Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

July 29, 2013

This Academy Award nominee/winner for acting is probably a B-/C+ lister. I know that you get to be a permanent B lister if you win, but this was a long time ago, plus, maybe he did not win. It was a great movie he was nominated for though. One of the more powerful movies of the past 30 years, although it really did get screwed over. Anyway, our actor has been married forever. At this point, it actually does seem like forever. He was always very careful about how he cheated on his wife. Back when they were first married he was clumsy about how he cheated, but he perfected away that many actors use to this day. Actors today are a little more clumsy about it and are more forward. Our actor did a lot of theatre and would rent a studio or a theatre for the day and have a casting announcement posted which would say that there was this great part and offer lots of money and only beautiful women of a certain age needed to show up. On the day of the audition, our actor would be there and his eyes would be wandering over every inch of every woman's body and then the casting director would talk to the actor and make notes and walk down the line and say yes or no to to all the women. The yes women were then ushered to a room for two minutes alone with the actor. Depending on their answers, they would either get to go to dinner with the actor or would be sent home. At the end of an hour or two, the actor would have five or six women who would be willing to have sex with him and would keep him happy for a few months until he would start the whole process again.

Danny Aiello


  1. wow and out of nowhere Montana Marriott got it right!

  2. I had to Google who this is. Major fug.

    1. Aw man! You must be really young!!
      He was a pretty important character actor back in the day, he was in Moonstruck with Cher and a young Nicolas Cage. The important movie was Spike Jones' Do The Right Thing.

  3. Finally caught up!

  4. The Papa Don't Preach guy?

  5. I knew people in NY who knew him and he was like a male St. Angie. Never a bad word said about him.

  6. Reveal yourself, @7!!!!! :D

  7. I think we know how Montana Marriott got this one:)

  8. I raised my eyebrows and everything.

  9. Daniel Louis "Danny" Aiello, Jr. (born June 20, 1933) is an American actor who has appeared in numerous motion pictures, including Once Upon a Time in America, Ruby, The Godfather: Part II, Hudson Hawk, The Purple Rose of Cairo, Moonstruck, Léon: The Professional, Two Days in the Valley, and Dinner Rush. He had a pivotal role in the 1989 Spike Lee film Do the Right Thing as Salvatore 'Sal' Frangione, the pizzeria owner, which earned him a nomination for the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor. Aiello is also known for his role as Don Domenico Clericuzio in the miniseries Mario Puzo's The Last Don.

  10. thank you copy and paste

  11. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....

  12. Wow - never would have guessed this one. and why oh why did I go back thru all the reveals and see that Massive Gonad came out from under his/her rock to talk crap about me again. WTF? Oh and I forgot about the pap don't preach video - now must go google it to see it again.

    1. That loser sucks, Stacey.

    2. Stacey, you're awesome, he is just a really unhappy person.

    3. Hey Stacey, don't let that twerp take anymore of your runtime! You sound like a happy and pretty cool person enjoying life, which is victory enough on this crazy world. That the twonk is the antithesis of this just makes it all the more pathetic.

      Stay cool, and have an awesome 2014 😊

    4. Anonymous5:18 AM

      Stacey I've kinda pieced together you were bullied by Massive? What a twat he/she is. You're lovely. Take it as a compliment that a complete arse hat doesn't wanna be BFF's with you. Xx

  13. This crap steams me. Pig.

  14. Still July, Meanie!

    This one isn't a shocker, Danny's rep is pretty well known in the city.

  15. Chicks would wait hours for a shot at married Aiello? Ick.

  16. Thank GOD this wasn't Dick Van Dyke as I thought, totally very reluctantly. Danny Aiello will always be the dad in Papa Don't Preach to me

    1. For me he will always be Cher's boyfriend/fiancé in Moonstruck, he was so funny there.

  17. :( hopefully no more reveals about people I have to Google ...

    That guy's pretty ugly though ...

  18. We all have your back, Stacey :)

  19. Interesting quote from Danny in light of this:

    "My entire family were Democrats all our lives. But because how furious I was about the previous administration and the particular person running that administration, I turned in my card to become a Republican because I did not want to be known as a Democrat under that person's regime. I'm a traditionalist. I have certain values that I live by, and he practices none of those things, so he can never be what I consider to be a great man. But I don't go around saying he's not my president. He's out of office now, so I can say that I never truly accepted him in my heart. And I'll never say anywhere down the line, I'll never reflect back on this moment in time and say it was a good period for the American people. Because the economy was good, anything goes, and that troubles me."

    1. Wow. Pot meet kettle. I had no idea.

  20. He was so good in Moonstruck & Do the Right Thing. Never woulda guessed him for this. So random.

  21. @ttm Oh no Dick Van Dyke would have broken my heart. Thank God it wasn't. Thanks @kristin and all. Just don't get it but f him.

    1. I know, Stacey, me too. I love DVD

  22. Stacey don't let it get to you. Massive Asshole dissed me too the first time but I emerged unscathed the second time. Whew. Still I have to admit, no matter how secure one can be, it hurts a little. Hugs to you sweetie!

    No Danny! NOOO!!!!! Ain't there one decent person in H'wd/the movies?

  23. Stacey, massive is an attention seeking douche. All she knows is to insult, talk about sex, or bodily functions. She has the mindset of a 10 year old boy. I say she, because according to the entyonamobile, Massive's picture is up, and it's a chick.

  24. Geez, I didn't even know who he was...

  25. @Entyonamobile is legit?

    1. Kristin - no - Entyonamobile is a troll.

  26. Wow, really authentic sounding BI. Problem is, no professional casting director would go along with this kind of pimping. Plus at any kind of audition, even the most semi-professional, there are going to be 3-4 people in the audience. Any professional actresses would know it was a setup if they went in to audition in front of just two people at a random studio. Fake.

  27. Ahh @Stacey, do like we all do with Massive..

    Use your best southern voice and say "Well bless your heart" ;)

    Now this blind, totally blew me away! Never would have pegged Danny Aiello as the type.

  28. Massive is a girl? Mind blown. I easily envisioned her/him as a four chan type of troll with the social skills of a blow up doll.

  29. are truly a beautiful person. to smile your stunning smile with those sparkling eyes after all you've perservered in your life? not a swimsuit model on earth could outshine you.
    you rock, my dear. you rock! best 2014 to you!
    (ps - remember your childhood lessons. if a guy gives you any shit, just hit him with your big wheel ;-)

  30. hahahah @joElla I always heard that "well bless your heart" was southern for "Go F@CK Yourself" You guys are all right - it's 2014 - so I am not going to give it another second of my new year thinking about it/her/him.

  31. awww @himmmm You Rock! and I love that you read my blog. My 2014 promise to myself is to start writing it again every other day. And i only use the big wheel on the gay boys who won't dance with me. LOL

  32. My dad knew him growing up and always thought he was an asshole.

    1. Krab - interesting. I guess some people never grow.

  33. @Rach, you could use "bully" in the loosest sense of the word. Massive wee tried but everyone came in waving the STFU flags and he still kept trying. Mods pulled his "you're fat, ipso facto ugly" posts and he kept trying, but the STFU drowned out his noise.

    @STFU flaggers
