Monday, January 06, 2014

Blind Item #8

This A+ list mostly movie actress was out to dinner with her husband. They were having their usual glum meal which was surprising given the location. After about 20 minutes the pair were joined by a man and the husband of our A+ lister jumped up and hugged and kissed the man and then changed position so he could sit next to the man while his wife stared off at the crowd. Apparently she doesn't do the cell phone thing. For the next two hours the wife picked at her food and drink while the two men couldn't stop touching each other and hugging and were basically all over each other.


  1. Someone at the Palm Springs fest

    1. Whoops. Read that wrong. Goop or Julia? Does Chris Martin like dudes?

  2. i thought about Anne Hathaway because she was 3 times in DM today

  3. Anonymous9:09 AM

    I thought AnnE was in Hawaii, avoiding the awards season?

    Not Julia, as she did an interview very recently about how she likes cooking new meals.

    Has to be Goopy ... food would have any sort of fun removed from it to make it tasteless, colourless and blah - much like her.

  4. Job of beard rule number is to always bring something to entertain yourself why your husband is busy getting the D.

    I would have brought my game boy.

  5. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Oh, wait - Goopy is in Hawaii too.

    I'm too tired to Google if they were there or not, but my bet is on either Calista Flockhart and Harrison Ford; or Ben Stiller and Christine Taylor.

  6. I don't get it...if she's the A+ famous one and he's not famous, why would she stay with him if he's gay? Unless she neards a beard too

  7. AnnE. For sure. She always looks glum and if she's in Hawaii she should be happy.

  8. @Sparkleton:
    she needs a beard too?

    for me, Julia R with their 3 kids doesn't need a beard

  9. Julia has been travelling around recently for PR reasons its entirely possible this is her.

  10. Anonymous9:35 AM

    I originally interpreted the 'glum meal' to mean the content of the meal was glum, but I think Enty means the setting.

    So, I'm going to go with AnnE too. Whenever she smiles for the paps, she seems to do so forcibly ... her smiles don't ever appear to be genuine. And she and her husband always seem miserable in each others' company.

  11. Anne's image is so contrived, I can't see her sitting in a restaurant being ignored and staring off into space while her husband was fondling his boyfriend.

  12. Where were they eating? McDonald's?

  13. Yup, gotta be Anne, gloom while in Hawaii? Should never happen. Bearding to not be bothered with the question anymore? Blind revealed already.

  14. I get the gay vibe from Anne's husband, too , but I don't get what she's getting out of a beard situation if that's the case.
    The only thing I can think of is if she really had an affair with Christian Bale on set, and she needed some image rehab before the Oscars.

  15. Lots of potential gays being suggested here: Harrison Ford, Anne Hathaway, Chris Martin, Julia Roberts and Ben Stiller. Hope it's Stiller.

  16. I think after the con artist, Anne wanted someone absolutely safe. A man who's going to act as more of a friend than boyfriend is probably nice. Also, she can avoid dating this way if it makes her uncomfortable or she's jaded about it. And also, with her interest in Judy Garland I wouldn't be surprised if this was unconscious or conscious parallel behavior.

  17. They couldn't be bothered to engage her in the conversation? That's just rude! And why couldn't she just leave and give them some time. This makes no sense.

  18. doesnt mean he is gay, hes just NOT that into her boring ass. Just leave

  19. It's Reece, peoples. She is in Hawaii with what's his ass for the wedding they showed in the photo gallery.

  20. I'm with sherry, they could chat her up? Sounds like the husbands boyfriend and the wife don't get along. She better patch that up if she wants a long thriving bearded marriage. Reap the benefits and make friends

  21. Err....just a thought but why not just stay single?



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