Monday, January 06, 2014

Blind Item #4

This B list mostly movie actor is supposedly sober. I say supposedly because his PR people are trying to make sure the world thinks he is, but he has slipped a few times in the past month. The guy is trying, but he is not being honest with himself or his fans if he pretends he has been sober as long as he claims.


  1. If someone is trying to be sober, but slipping, I don't care how honest he is with his fans. Talking about it all the time and detailing every failure probably isn't the best way to go forward.

    1. You had me at...never mind; I agree.

    2. I agree, but pretending he isn't won't do him any favors. Own it. Get help. Set an example.

  2. I guess all one can do is be supportive. Of couse addict isnt truthful. You know the joke-"how can u tell when junkie is lying?", "his/her lips are moving. "

  3. Anonymous8:06 AM

    His PR people just don't want him to spend any time out of the limelight, as that will be a clear admission he still has an issue.

    Poor guy - he doesn't have a chance if the people around him don't want him to get better.

  4. It's hard to keep the straight and narrow. Hope he takes it one day at a time and keeps getting better.

  5. You stumble. You move on. :)

  6. My take is, as you might agree, (or not) Hollywood is a grotesque and evil siren and once you establish yourself as a pet-bank, the real tragedies start. I think ZE, like many celebs, has turned to sauce/substance because he can't be himself without the pretty hate machine devouring him and leaving an unfortunate and defiled corpse. Imagine what these young money makers are expected to do? The only ones who survive are the ones with a good support system that truly cares. I think Hollywood is just as F'd as The Co$ and maybe even more subversive. Breaks my heart thinking about that moment when they sign on the dotted line...

  7. Agree with Lauren. Zach had so much hype in his teens, and was supposed to be the next big thing. A lot to live up to at such a young age, feeling the pressure of people relying on you.

  8. with al those nibblers he has as friends he isn't going to stop. Hope im wrong.

  9. why are people guessing zac? this could be anyone?

    @the real dragon
    i think its pretty safe to say that zac isn't friends with he used to be anymore?

  10. why are people guessing zac? this could be anyone?

    @the real dragon
    i think its pretty safe to say that zac isn't friends with he used to be anymore?

    1. @cubs I wouldn't know. I hope he has

  11. I like Zac. Good luck to him.

  12. I like the Radcliffe guess.

  13. I like the Radcliffe guess.

  14. Zac efron with his sobriety coin.

  15. Anonymous9:03 AM

    @Sarah, I agree. It came at Zac from every direction that he was going to be the next BIG thing. He (and his fans) expected that to happen overnight, and it didn't.

  16. Agree with Zac guess. He was just pictured with his 6 month chip and press has started for that movie he's in - That Awkward Moment.

    Personally, I wish him the best. Staying off the sauce is hell. Oh and what @Sherry said too.

  17. I do agree there are a number of actors in the A - B list range that are supposedly recovering addicts/alcoholics and talk about being sober for X number of years but anyone who understands addiction understands that it is easy to fall off the wagon even if you are motivated and you do all the right things like not hang out with addicts/alcoholics etc in bars and clubs where the booze and drugs are flowing.

    The key is getting right back up on that wagon. But if you never really dealt fully with what was triggering your addiction(s) in the first place, as soon as that trigger re-emerges you are back in trouble and goes without saying that if you don't have a proper support system you are in bigger trouble.

  18. Anyone wearing their 6 month chip at a Lakers game is trying way too hard to convince the world they are sober.

  19. I was going to guess Shia, but there's that "fans" part. So, no, not Shia.

  20. The only person he should tell if he has a slip is his sponser, not his fans.

  21. I say Russell Brand

  22. Is Demi Lovato really sober?
