Tuesday, January 07, 2014

Blind Item #6

This A list reality star who has A list amounts of money took his wife off restriction. He let her out of the house. That doesn't happen very often because he says she embarrasses him with her behavior. Yeah, well you would do a ton of drugs and booze if you were married to the guy too.


  1. Anonymous8:17 AM

    Good guess, Ceodacat - she's a strange one and always looks under the influence of 'something'.

    Didn't she sue someone in relation to her skincare line recently? Bet that went down like a cup of cold sick with The Donald.

    1. "Went down like a cup of cold sick" I will need to borrow that and give you royalties. My man is from England, and I died when I read that!

  2. {shudder} I would need prescription level narcotics, a thick blindfold, armoured pajamas, earplugs, and a panic button to sleep next to that thing.

    1. The toupée? ;)

    2. Who would you rather - Donald Trump or Hugh Hefner?

    3. @Sugar - definitely Hugh Hefner. I imagine Donald has a comb over on his pubes too.

  3. Anonymous8:25 AM

    @Seven - What about that thing on his head - I'd have nightmares that it would grow teeth and have a life of its own ...

  4. If the previous blind about the two Russian chicks said rich celeb instead of actor I'm sure the Trumpster would have been the popular pick.

  5. Anonymous8:28 AM

    I always laugh when I watch the 'boardroom' scene on Apprentice - it's like something out of the '80s and Trump's son comes across as really thick ... I liked it when that grumpy old guy used to sit in on the panel - I think his name was George? The fact that Trump allegedly fired Carolyn (the blonde woman who also used to sit in on the panel), for ca$hing in on her then-newfound profile for doing that, speaks volumes about what a dickhead he is. Besides, he's not THAT successful - a number of his ventures have gone belly-up. But he is the only one willing to go on a reality show and flaunt his wealth - genuinely wealthy and successful people wouldn't be caught dead doing that.

  6. Aha! Hugh by a landslide.

  7. When I saw the opening scene of American Hustle where Bale is, for lack of a better description, putting his hair together I immediately thought of Trumps daily hair grooming procedure. Of course Trump can afford to hire a hair wrangler to work on his. The scene is hilarious.

  8. Stepforded is right: Trump is wealthy but he isn't successful. His brother died, leaving Scary Head the sole heir to the Trump fortune, about $250 Million in securities and real estate. Trump has not grown that figure. More then a few say he is worth less now then when he inherited and began running his dad's real estate business. Over the years there have been several restructurings and bankruptcies within the Trump Empire. He talks a way better game then he plays.

  9. If the choices are The Donald vs Hef, it's enough to make a hetero girl switch teams.

    Trump's project in Toronto is an absolute bomb - Canadians aren't that stupid to pay that much for gaudy condos.

    He isn't the only guy though that guy rollercoasters, from a business perspective that fact he can keep getting people to finance his projects is admirable but no he is not that smart.

    I think Ivana was half the brains of that team or she surely deserved half the credit for a lot of his successes and he was a fool to dump her.

    I'd love to see Ivanka outdo them all. I think she is ab fab.

  10. Hef in a walk - there's not even a contest. He may be a gross old dude but he's nowhere near as repulsive as Donald fucking Trump.

  11. He would only let her outside while New York is freezing. I'll bet he doesn't let her dress warm either. "Melania, you don't need to wear a heavy coat, boots, gloves and hat. Don't you know this storm is all a big liberal conspiracy dictated by all those liberal global warming scientists? Don't listen to them. Listen to me. They're the same people keeping Obama's real birth certificate from us."

  12. He has said that Melania styles his hair. If so, she hates him.



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