Sunday, January 05, 2014

Blind Item #3 - Kindness

This A list mostly movie actor who used to be A+ when his comedies would open like crazy spends an hour each day picking up trash either from the side of the road or the beach. That doesn't seem like a lot but think about 9 people spending a full work week picking up trash and that is what it equals. Good for him.


  1. Adam Sandler. And, Go Pack Go!

  2. Either Adam Sandler or Jim Carrey by the description and rating

  3. Adam Sandler? He seems like good people.

  4. Jinx @Cassandra on the first part anyway.

  5. Many many jinxes now @Reno

  6. I don't get the maths tho. His one hour a day is equivalent to 9 people working a full week?

    1. Thank you! @Violet I'm over here scratching my head, saying, "Huh??"

    2. Anonymous12:12 PM

      @Violet - I was just about to type the same thing! #BadEnty

    3. It's 365 days in a year divided by 40 hrs =(one work week) = 9.125 :)

  7. the only trash Jim Carey has picked up on the road is Jenny McCarthy and Paris Hilton

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. enty means 1hr daily over a year equals the work of 9 people on full time, i guess

  9. How does this equal 9 people doing it full time?

    Full time = 40 hours per, right?
    360 hours a week

    Actor = 7 hours a week.

    Did I read this wrong? Is my math incorrect?

    It's fantastic the guy is doing it, absolutely. Just wondering about the figures here.

    1. Ah right. Now you multiply his 7 hours by the number of weeks in a year and you come up with a similar number of hours.

    2. 365 hours in a year divided by 40 hours in a work week = 9.125, rounded to 9.

  10. Ha, okay. I see that question has already been covered :) Sorry.

  11. What about Vince Vaughn? We have a beach here in Chicago

  12. Adam Sandler was photographed on the beach all this week in DM

  13. Good one, Derek!!!!

  14. Not to sound too cynical but I buy him hiking on beach or road by his house when he is there but unless he is carrying a garbage bag and filling it then doubt he is actively searching out trash and keeping beach and roadside clean. I can buy him occasionally picking up a piece of trash he sees and maybe that is what someone spotted and then somehow gets reported as him picking up trash one hour everyday. My apologies to his publicist if he is really out there searching for and picking up trash an hour a day.

  15. So he covers (in a year) what 9 people do full time in a week.

    I see.

    Very very neat thing for him to do.

  16. People take pleasure in all sorts of things. My husband practically gets a boner from shoveling snow. Maybe the fella just enjoys it - it's physical, mindless, and the end result is tangible. Win.

  17. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Steve Martin

  18. @Cassandra, no. Go niners!

  19. Please no math. I hate litter so whoever this is is awesome.

  20. I hate garbage so much that I think everyone should be required to pick up garbage one hour a week.

  21. I saw Jim Carey at Book Expo last May (he was promoting his kids book) he signed for 2 days straight and was so sweet. It was complete surprise to me.

  22. I actually think this might be Gene Wilder, with the reference to "crazy" being the movie Stir Crazy with Richard Pryor.

  23. Wilder also lives near the beach in Stamford, CT.

  24. Wilder is a wonderful guess! I can very much imagine him doing this.

  25. I can see Wilder doing this too. I'm voting him.

  26. "Not to sound too cynical but I buy him hiking on beach or road by his house when he is there but unless he is carrying a garbage bag and filling it then doubt he is actively searching out trash and keeping beach and roadside clean. "

    You'd be surprised what matters to people and what they will do. Bette Midler started by cleaning out a park near her home in NY about 20 years ago and ended up winning the Rachel Carson award a few years ago for the restoration group she started.

    1. Scallywag - it wouldn't surprise me that he, or anyone for that matter, wants to keep beach and roadside by their house clean. But picking up a few pieces of trash on his walk, while nice, doesn't make him someone that spends 365 hours of community service cleaning up litter. If he was then, as I said, he would be walking with a garbage bag or some other container. None of the pictures of him walking his beach show that. It is more likely someone saw him picking up a piece of trash and or he made an offhand comment about cleaning up the beach and then later it becomes a story about how he picks up trash an hour a day. This sounds like something his publicist put out there.

  27. Scallywag, when hubby and I were on holidays in America (July last year), we were told about the 190th street park by one of her volunteers. We took the subway up and it was absolutely beautiful. So quiet and peaceful and overlooks the water. Also has an amazing museum called the Cloisters. Highly recommend it if you get a chance.

    1. The Fort Tryon that place!

  28. steve martin the wild and crazy guy? he lives in la.

  29. Good for this guy.

    There's a special place in Purgatory for people who litter. Right next to aggressive drivers, line cutters and Real Housewives.
