Sunday, January 05, 2014

Blind Item #5

This A list mostly television actress from a hit network show was crying a couple of nights ago and it was directed at her significant other. Apparently the actress had dropped $10K on a gift she bought just for the guy and he was complaining about it the whole time saying he wished that she would have got him a watch or even the motorcycle he wants. Maybe he should get a job.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Sofia Vergara and her prize.

  3. I thought Kaley too

  4. Sounds like Kaley Cuoco's wedding night.

  5. So if this is Kaley who just married him the other day already he screwed up.

  6. I thought Kaley bought him a BMW?

    1. Lotta - the Beamer was for her - he got a gold and diamond cockring/prince albert combo.

    2. @texas rose- LMAO no wonder he's complaining then!

    3. Lotta- also explains the sourpuss look at the lakers game. Probably first night out with his 'gift'.

    4. And she got her mom that Lexus, too! I am sure the new husband's whip has been upgraded.

  7. There's picture of them sitting court side at a Lakers game and her man looks miserable in all of them. Maybe he's not a fan?

  8. Just to throw out another name and to hope Kaley isn't being hurt--Allyson Hannegan's hubby rarely works.

  9. Wouldn't they still be on their honeymoon? Also, this says SO, not new husband
    The 'get a job' thing sounds (in Ent speak) like Alba or Simpson but at this point I don't think either of those fit for them. It's just that he's always ragging both for supporting their SO's.

  10. I think it's supposed to be Kaley whether it's true or not.

  11. Anonymous12:05 PM

    I don't think it's Sofia - she'd be more likely to kick him where it hurts and tell him to stop whinging than cry about his disappointment. Besides, Loeb comes from money and probably has all those things.

    I don't know who it is, but it sounds like the sort of behaviour Dean McDermott would display. And Tori, trying to her darnedest to keep everything together, would probably cry as it's all becoming too much. Doubt Enty rates her as an 'A' though; and her 'hit' show was well in the past ...

  12. kaley..the beamer pap photo op was the make-up gift..
    bought man.keep paying

  13. Yeah I immediatley thought of Kaley Cuoco's husband.

  14. @derek Harvey, are you thinking valerie bert, she was the popular guess i recall

  15. Derek tell me your secrets.

  16. Is it just me, or is the Tori/Dean situation just a PR stunt? I don't believe it at all. She is very conniving and I wouldn't put it past her to have invented this entire situation. Both of their careers have tanked, and all of a sudden, boom! They are back on tabloid covers.

  17. Was she crying on a bench?

    1. cece- yes and she had just passed her child off to a bystander:)

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. I hope that Kaley and Sofia have a strong pre-nup.

  20. Replies
    1. Anonymous1:00 PM

      @Count that's an awesome guess! What does that Brian guy do with himself anyway?

      JLH is very needy and insecure and would definitely cry.

      I think JLH is possibly a little smart though, as she bought a nice, but quite modest, house in Pacific Palisades with Hallisay. With all her money she could have bought something far more spectacular but didn't.

    2. @Stepforded, a fixer upper in the Palisades isn't available under $1M. By Hollywood standards, perhaps modest. But not by regular people standards.

    3. Does JLH usually give a bracelet to all her mens?

  21. Anonymous12:56 PM

    @Gypsytrill - I don't think it's a PR stunt. She'll be trying to keep everything harmonious on the home front at least until her HGTV show airs, plus she's filming a new show with Jennie Garth. She is conniving, yes, but not THAT conniving - if she was going to create a drama then I don't believe she'd have it relate to her relationship with Dean as that seems to be the thing she cherishes the most.

    Something odd is definitely going on with her though - what with moving house again just before Christmas, and leaving a car behind at the old house. A box of stuff, yes, but a car?? Maybe it was as a result of miscommunication or something, but still ...; add to that the closure of her store (the website doesn't mention anything about it closing though), and she has a bit of a mess on her hands without the need to create more drama.

    Things started to go a bit skewiff with her when she sold her Encino house and moved to Malibu ... the Malibu house was a dump, and she lost money on the sale of the Encino property. I don't know why she didn't just stay in the first house she and Dean owned in LA (I forget where it was) - that was absolutely stunning and suited their needs perfectly.

  22. @Stepforded, I agree something strange is going on with Tori. I couldn't understand (a couple years ago) why she and Dean bought a 2 bedroom house when they already had a boy and a girl, another one on the way, not to mention his older son. Their obsession with moving is odd. Probably just the stress of having 4 kids so closely together, but you never know.

  23. If this is Kaley, I hope she made him sign a prenup.

  24. If they are newlyweds would he still be referred to as an SO though?

  25. I thought JLH and her man already broke up? I don't think this is KC but I think it's written to sound like them. That said no other guess.

    1. Anonymous1:52 PM

      @Sherry - no; they got married recently.

      Here's a link to their new house for those who are interested:

  26. Anonymous1:49 PM

    @Alexa Rose - I know, right? They did try to pull the wool over peoples' eyes with that B&B venture though, making out like they owned it when really they just leased it for the show. But she also helped a few people along the way, like her friend Amy Colvin who is a realtor and sold her houses - having her on the show would have helped boost Amy's profile.

    Maybe she thought the Malibu property was going to be worth heaps when they sold it - it was really awful though - bright yellows and blues - very dated AND tiny to boot.

    Also, I say this Blind is about them because Dean is really into his motorbikes; also, $10k would be a lot of money for them at the moment. Whereas for someone like Kaley, it would be pocket change.

    I see Daily Mail have a picture of the exterior of Tori's new Encino (rental) home, which looks a LOT like their old (owned) home ... maybe they have the wrong picture; maybe all houses in that neighbourhood look the same; it's ood though! Oh, and before she moved into the house which she's just moved out of, they were renting a VERY pricey manse in Thousand Oaks which they did not stay in for long ... all this talk of their moves is making my head spin.

  27. Anonymous1:49 PM

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  28. And then did she go to a mall, hand gift to stranger and cry for 20 minutes? Because I totally would.

  29. she was just kidding around when she said that they were so poor they couldn't afford a vasectomy for Dean. Someone who says that publicly to sell books, would do anything and everything to gain a little publicity.

  30. Stepforded, thanks. I did not know. Changing the no guess to JLH.

  31. hey-----sorry went out for supper. It is Pauley Perrette and she got it from her ex-husband, whom she divorced in 2006, Coyote Shivers.

  32. Well in my experience when people move a lot, it's because they couldn't afford or defaulted on the old mortgage. It would explain moving into smaller houses..

  33. I seriously doubt Ryan Sweeting is anywhere near poor. He has made over $1m in prize money and considering he came into the pros as the #2 ranked boys singles player (having won the US Open boys singles title) and spent his first few years in the ATP top 100, he likely had at least a couple of million in endorsements a year. (Endorsements in tennis are HUGE- over $500m/year, even lower ranked players- taking the word "lower" with a grain of salt). Also keep in mind that tennis players get money even if they don't win at all (the US Open pays $19k + daily expenses just to show up and play). They also make appearance fees, clinic fees, etc..

    If he has had a halfway decent money manager, it is highly unlikely that he is even close to poor.

  34. Anonymous5:48 PM

    Kaley Cuoco

  35. Anonymous10:46 PM

    when enty doesn't feel like a relationship is legitimate he doesn't use husband/wife terms usually

  36. Lola Sweeting was supposed to become a top US player. He was born and raised in Nassau, Bahamas and moved to Florida so he could attend one of the tennis factories there so I'm guessing like many tennis players his family was comfortable.

    His tennis career was derailed when he was arrested for drug possession in 2006 and he has tried more than once to regain the form that won him a Junior Championship in 2005.

    Here's a link with a lot of information about him. If his mother is the Cynthia (Cindy) Sweeting I found on Google I'm thinking he's quite comfortable on his own.

  37. All he had to do was move over to "Will and Grace," become Woody Harrelson, and could have had both a motorcycle AND a watch. Sheesh.

  38. Too bad Tori & Dean can't afford birth control.

  39. lol @Hootspa. That was the first thing that popped into my head when I read this. Someone been watching 50 shades of Grace on We.

  40. @Err: If she does, then it probably has a GPS chip in it.

  41. stop paying for dick, rich hollywood ladies smh



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