Thursday, January 09, 2014

Blind Item #2

This aging former A+ list mostly movie actor had to pay a substantial amount of money to a woman's pimp the other day while overseas. Apparently our steroid impaired actor had issues getting himself to attention and he blamed it on the lack of skill of the woman he hired and slapped her hard enough to bruise her. She isn't going to be able to work for a few days so some money was exchanged.


  1. Must be Stallone, but where's JBE with the complicated description of his kinks?

    1. I second this.
      Apparently HGH doesn't work on the Johnson. huh

  2. So A+ actors beating up hookers overseas is like the new tweener blind-way too many of them.

  3. the description is usually meant for Mickey Roarke tho. And yeah this BI is recycled.

  4. Anonymous7:11 AM

    What an asshole. Hope the pimp took good care of her and didn't just pocket the $.

  5. Darn darn darn.. I had a bunch of good guesses but the rating doesnt fit such as vin diesel, schwartzenegger etc . So even though I dont think stratham is a plus and is skimming a/b status, he has my vote.

  6. Steven Seagal. At one point in time he was, unfortunately, A list.
    Horrible human being.

  7. Anonymous8:31 AM

    I hope karma is carrying a full arsenal when it catches up with Segal. Starting with a rusty blade and his ponytail

  8. Enty posted a few comments about Mel G pumping up via pharma.

  9. @rach: I read two days ago that Segal is putting his toe in the water about running for AZ mayor

  10. Wasn't there a blind the other day about him rushing to see two Russian girls. He was popular guess.

  11. @TTM - what's complicated about having two girls make out and go to the bathroom in a glass box above your bed while you lie down and jerk off to that?

    Perfectly normal behavior.

  12. JBE, you and I have completely different ideas re:normal behaviour. I don't even want to know how you know that. Okay, I'm lying, I totally do. Spill!

  13. Seagal wants to run for Governor of Arizona.
