Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

July 22, 2013

This offspring of A list actors has run away from home three times in the past year because the A list mom in the family is pressuring the offspring to work as much as possible and wants her to become the most famous face in the world. The offspring has had enough and wants to quit. Wants to be a kid.

Willow Smith


  1. She could never anyway; too ugly.

  2. And we have Will to thank for Jayden.

  3. What a coincidence... I was just whipping my hair back in forth; my hair back in forth.

  4. That fills me with hope. Saw an interview with the whole family and thought the kids seemed doomed to being spoiled little shirts for life. Good for Willow recognising fame isn't the only option for her. Having said that I bloody loved Whip My Hair.

  5. Sad. Doesn't bode well for future family closeness. Watch out for Willow's tell all autobiography in 20 years.

  6. Jada Pinkett and Will Smith are the anti-Christs

  7. Jada said in an interview her children have to make their own money. How much of Will's money is she spending?

  8. Good for Willow. Hope she finds a nice family to live with.

  9. Hold up, Maggie May. Is your avi Bea Arthur's boobs? Nice!

    1. Hey @Kristin, it sure is! I have a good while to go to get to Golden Girls age but I have a little fetish for Bea, boobs and all.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Jeez. She's as bad as Pimp Mama Kris.

  12. Jada isn't A list anything, except for being part of an A list couple, thanks to Will. That said, she is most certainly NOT an A list MOM.

  13. I hope those tits are photoshopped :(

    1. My tits @Sandybrook? It's a painting with no basis in reality. Bea's real boobs remain a mystery.

  14. Willow should get in touch with Paris Jackson.

  15. She should sue for emancipation on the grounds that her parents are trying to brainwash her with Scientology. That would be a huge story. She might have a good case.

  16. Goodness and she is so young and has many years to still deal with that. So disappointed..

  17. Gawd, I hope Willow one day writes a tell all and shows Jada for the twunce that she is.

  18. Good luck willow and be strong. And jada, they will make money when they are in 20's, not at 12!!!!!!

  19. And shes not ugly. I wld like for new years we focus on ugly behavior instead of peoples physicality. That is just mean.

  20. It's a shame that Jada is forcing her (or trying to) into doing something she obviously does not want to do. That girl is one of the lucky ones who has enough money (unless Jada cuts her off) to go to school and do whatever she wants to professionally.

  21. Poor Willow! Jada's ugly is already showing on her face. Maybe she wants to follow in PMK's footsteps?

    And maybe Jaden doesn't have the cojones his sister does.

  22. B. Profane - good idea!

  23. This has a strong whiff of Co$. Ugh. Exploiters all.

    I hope Willow knows she can petition for emancipation if she needs it. Sure, her parents will probably cut her off, but she can still write a tell-all memoir.

  24. Jada Pinkett is gross and scary. If I was gonna screw a black dude it would be someone a little softer and sweeter like that Will Smit... what? That's a chick? Oh, nevermind.

  25. Was Jada EVER A list?

  26. Anonymous1:59 PM

    She probably threatens to snap them with her roidy thighs. Run Willow Run!

  27. Aw, this just changed my opinion on Willow and her brother. Wonder if they're forcing the brother to date that horrible Kardashian girl?

  28. I thought $cio children get to make their own decisions?

  29. "I thought $cio children get to make their own decisions?"

    That's part of the hype, but no, not if it means going against COS teachings ("the tech").

    There have been some interesting CA family law cases regarding religious practices, but none involving minor emancipation of which I'm aware. There's nothing explicit in the CA family law statues on the subject, and I've only read the case law tangentially because I've never had to fight about god-flogging with my ex's.

  30. Given how rich and famous Will and Jada are I never understood why they were allowing their kids to work so young and assumed the kids must have wanted it bad, because most actors and actresses who love their kids try to discourage them from show biz or try to get the kids to wait until they are 18, very sad if that was not the case at least for Willow.

    Or was Willow's money going to fund the COS? Do they have tithes like the Catholic Church you have to fork up so much to the COS to stay in good standing.

    Clearly the whole concept of the Sea Org shows the COS is into slavery.

  31. On what freaking planet is Jada an A list actress? I can't even remember the last thing I saw her act in. Is that nurse show she had still on? Even if it is, that's not A list material!

    And Tina - you don't have to tithe a certain amount to stay in good standing with the Catholic Church. Maybe you're thinking of the Mormons?

  32. Same thought as anon, when did Jada become A list? Wouldn't think it would be her marriage to Will.. I've never liked her. bleck.

  33. "And Tina - you don't have to tithe a certain amount to stay in good standing with the Catholic Church."

    That is not true for the Catholic Church worldwide. In the US, sure; other countries, it depends.

  34. Those kids are always out and about without their parents. Even when they are in NYC. I guess Will and Jayda-butch trust their kids handlers that much. It's lazy poor parenting in my book. They are lucky that so far those kids aren't doing harmful rebellious acts, then again, those kids are still really young.

  35. So sad I hate Jada now. I hope she doesn't escape to drugs.

  36. Only good thing about Whip My Hair:

    There's no reason that anyone knows whether Will and Jada's kids are cute or not, smart or not, sporty or not. They should be kids. Could you pick Trey Smith out of a lineup? Good for his mother.

  37. that is just sad. i would've assumed this would be her dad on her and not Jada. i watched an interview with Jada, Jada's mom, and Willow and it was so touching. It seemed they had a very deep connection.

    also, that one song of Willow's sugar and spice seems to be about this and it's just so depressing.

  38. @goes in circles:Not nice calling a child ugly.
