Tuesday, January 07, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

August 9, 2013

This C+ list mostly television actor who was on a very very hit network show until recently will probably drop down to D really quickly. He could barely hang on to B- while being on the show. Anyway, one of the reasons he was let go was his constant fighting with one of his co-stars. The reason? The better looking and nicer co-star once had sex with one of the more outgoing members of the cast who now has a serious boyfriend. The one who was let go thinks the woman was stolen from him. Not true at all, but that is how his crazy mind works and why he will probably do a lot of jail time in the future. This will be revealed.

Mark Salling
Chord Overstreet
Naya Rivera


  1. On the bright side, he can permanently get rid of that stupid faux-hawk!

  2. lots of Mark Salling reveals lately. Is something going to publicly go down?

  3. If you didn't make him seem more important then he is by revealing blinds of nobodies Entybot, maybe he would go away.

  4. why is he gonna be a jailbird? I have to look him up ---dont watch Glee

  5. I think people who watch that show should be jailed.

  6. Didn't Naya slash his tires after the breakup?

  7. From everything Ive read in the gossips so I know its true, Naya's a bitch.

  8. Somebodies tires got slashed I read it right here in the gossips.

  9. @Bacon me too!!!! lol I just haaaate musicals and hearing their high-pitched voices ruin decent songs. I loved when Kings of Leon said fuck no you are not using our songs--and Glee acted all like "how dare you! dont ya know who we are?!"

  10. besides he will have to get through JasonBlueEyes first to get his precious Naya---she is a hot woman though

  11. Where are the michael muhney reveals. I want to know what he has done to earn his diva rep. Spill the tea Enty

  12. I love watching glee it's my guilty pleasure

  13. Rude. I love Glee! :)

  14. If Overbite isn't gay I'll eat my hat.

    1. Isn't he supposed to be the father of heathers baby? We'll find out when he get older I guess :D

    2. Discobitch (when we get to know each other a little better maybe I can just call you Bitch?) I don't know anything about that. I don't know who Heather is. But I'm pretty sure that Rip Chord hasn't fathered any babies, and never will. At least by way of "dick into vagina."

    3. Ms Bitch will be fine :) heather is/was the cheerleader who left to have a baby - rumour has it Chord may be the dad as they were messing around "allegedly" of course

  15. Aww come on. As anyone who keeps up with Glee gossip knows (yep that'll just be me then), Naya and Mark dated way back in the day and she was mad when he dumped / cheated on her.
    And I'm almost sure that Mark was let go from the show because he started to look like a 40 year old builder and his startling lack of discernible talent than for any other reason. (I do note though that he has been asked back for the 100th episode so he hasn't been totally dumped).

  16. Ha Derek! Well said.
    I caught an episode once (ONCE) and it was when that Lea person wanted a nose job. So the guy (I don't know his name, her bff or whatever) organized a whole scene at the freaking mall..THE MALL. Everyone all of a sudden stepped out of Sears,Spencers, the As seen on Tv stores and started singing and dancing. They were dancing on the escalator. THE ESCALATOR

    I just..yeah. Just couldn't.

    It's pretty bad when you make 90210 (original) look Oscar worthy.

  17. Don't and will never watch the show, if I want show tunes I'll just stick with the pros from Broadway, thank you very much.
    Reads like the guy will see jail time because he is obsessive and temperamental, must've done something really bad to someone and just got caught. Seems it will go down pretty soon. On the look out on the DM.

  18. @Bacon--yeah really.
    Miss the days when teenage protests were shown with dignity and realism for important causes like letting Donna Martin graduate!

  19. naya's face looks like one those old ass housewives from beverly hills..in her 20s already jacked up her face

  20. naya's face looks like one those old ass housewives from beverly hills..in her 20s already jacked up her face

  21. I don't believe it, unless you replace Chord (who's gay) with Matthew (who's sooo straight).

  22. I was done with that show after the first season. let me know if Lily Esposito from Popular shows up and I'll watch it then. Ryan Murphy has had everybody else from Popular on Glee. Before that he had them on Nip/Tuck. 'Sup Ryan? Throw a gal some work.

  23. Wow. I guess I'm not the only person who doesn't watch this show.

    I know who Lea Michele is only because of her hilarious posing on the red carpet and vile fake grieving. I know Jane Lynch from her Christopher Guest movies. The rest - I got nothing.

    Apparently Glee presents positive gay and geek role models for kids so Yay for that. I just have no interest in the show.

  24. Derek - the Naya attraction mostly stems from her looking almost exactly like my ex girlfriend. Same spicy temperament too. A lot of these blinds are like deja-vu for me.

  25. Tried to watch this show when it was new but cannot. Jane Lynch was the sole talent, imo. The nose-y brunette & most others were too awful.

  26. somehow i dont beleive this..me thinks enty has been relapsing on glee episode's and taken fantasy as reality.



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