Monday, January 06, 2014

Blind Item #5

This C- list mostly television actress who has been in the news lately is looking to make some money. Not only is she going to sell her story of her life in Hollywood but is also going to talk about the married producers and actors who cast her so they can sleep with her. She says that she has had eight to ten television parts over the past few years and in each one she had to sleep with a producer or the male star to get the role.


  1. Anonymous8:17 AM

    A woman scorned, eh?

    No idea who, but sounds juicy!

  2. For this blind Betty White is actually a funny answer.

  3. Betty is never C list! Haha

  4. Sounds like some shit McCarthy or Spelling would do.

  5. i say Tori.
    bitch is broke.

  6. Tori makes sense to a degree, but who'd choose her for the casting couch? There's plenty of hot, young no names lining up for it

  7. There's got to be a ton of actresses in Hollywood that could write this book. A non disclosure agreement would probably be a good idea for these guys. Keep a stack of them in the glove box.

  8. Or one of those guys will pay her more to stay quiet ...

  9. Probably every single last c list actress out there. Isn't that how they all get their roles(or have I become cynical from reading too many gossip sites)?

  10. I sense HBO series

  11. Not Tori Spelling. Producers and male stars would give her the parts with the promise they will never have to sleep with her.

  12. This person would never get another acting role again. I don't believe it.

  13. Funny, I thought Tori's boon job would have the opposite effect males (wanting to sleep with her that is).

    1. V, Tori is so ugly, if my dog looked like her I'd shave it's ass and make it walk backwards.

    2. *boobs, get the drift.

      Harry, that is terrible, but thanks for the laugh!

  14. I would love to see the lid blown off this atrocious behavoir. Predatory basterds should pay. Hope she makes a fortune, starts a company and then plays head games with these sorry men when they want a job. Hbo wld be awesome. Bring it!!!!!!

    1. Ooooi, i just thought. If several producers want a job from her, they have to strip naked and stand in cold. Furst one to get hard on wins. Or they measure each others dicks to see whose is longest and gets the job. Let them be f*cking humiliated for a change!

  15. Pammy's tv career is already over and I don't think anyone would be all that surprised.

  16. And there goes her career, if she does this.

    I highly doubt it's Tori, as she got her start because of her father. Most of what she's done since 90210 has been reality TV, in one form or another.

  17. C- list is a really low rating. What about Natasha Leggaro who has been in the news for the joke she made on NYE? She's mostly TV.

  18. Isn't Melissa Joan Hart trying to get into the papers again?

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. How sad women need to do this, sexual harassment of the highest order. I hope one day someone has the guts to try and change this and slut shame these producers and directors right out of their jobs. Probably has to come from people outside of the entertainment industry or people who are willing to suffer the wrath.

  21. Oh see auntliddy beat me to it. First start with a number of lawsuits and some sexual assault convictions . Get some of these creeps on audio or video tape. Then you put pressure on the studios and production companies from various sides to police their employees including directors and/or not hire these people at all. Imagine the quality of movies and TV would probably go up.

  22. Never mind the women who seeing sleeping with directors, producers and lead actors as a perfectly acceptable strategy for stardom.

  23. The women are more than willing to sleep with men for roles. If not, they would move onto someone else. It's two consenting adults so there's no crime. I'm sure they don't explicitly say, "sex or no part." They probably imply it to keep it legal.

  24. Except for the number of parts involved Katherine McPhee fits pretty well.

  25. Tina and auntliddy, none of the guys point a gun at these actresses and say "spread 'em baby". There's a lot of $$$ to be had in the acting business, and there are a lot of actresses competing for these jobs, and some, probably most, of these actresses make the decision all on their own to offer up their womanly delights in order to get some of this dough. If you're gonna rag on somebody for being a lowlife, then you need to point your wagging finger at the girls. They're the ones fucking for fame and money. The guys are just along for the ride.

    1. Hairy, you know this is endemic in the industry, and the woman gets screwed over, literally and figuratively. If someone points gun at your head and says,"screw nw or no foid for ur kids ", is that really a choice she makes? Im not equating the two except to show a choice is not always a choice. The way its system set up, actresses think they have no choice if they want to work. People in power exploiting others is always wrong. You cannot be so naive as to think this is an equal exchange. As fir refusing, remember Marie Sue? Oh, of course not, because she was blackballed and banned because she didnt 'play the game' or do what the good old boys club wanted her to do.

  26. Um. BOTH of them are fucking for fame and money. Saying that the guys are just along for the ride is so disingenuous. The women are fucking for the roles because the men imply that if they don't, the job goes to someone who will. Both parties are equal contributors to this low life behavior. Let's not be coy.

  27. Anonymous10:06 AM

    She didn't HAVE to sleep with anyone she chose to. When I think about all the supervisors/bosses I've had not one of them has been that hawt. Granted I'm not in her field, but still... on another note, can't WAIT for the Bio.

  28. juicy! but she foes realize she will never work again right
    this might be a bluff get somebody to pay her off

  29. I don't know. The starlets who are screwing for parts are not trying to feed their kids. They are trying to be rich and famous. If you want to be an actress, go about it the right way. Work hard, act on stage, start off in commercials etc. I doubt Tina Fey fucked for parts. She's just talented. But someone who is hot but maybe lacks talent and doesn't want to put in the work? Bang a dude for a part. It's gross but if you only want to be probably don't care about what you do to get there.

  30. Jenny McCarthy? She's been in the news lately and I could see lots of men wanting to sleep with her.

  31. kirk Cameron's sister?? burle something.. talking w/ new boob job about being a working mom as if she discovered fire.. some new book out// Candace Cameron something w/ new boob job?? says she struggled to get work??

  32. Anonymous5:08 PM

    I am surprised no one has mentioned that alot of these women started in the business as teens (or younger) and had producers/directors/etc sexually assaulting or saying "if you want the part..gimme ... insert sex act so by the time they are "women" they just roll with it bc they know if they don't..20 other women/actresses will..

  33. Paz de la Huerta? She needs the money for drugs and her drug antics have put her in the news. Maybe Michelle Trachtenberg, who fits the clues but I don't know if she's been in the news.

    Whoever it is, blaming women for the existence of the casting couch is downright retarded. They don't have power in Hollywood. They don't enforce a casting couch policy and they'd rather not be required to use it in order to get work.

    Are some of the posters here a hundred years old?

    1. Anonymous5:55 PM


      U are assuming that most of the actresses have been molested from a young age. Your frequency on a gossip blog doesn't make u an expert. It doesn't make people RETARDED to believe that this blind refers to a grown woman of normal/healthy mental function and cunning. .

  34. Show me on this couch where the bad producer paid you.

    It's free will. Plain and simple. However, me thinks if you want to get all renegade and sell your story...prepare to git butthurt by power and money. Any time anyone has their reputation and capital messed with, another pair of cement shoes winds up on the feet of Cinderella.

    Disclaimer: Let me make it clear that free will doesn't include those that are young and innocent. Otherwise, watch what you ask for-you may just get it.

    I'm still waiting on an indecent proposal but I'm a baaaad actress.

  35. Show me on this couch where the bad producer paid you.

    It's free will. Plain and simple. However, me thinks if you want to get all renegade and sell your story...prepare to git butthurt by power and money. Any time anyone has their reputation and capital messed with, another pair of cement shoes winds up on the feet of Cinderella.

    Disclaimer: Let me make it clear that free will doesn't include those that are young and innocent. Otherwise, watch what you ask for-you may just get it.

    I'm still waiting on an indecent proposal but I'm a baaaad actress.

  36. Had to sleep with them to get the job? Yes, most hookers need to perform to get paid. You want to work for a John, then you can't complain for being a ehore. Free will, at will. Take a different job, or career, but you're not a victim of you willingly engage in this game, because you want the pay off. I'd like the money LILO gets from her sheiks, but no way in hell would I do what she does to get it my. My choice, not hers.

  37. P.s. obvs I am not referring to underage actors/ actresses preyed upon by pedos and greedy fams and managers!!!!

  38. Well, who IS it? I can't hazard a guess, but other people should come up with some names.

    Exposing the creeps who expect sex will never work because they are endemic to the the system. I say, though, what's another slice off a cut loaf, if it will get her a part? What would really be horrendous and shocking: if the actress went along, and did NOT get the part after all.



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