Thursday, January 02, 2014

Blind Items Revealed - Kindness

August 1, 2013

This B list celebrity/singer with an amazing voice and mechanics all her own was seated next to a couple yesterday at lunch and she overheard it was their anniversary. She called over the waiter and secretly made arrangements to buy the couple their lunch. Then she had another thought and bought lunch for everyone in the place at the time which was about 25 tables and then left before anyone could thank her.

Florence Welch


  1. Anonymous8:48 AM

    Wow - what a sweetheart!

    She sang at Blake and Ryan's wedding ... a personal friend of theirs - given that you can judge a person by the company they keep, then they must be good sorts too, no?

  2. Awww, I love that! I always thought she must be a pretentious twat. I was very wrong!

  3. I have a thing cute redheads and Florence Welch falls well within that demographic so it's nice that she's kind hearted and take pity on the less fortunate as it ups my chance of riding her a nano-percentage.
    Well she let Sean Penn buck her so she can't be that fussy.

    On a slightly different topic I know of another kindness blind that one of the enties might be interested in. It happened here in the UK a few years ago but the celeb involved is definitely well known in the States & the wife of an ex workmate was involved so I can give a few background details.
    I'm not on Facebook or Twitter (no interest in any of that crap) & I can't seem to see any email address on the site, so anyone know how I could contact today's enty to see if they're interested?

  4. @Flashy Vic

    I believe it's

    Look forward to seeing it. :)

  5. I love kindness reveals :-) So sweet of her!

  6. Thanks Rhysie, I'll send it in tonight. I've no idea if they'll use it though. It's a pity there's no PM facility or I'd send you one telling it in case it's not used.
    It's a proper nice one that changed my view of the person completely as previously I couldn't stand them.
    And it's never been publicised in any way, though it's quite well known around here.

    1. "Around here" you say? Bangor, Down or NI in general pal? Its so small here, wonder if I'll be able to figure it out!

  7. Oh, I love kindness blinds, so I hope Enty posts yours.

    Hmmmm...wait! Maybe you could post it in the Off-Topic sometime and we could try to figure it out??? I think that would be awesome, OT would be the perfect place for it, too.

    Do it!

  8. time to listen to "kiss with a fist"!

  9. Love kindness reveals. What a classy dame!

  10. @Reno, I thought the same way until she came here. A friend of mine designs swimsuits and Florence ordered one online. When she came to Reno she met up with my friend and gave her concert tickets and backstage passes. Then she took her bowling and shopping at Junkie. She said she was the nicest, most down to earth person.

  11. @Rhysie, I'll send it in & give it a few days & if we get nowt then I'll stick it in off topic.

  12. @Wee S, around Bangor & Ards.
    Though I wouldn't be surprised if they heard about it in Belfast as well.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I've just sent a long email to Enty Central, & now let's see if he/they will do anything with it.

  15. Florence must be good people. Good for her.

  16. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Very cool. My hubby loves to do this. Usually he will look for elderly couples and will tell the waiter or waitress he will take care of their meal but don't tell them. The most recent time we did this, we were still in the parking lot when the elderly couple came out (she in a wheelchair and he had a cane) and they were smiling so big. We weren't sure if it was us or something else, but we both got teary-eyed watching them :)

  17. ohh Flo <3 just warmed my icy heart

  18. @Niclee That is great to hear! What a sweet person.

  19. Looziana that is fantastic!! I've paid for people's coffee in the drive thru at Dunkin but this is way better and I'm going to do that. Thanks for the great idea.

  20. Anonymous7:40 PM

    Florence is cool.

  21. Florence is like my ideal woman. Plus I actually like her music so I would have to lie.

  22. Anonymous7:53 AM

    Sweet! Not a fan, but what a sweetie.

  23. Such a sweetheart.

  24. Please tell me she's A list! She's amazingly talented.
