Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

July 19, 2013

This former almost A list mostly movie actress who is now a B- list mostly movie actress headed to a C says that she once orally serviced this A+ list celebrity/singer while he watched his A list mostly movie actress wife in a movie. I thought the two would split up when that relationship started buzzing.

Kate Bosworth/Chris Martin/Gwyneth Paltrow


  1. Ok so while she was sucking him off he was fantasizing she was GOOP?

    1. @sandybrook My thoughts exactly!

  2. hahahahahaha take that goopy.

  3. Good Lord, he likes them thin, doesn't he.
    I can't see the attraction myself, there definitely needs to be a bit of padding, but different strokes & all that.

  4. I get the allure of being the other woman but he's watching his wife while in the act? Is that not pointless?

  5. Enty rates Chris Martin higher than Goop?

  6. Well, that is a little creepy.

  7. I'd do Kate skinny as she is, not so much GOOP

  8. Goopy would be happy Kate saved her a performing blow job while wearing a $2,000 plain white t-shirt. Wouldn't want stains.

    On the upside at least Kate got some protein for the day.

  9. Anonymous11:05 AM

    What a quagmire. Does he hate her or does he miss her?

  10. Now this is a good one. Mind, I always thought Chris was a little on the dull side so he surprises me a bit. I mean it's not totally racy but it will do.

  11. I'm late to the party.....Happy New Year all! Seems like I didn't miss anything much, tho. This really speaks to Kate's talents, doesn't it? Her oral was so good Chris preferred to look at his wife, that is a more than a little sad.

  12. Getting sucked while the wife is on "mute," as the Count said.

    @TTM Bosworth was taking rides on Martin's bologna pony for some time there before the press started catching on.

    Also, I'm so glad you brought this up the other day... I thought I was the only one.

  13. Yah know, that is probably one of Goop's rules, he can get blown by whoever he wants as long as she is in the room.

  14. Finally caught up! keep 'em coming enty!

    Kate better watch her back because GOOP doesn't play, she will cut a bitch (at least socially!)

  15. @Flashy Vic the bigger the cushion the better the pushin...

  16. One of the few people I truly dislike is Kate Bosworth. This reveal doesn't surprise me in the least. (Not a fan of Chris Martin or Gwyneth Paltrow either, but I don't have experience with them.)

    1. Oh bummer as I girl crush on Kate. What is your experience?

  17. Then we've got Asslee Simpson who fucks guys who want her sister in the room even if its only on a Cd player or Tv screen.

  18. Good morning, bitches!!!
    Just wiping the champagne crust out of my eyes and trying to catch up on the 1,000,090 reveals.
    I can haz hangover? Happy 2014. Good stuff so far.

  19. Finally a good reveal today!

  20. @Sugar Just love it when you sexy talk

    1. I do it for you and you alone, Charlie

  21. Kate jumped onto Alex Skarsgard peen for a few years when it was becoming obvious what was going on between her and Chris.

    Alex got played for a sucker(so to speak)

  22. Oooh she's so bony.

  23. @baba
    Kate was pretty foxy in Blue Crush

    Hey, Lola and Reno. Are we going to Gillooly Chris over this, or we cool?

    1. Blue Crush and that Bobby Darrin movie.

    2. Hi Sunny. We cool.

    3. Hey, Sunny. Yeah, we're cool.

    4. Hey, Sunny. Yeah, we're cool.

    5. Hey, Sunny. Yeah, we're cool.

    6. Hey, Sunny. Yeah, we're cool.

    7. Hey, Sunny. Yeah, we're cool.

    8. Hey, Sunny. Yeah, we're cool.

  24. I find this to show his disrespect for Gwenyth. It's no different than bringing your mistress into your wifes bed.

  25. Enty revealed a blind before that Martin was cheating on goop with bosworth but it didn't mean much to him and he was only doing it to distract goop from the other person he was cheating with that he really was in love with. I can't remember who though.

    1. @Katie: I think it was Natalie Imbruglia.

  26. My experience? I saw her treat airport employees with a level of entitled contempt that simply blew my mind. I've seen a lot of actors treat people badly (I used to work in theatre), but this was one of the worst I ever saw.

    1. Girl crush now gone forever.

  27. How embarrassing for Kate that he needed to see his wife in order to get off while he was with her.

  28. Chris Martin is about as exciting as a wet piece of broccoli to me so he's lucky to get one gorgeous (no matter how much I hate Goop, she's still pretty) woman, never mind multiple chicks. I guess that's living the rockstar life. Add another to the DoucheList!

  29. Hope you find that info @katie

  30. I *love* this so much. I may giggle all day like Anderson Cooper getting handcuffed.

  31. What's up with Chris Martin and his fetish for mediocre blonde chicks?

  32. Not surprising. Paltrow has a serious case of "No BJ's!"-face.

  33. Kate went from Orlando Bloom to Chris Martin? Ugh, at least Orlando is gorgeous.

    @Mary Ann, Goop must treat a lot of people badly because there is so much hate out there for her. She comes off as such a self-entitled witch.

  34. Gross. Watching a Gwyneth Paltrow movie. Ew.

  35. Ironically- that was probably the highest calorie meal she has had in years.

  36. It seems Chris Martin likes his women to be twinks, how terribly British of him. How very low self esteem of Kate. How cliche for GOOPY.

  37. Gotta laugh at all the "protein, calorie" jokes that abound about the Twig here.

  38. @Lola
    I want to make sure we're clear on our plan. We're cool, right?
    Ha ha! Hope you had a good New Years :)

  39. Anonymous3:38 AM

    Bossie has had a few issues in the past - hopefully now she's happily married she can find contentment in what has been a very rocky road in her quest for true love.

    It's a shame she and Orlando Bloom split - they made quite a nice couple and had a lot more going for them than Bloom and Kerr. She always looked so healthy and happy when they were dating too ...

    Chris Martin really annoys me - he seems the sort that would holiday in the tropics and then complain about the heat.

  40. I would think goopy is flattered that kate doesn't do it for him and he still needs to be "stimulated visually" by gyweneth

  41. i call BULLsH!T on this 'blind'
    I know i have read this somewhere before about ANOTHER celeb...and i have seen this scenario in a movie/tvshow somewhere i just cant remember where.
    damn it ENty cant you make up YOUR OWN fantasy instead of rehashing someone elses.

  42. p.s kate and chris cant stand each other in real life so it's highly unlikely she'd touch his tiny little peen.
    sorry to ruin all of your silly little fantasy's girls.

    plus he has been having an affair with a woman in north/west london for about 6-7 years now .
    not to mention the fact Lainey (elaine lui) had her way with him a few years ago - she's got a thing about screwing the husbands of blonde women 'cos in her own words "a chinese lady sucks white peen better than a white woman ever could" and her husband jacek does'nt seem to mind her ways since if it's a celeb both can cheat without any repercussions.

  43. @zili.. what is lainey's hatred toward askars?? did she throw herself @him and he declined and that is where her huge and obvious burn for him comes from??
    other people on sites have suggested in past she went for him and he said no which is why the hate.. who else has she f.cked??spill/// I find her interesting..

  44. wasn't kate just @ coldplay concert// she goes to them a lot.

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. @sugarbread maker ...
    i dont know exactly why she has a love/hate thing for askars except that he dated bosworth .
    Lainey tends towards hating on (blonde/white) women who date anyone she finds remotely attractive .
    i dont know exactly what her problem is except she has been doing this since her high school days.
    i know Lainey made passes at jim sturgess back in his 21 days and she tends to stalk around him whenever he's in cananda/vancity and it was around this time she started hating on bosworth . it's been the same with hugh dancy/clare danes, orlando bloom/bosworth, skarsgard etc...

  47. @zili
    ok thxs.. I always wanted to know were to find some backstory on her. she seems awfully fixated on certain people, quite randomly...
    if you know were to get background info on her let me know ok???



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