Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

July 23, 2013

In the past I have written about some television shows that were high profile and the incidents that happened on set. Most of those shows did not have the run this show did. Most shows did not have the stars this show did. Most of those other shows did not have stars who are still huge stars.

This show was on the air a long time. The blind takes place as the show was in its final season of production. Everyone was making lots of money and everyone had their own little place on the show. There was the male lead. He was a nobody before the show started and was a nobody after the show ended until he struck gold again. Two hit shows in a lifetime is pretty good for this actor. He was married while he was on the show, but that did not stop him from having sex with whatever guests were willing to have sex with him. He and one of the other male stars of the show made a deal. The younger star would get to have sex with everyone under the age of 25, and the older star took the women that were over 25. It worked out great for them. They never fought about anyone. They simply asked women how old they were at the beginning of the week, and acted accordingly. The younger actor also had a girlfriend at the time, but she only counted when the actor was away from work. He has not really done anything since the end of the show and is the only main cast member to not do well since the show ended.

One of the female regulars on the show clashed a lot with the male lead I mentioned earlier. It was awful. They hated each other. There was a time during the final season where the cast was debating whether to come back for another season. It would involve pay cuts. Our male lead was with the female lead who has also been blessed with two huge television shows in her career and they came up with a plan to rid themselves of the female regular they both hated and eliminate her salary and then they would not have to take a pay cut. The regular had heard every word because the actors had forgotten they were wearing live microphones.

Another female lead on the show has had a stellar career and probably is the most well known of all the cast. At the time she was still in her teens who was followed around by her boyfriend everyday. One day, the actress showed up for her 20 hour workweek at 1030 in the morning after her regular three day weekend. She was met at her car by a production assistant who was on hour 5 of his day and about hour 80 of his workweek and the actress sat down in the golf cart and sighed. The assistant asked what was wrong and the actress said work sucked and that she was just so tired of working and the long hours, but the production assistant would just not understand. Uh huh.

Oh, as a final crew gift to everyone who worked on the show, the cast, who was making a combined $2M a week, gave out a gift that cost them $50 each. Nice. This will be revealed.

Show: "Married With Children"
Older Male Lead: Ed O'Neill ("Modern Family")
Younger Male Lead: David Faustino
Female regular that clashed: Amanda Bearse
Female Lead: Katey Sagal ("8 Simples Rules" or "Sons of Anarchy")
Brat: Christina Applegate


  1. That's a biggie. Never was a fan

  2. Amanda Bearse directed and I think also produced a lot of episodes so that part of the blind doesn't make sense to me.

  3. I thought Al & Bud were splitting up the ladies. Go Jefferson!

  4. Most guessed I remember. Wow though!

  5. Were they going to kill off Marcy Darcy Trevor (Fresh Prince) style?
    Or was Peggy going to call in Jax?

  6. very good VIP now go read where your picture is! :)

  7. This was revealed.

    1. No just the predominant guess I think

  8. Wasn't the show ended abruptly?

    I don't know how they could have gotten rid of Marcy with her doing so much behind the camera work.

    Al Bundy putting the wood to the guest stars makes me a bigger fan. He probably boned Jessica Hahn.

    Do you all think this means Jefferson Darcy banged Joey Lauren Adams?

  9. Anonymous2:27 PM

    I never got into that show but this is definitely juicy!

  10. Haha, to me, Katey Sagal's biggest hit is Futurama. One of the best shows ever on TV.

    1. @LogDog I was JUST getting ready to mention Futurama. Cult classic!!! Lol

  11. Never would have touched Al Bundy, not with a very long pole. I do like him on Modern Family, though. I always had the impression that Ted McGinley was gay, so that's the shocker here for me! Christina Applegate was just a kid then, basically…I'm sure she's grown up since then.

    1. Yes I would believe Christina is the only one of the bunch who would look back on her actions back then with remorse.

  12. oh, and I'd like to add…"The Neeeew Allante!"

  13. I cannot see the guest stars wanting to bang Al Bundy.

  14. Count, a LOT of people in Little Rock and Sherwood put the, ahem, wood to her from what I've heard.

    Strangely, since she was from Little Rock she wasn't into the BBC back then. This is second hand though since it was a manager of LJS that knew her when they were in high school. He said he did her and I have no reason to not believe him since he was getting any woman he wanted when I worked with him.

  15. @NaughtyNurse: When I read the quote, I smiled and envisioned Kelly's A+ list Bounce Recognition.

    @Pip: 1/2 of em were porn whores or desperate starlets getting their 2nd acting gig. They were all probably just happy not to have to bang Bud.

  16. This doesn't sound plausible for a number of reasons, but the thing about the mikes does. At a taping the floor crew, including the director, is usually hooked in on an audio loop that includes the actors' mikes. Bearse directed episodes during the last two seasons of the show.

    Obviously, their "plot" to get rid of her didn't work, if it even existed.

  17. Happy New Year, VIP!

    And, as always, good guess betch.

  18. What Naughty Nurse said.
    Applegate was young then; whatever money teens make, it never seems enough for them because they have to WORK. Lazy kids :-)
    She seems quite "normal" and nice now. *awaits anxiously a blind item saying she's a bitch*

  19. In defense of Christina, she may not have known the exact hours the crew member worked. She was only a teenager and teenagers are known to be self-absorbed at times.

    As for Ed O'Neill, I would never have guessed he got so much tail. Regardless, loved that show, shenanigans and all.

  20. I worked 20 hours a week in high school & work did suck.

  21. Even though PAs work 80 hours a week they can go home and not be followed by the press and/or crazy fans (i.e., Rebecca Schaeffer). So for CA to say that a PA might not understand is not so far off.

  22. LOL, Bacon Ranch. Jax would have killed off Marcy, then would have tried to frame Buddy for it. But Buddy would have called in his reinforcements, and things would have gotten ruff for Jax.

  23. Whoa. Didn't see that coming, bit remember Ed described as man whore before.

  24. Ted McGinley hasn't been on successful TV shows since MWC, but but he's been way more visible than David Faustino, so to say Ted McGinley is "the only main cast member to not do well since the show ended" makes no sense. He wasn't even on the show for the first couple of seasons.

  25. Jeeze Mark, are you going to make me IMDB that punk? McGinley coming on that show was the beginning of it looong downward slide . Team Steve! Nobody did snide wannabe one a the guys like Marcy's original husband.

  26. In my mind, David Faistino and Shia LaBeouf are one person.

  27. Post-MWC Ted McGinley begat one of the best lines on Sports Night: "You're wearing my shirt, Gordon."

    If they were in the final season talking about cutting out Amanda Bearse from extension negotiations for the existing cast, it didn't work out because it was the final season.

    Christina Applegate was mid-20s by the final season, but had been in that fishbowl for years and so perhaps had a myopic perspective. I've heard nothing but nice things about her, so maybe she was just venting about being ready to get off the show by season 11.

  28. That the three stars...

  29. Ted McGinley isn't even listed as one of these. He's been married forever and was at the time of the show, I believe. Faustino was the younger actor sampling the younger guests. Ugh. I'd rather do Ed O'Neill.

  30. Cee Kay, Ted McGinley was listed as the Younger Male Lead when this reveal was first posted. Enty has corrected it, which is what classy people do when they make a mistake. Thanks, Enty! And Happy New Year!

    1. Ah, I was confused, too, because so many comments were mentioning Ted/Jefferson, but I'm reading the corrected version now and saw no mention of him in the blind reveal. Got it.

  31. Wow, so them hos banged Bud? I wonder if they check YES for dwarfs on sex questionnaires.

  32. I feel like this story has been on here many times. The gift was a crappy piece of luggage.

  33. I feel like this story has been on here many times. The gift was a crappy piece of luggage.
