Thursday, January 02, 2014

Blind Item #5

This B list mostly movie actress who is B list only because of her A+ list name recognition popped into a store to pick up a pack of cigarettes. When she was recognized by some people in the store the actress left the cigarettes on the counter and fled. Apparently that scolding she got a few years ago must have left its mark.


  1. Nicole Kidman...Katie Holmes is a good guest too

  2. Jennifer Aniston?

  3. Any adult who allows themselves to be scolded loses all my respect. Live ya life!

  4. Anonymous8:12 AM

    Sensitive wee thing ... why didn't she send her Assistant out to get them? Pfffft!

  5. Christina Applegate? Remember she got a lot of heat bc she was smoking after she beat breast cancer?

  6. How old is this person? I would think a scolding at the age of 12 would bother me.

    I'm thinking Katie though because she was so brainwashed at first by GMD it would have a lasting impression.

  7. Well if it was Anniston or Kidman for women so obsessed by how they look, why spend all that money on botox if you are going to keep chain smoking. It was like Madonna going on an organic diet and jogging several miles a day but then still smoking. But I guess you're better off if you smoke and eat crap and never exercise.

  8. Agree with Christina Applegate. Sad.

  9. I agree with Katie Tom wouldn't allow her ciggies I'm certain.

  10. nice one FSP, I haven't heard Smoke 'Em in forever!

  11. Should we start shaming people who buy soda or go to fast food places? After all, heart disease is the number 1 killer in America.

  12. catherine zeta jones has been criticized for both smoking while pregnant and smoking around Michael around the time he was being treated.

  13. I like the CZJ guess

  14. Tom Cruise's church is pro-smoking.

  15. Anonymous7:57 AM

    Zeeky: but the CO$ is anti- smoking cock (despite most of their male members doing so)

  16. Aniston, Kidman, CZJ and even Holmes would send an assistant for the cigs.

    Applegate might buy her own.
