Tuesday, January 07, 2014

Blind Item #4

This former A list mostly movie actress who doesn't work enough to maintain that level is B list and probably will be for a long time because of her name. Offspring of a celebrity and proud of it. What she isn't proud of is she says she has gained 40 pounds in the past year and is considering having surgery for a lap band because she doesn't have the willpower to lose the weight on her own. She says she was never more grateful for a cold winter in her life.


  1. Anonymous7:51 AM

    Liv Tyler?

  2. Replies
    1. Kristin - maybe too early for me - who is Liza?

    2. Please don't say Minnelli because she is done and won't work anymore.

  3. Anonymous7:52 AM

    A lapband for 40 pounds of weight gain? Hardly worth it! Try Jenny Craig - if you're lucky enough, you might get a sponsorship deal to go with it.

  4. I like Liza guess

  5. not drew:she is pregnant!
    liv tyler never was skinny and never was A list (in my opinion)

    @Stepforded: Great idea

  6. This is a stupid assed blind item. Who gives a flying fuck? So someone wants to lose weight? Good for them - at least she doesn't want to be a fat assed blimp like so many of your readers.

  7. any doctor who would do that surgery on someone who needs to lose 40 lb. is unethical, IMO.

  8. That's like nearly 3 stone in one year. Eek. Even in my chocolate binging past I couldn't achieve that. She needs some sort of counselling rather than weight loss surgery.

    1. Anonymous8:35 AM

      This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I thought Carrie Fisher!

    Always A+ for her role as Princess Leia, mother is Debbie Reynolds, father is Eddie Fisher, hasn't been that prolific with other acting roles and could be a bit worried about her weight due to the upcoming Star Wars Episode VII.

  10. Has to be someone based in NY because of the cold winter.

  11. Lap Bands are for a general weight loss of 50 lbs, so it's not that weird that she'd get one. Anything around 100 or more you get the gastric bypass. My sister and brother in law got that.

    1. Have they been pleased with the results of the bypass? My husband is looking into it, he needs to lose 100+ (his thyroid went to shit a few years ago & he hasn't been able to get any of the weight off). If our insurance will cover it, I think he's going to do it.

    2. My mom got the
      Bypass about 10 years ago now and
      I've had two friends get the
      Lap band. Def less issues with the
      Lap band, it's
      About the effort you put in friend #1 looks fuckin phenomenal. Lost about 100 lbs. eats like a bird exercises. Friend #2 looks exactly the damn same. Went
      And got the band adjusted bigger a couple times still eats a lot never seen him even exercise. So like everything else in life it
      Seems to come down to comfort. Also from personnel expierence I tried to get
      It done but I wasn't at the one hundred mark and my
      Blood pressure/cholesterol was ok so my
      Insurance wouldn't pay for it. Good luck to your hubby jaq

  12. Just cut back on the cookies and icecream and get in to Spinning for fuck's sake. Stupid chick.

  13. They were talking about a documentary on radio, sort of an answer to Supersize Me. A science teacher who wanted to LOSE weight put together a project with his science students and he could only eat at McDonalds for all his meals.

    He lost 30 pounds. His point being that you don't blame McDonald's because you are fat, you blame your choices at McDonald's or anywhere else for that matter. I am not sure if he was doing regular exercise at the same time but I do believe he was also under medical supervision. I need to find the title of this documentary.

    Just like the one dude who lost 100 lbs only eating a subway, if you chose all the high fat subs you could just as easily gain 100.

    I thought that was cool, and yes I know we all know that theoretically you are better to eat food that is homemade, not fried, not processed etc, but I like his general point.

    I guess the fat gene came from the maternal side in the Tyler family.

  14. @Jacq. Yes, very pleased. My sister has maintained for 6 years. Her husband just got his this year and is still losing. They're very happy with it. My sister has some digestion issues now, like lactose intolerance, but he has none. Good luck to your husband!

  15. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Kate Hudson??

  16. @Beeny Bum...love the connections you made for the Fisher guess. I always like options.

    Still, not sure Carrie's extra 40 was accumulated over 'the past year'...

  17. I had gastric bypass recently. I'm down about 60 lbs and still losing. Both of my parents have lost about 100lbs each and kept it off. My doctor doesn't do the bands anymore as the results aren't great.

  18. Jacq, I exercise and was watching my diet, had a personal trainer and an exercise physiologist and still couldn't get any weight off. I think my issue was a contraceptive implant I had years ago which caused me to put on 20% of my body weight and I couldn't get it off (didn't even lose weight walking the Inca Trail). I have been taking Duromine, which is a combination appetite suppressant and amphetamine. I didn't and don't eat that much, so the appetite suppressant didn't have much of an impact, but I have been losing weight. I have been on it for 3 1/2 months and have lost 12.9 kilos (very close to 2 stone). I haven't had the shakes, but after a couple of months I got constipation as a side effect, so I have to take laxatives just to stay normal (and so I will eat regularly, won't eat if I feel blocked). I mention this as an option before surgery. I myself had decided to get surgery if this didn't work, but I am glad I haven't had to undergo surgery. If after I finish my course the weight goes back on, then I will have surgery. There is a less invasive option called an Endobarrier which you might want to look into before he has a bypass. (Don't know of anyone who has had this, but I would try that first if I can't maintain.) Hope this helps.

  19. I doubt it is Liza Minnelli as I saw her a few days before Christmas and she looked great. Plus she wasn't hiding and spent a great deal of time taking photos with fans.

  20. @Violet I think it's perfectly reasonable to gain 40 lbs. in one year. That's less than a pound a week - a few well-placed cheeseburgers, and there you go.

    @Reno - not sure how it works where you are, but here in Canada they don't do gastric bypass anymore. It's all lap band surgery, and you have to have a BMI of at least 45 to qualify so you're looking at having to be 100 lbs. overweight. (I'm in the medical field - I feel oddly compelled to note that while I am fat, I'm not THAT fat!)

  21. Bryce Dallas Howard?

  22. In the US, you can get lap band at a 30 BMI if you can show you have health problems related to your weight... Not that hard to do.
