Monday, January 13, 2014

Blind Item #9 - Golden Globes

To the simple question of who are you wearing, this former B list mostly movie actress who is more famous for her look and franchise and interesting new career said "I wore a form fitting dress this year so I wouldn't get drunk and have sex in the bathroom like last year. I ripped my dress and had to pay for it. Definitely not worth it."


  1. Thats just a great idea on her part.

  2. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Lena Dungham?

  3. Excellent foresight and good planning. I appreciate it when someone learns a lesson from past mishaps.

  4. Aaannnddd... there goes any desire for lunch. Thanks @Rach, for keeping me on my diet. lol

  5. And then she got drunk and had sex ripped that dress and had to pay for it again...Some girls never learn.

  6. Hayden Panawhatever

  7. God Lena Dunhan only wishes somebody wants to have sex with her on a bathroom floor. Id have to be totally obliterated and lasses out on the floor for it to happen w me.

  8. Hm. No idea who this is, but it sounds like she was already drunk when asked this question!!

  9. In this vein, wtf was julia roberts wearing? Odd and unflattering.

  10. Jennifer Lawrence! Makes for a more interesting story then tripped

  11. The only reason people have a problem with Lena showing her body is because when she does, she's happy with it! Not moaning about losing weight.

  12. @Paula - I agree. Her body is more like the average woman than most of the actresses and models out there. I guess someone starving themselves, working out several hours a day and developing an eating disorder or drug addiction is okay with some people, as long as they don't have to be subjected to what a real body looks like.
