Send his fabulous bum up here!

  28. Nauseating queen.

  29. Pot, kettle.

    He must have been hanging with Karl Lagerfeld lately.

    I wish rich ugly old gay men wouldn't prove over and over that they're just as bad as rich ugly old het men. :/

  30. I'm hoping he was drinking or having a bad day. I don't like to think he's a jerk. He was perfectly lovely when I met him.

  31. Phags be Phaggin...

  32. So unpleasant. Owner shld hv kicked him out.

  33. Dang I figured Massive G was the answer to this one.

  34. This troll thinks he is good looking enough to act like a Prima Donna? I think I will call him Kevin Douchey hereafter.

  35. Hopefully, to insure he never returned, the owner kept the waiter in question on his table. Sometimes a threat is a gift you should accept.

  36. He's ugly himself.

  37. Maybe he and Rita Wilson should dine together. Holy bite me in the asshole, what two ungracious people they are.

  38. What an asshole. Back in the early 80s before he was famous, Spacey was a bartender at Cafe Central in NYC. He knows full well what it's like working in the service industry.

  39. Really Pythia? That makes his behavior even worse in my book - he should know better!

  40. kevin said to be one of the nicest people in the industry.
