Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

July 30, 2013

This C- list mostly television actress is more famous for who she was born to rather than her acting. Her current actor boyfriend has had just about enough of her after she complained for the umpteenth time that our actor was not spending enough money on her. She expects gifts everyday. Nice gifts. She thinks it is the price to pay for being with her. Umm.

Rumer Willis


  1. Girl, be grateful anyone can stand you. You are not good looking by any means - cannot pull the shit beautiful women do. (It sucks when beautiful women do it too)

  2. 'C' is for chin!

    (now I hate myself)

  3. She's got it twisted.

  4. If he's dumb enough to keep putting up with that, he's getting what he deserves.

  5. The next present he gives her should be a mirror.

  6. Can we get to august. wanna see the reveal of C-tates and the women who gave him the numbers with 4 condoms. You know for research purpose.

  7. Every day?? Delusional. Get over yourself.

    LOL @ Alita!

  8. She kind of looks like a busted Riley Keough, non?

  9. As she's gotten older she looks a lot better she looks almost exactly like Demi (google a recent pic of them together) but shes still an entitled little bitch.

  10. In her defense, this is a classic case of affluenza. It must be hard on these celebrity kids..

  11. Nothing about her seems pleasant.

  12. @Alita you aint shit LMAO.

    wait a minute, I thought Rumor was a Lesbo? hmm

  13. I expect gifts everyday to but I was told that since I wasn't Rumer Willis, I could go and buy them myself.
    I want to be a spoiled girl with a self centered mum and a father busy chasing very young women.

    It's late. I have to sleep. Good night everyone!

    1. Night murielle, sleep tight if you can:-D

  14. Since Im on a PC for a change with nothing to do Im on the main CDAN site and those of you who like to cook he's got a link under some fat slob's picture to an old page where the readers posted recipes and some of them look really good and tasty. You all should take a peek since you're gonna be here awhile.

  15. I keep wondering if she's better lolling in person…

  16. When are reveals over? When does the good juice begin?

  17. JSierra a long time from now and youre guess is as good as mine :(

  18. @JSierra, I believe we are in the middle of the juice. We're being juiced right now, so to speak.

    1. Rumer Willis wanting swag and attention is not the juice. It can't be. I've been here since the 6am start, where's the juice, I'm exhausted...

  19. I like juicing! It's good for the skin!

  20. GOOP doesnt like facials like that she doesnt know they help a complexion

  21. @TTM Like a juice cleanse? That's the work of the devil. Tried it once. Long story, but after 5 days I somehow ended up on the floor of a 7/11 bathroom eating jerk chicken patties and crying while an employee knocked on the door and asked if there was anyone he could call for me.

    Foodless hell is what it is.

    1. I could never do a juice cleanse, I would rather eat jerk chicken patties off Seven's floor. I was just trying to get all our spirits up!

  22. No @cowbulls I'm thinking the next gift should be a potato peeler

  23. She has Demi's face on Bruce's enormous head. I don't see how she is anything other than a boner killer.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Guys, come on. She isn't Demi, but she has a rockin body and is still way better looking than a lot of people, she just suffers in comparison to all the perfection in California. She would totally be a rocket queen anywhere else

  26. She should just tell him that on days she doesn't get a gift, they have to fuck face to face.

    1. Wouldn't face to face be her gift?

  27. Ugh, you and your optimism TTM. I think we have one more reveal left and unless Enty reveals himself to be John Candy and levitates up to the heavens in front of our eyes, I'm going to bed soon.

  28. I refuse to accrpt this juice!!

  29. @JSierra Oh accept it, girl. Marinate in it, because Enty's heart is set to "frappe" and that liquefied kale you're standing in is the remnants of a Rumer Willis blind.

    1. Wow. That's some good imagery right there.

  30. I am actually marinating in a green tea bath in an attempt to rid my body of alc. Surely a little kale won't hurt.

  31. Anonymous7:17 PM

    I've only ever seen her in one thing - the remake of BH90210. And it was not great acting.

    She seems like hard work ... who's going to put up with that sort of shite from anyone?

  32. I think Rumer is ugly by anyone's standards, not just the standards of Hollywood. If I saw her on the street and didn't know Demi Moore was her mom I would still think she was ugly.

  33. Anonymous10:01 PM

    I would think it would be her buying presents for a guy just for him having to look at that face everyday. I literally jumped the first time I saw her picture. Swear.

  34. She is very good in Hawaii 5-0. As a matter of fact, I like the character, and enjoy seeing her on screen. She has morphed recently as a young adult and her face seems to be filling out.

  35. hahahaa, he should get a nice popato sack to cover that giant head of nears

  36. Potato Head needs to really understand how only nepotism gives her any cred and suck it up.
