Monday, January 06, 2014

Blind Item #2

This former almost A list mostly movie actress should probably be a C+ lister at this point but that name of hers is going to keep her hovering at the A list for at least a couple of more years. She has A+ name recognition. She is also turning into a not very nice person. That sweet image she tried so hard to craft goes away when you are around her. She left her child home while she went out to eat with a couple of friends. When anyone approached the actress for a photo or to say hello her bodyguard would leap into action and keep them away. Apparently she doesn't want to meet any fans and won't ever pose for a photo. She won't sign anything and will ignore any attempts at conversation. I think she needs to think about where she is going to be in a few years and how desperate she will be for fans.


  1. Katie Holmes I reckon...only mentions 1 child.

    Plus Reese's image is already shot.

  2. i also left my baby at home (thank you to my step-mum and daddy)when i went to eat with some friends

    and i totally am okay with "let's the celebrities leave alone" when they're with their family or friends or eating

    1. @French Girl Totally in agreement with you.

    2. Agree with kris and frenchy.

  3. Yeah, Holmes fits better than Drew.

  4. my guess is Katie holmes

  5. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Amy Adams.

  6. Drew will never be less than A...Charlize?

  7. Drew will never be less than A...Charlize?

  8. Anonymous7:40 AM

    @Christy Buchanan - I second that .... after my Amy Adams guess. Charlize is not all sweetness and light as people think.

    I don't agree it's Drew - she's too familiar with the way Hollywood works to get too big for her boots.

    Katie doesn't really have any friends, so it can't be her.

    1. Charlize has never struck me as sweetness & light. To me, she seems very under control of herself and rather cold.

  9. Amy doesn't fit this at all. Enty wouldn't say she should be C- list.
    I agree with Shady Katie.

  10. Hey speaking of Charlize, how come we never see her with her child? And where was said child whilst she was with Sean in HI?

  11. Reese or Kate Hudson.

  12. Anonymous7:54 AM

    @Sherry - novelty has probably worn off already. He has a Nanny who always follows around, but when paps are in sight Charlize is very good at ensuring she's the one pictured holding him.

    1. Thankyou Stepforded. I am so fucking tired of all the love for this pap calling faker.

  13. Anonymous7:56 AM

    I just re-read and saw the bit about the bodyguard - for that reason, Charlize and Amy don't fit.

    Has to be Katie, but I wouldn't have thought she was A list for her craft - maybe for her status, but not for her acting.

    I can't think of any other actresses who have bodyguards and only one child ...

  14. If it is Katie, let's keep in mind that she has a few thousand cult members to keep at bay. As far as they're concerned, she's an evil SP, and they don't exactly shave their heads and wear robes to make their presence obvious.

    1. Yep, if I was her, I'd be suspicious of everyone for the rest of my life!

  15. Why the bug deal she went out without her child, who ever it is? Moms can't go have girl time ever?

    And if it IS Katie - she's ALWAYS with Suri it seems - so good for her to have her own time where she can be a woman/adult.

  16. Ugh - not enough coffee - why the BIG deal? Although, bug deal is funnier to picture. :-)

  17. Good point Gayeld. You can never tell what some crazy ScioNut might try to pull.

  18. But Katie is not mostly movies. I know it says child, but I was thinking Jessica Alba.

  19. Katie was never almost A list mostly movie was she?

    1. @Katie. Batman Begins? until Tommy girl told her to get out.

  20. Katie was never A list movies. Her fame came from TV.

    More likely Charlize, who could be picking up a few rudeness points from Sean Penn.

  21. "I think she needs to think about where she is going to be in a few years and how desperate she will be for fans."

    I vote Teri Hatcher

  22. Whoever this is, the blind reads as though mummy left the child home...duhn duhn duh...ALONE!

    That's how I read it. Otherwise, for those with children, it's an "oh puh-leeze, ever heard of a babysitter?"

    So lets not toss around child negligence allegations, okay?

  23. The way it's written implies to me the child is somewhere between the ages of 6 - 10, and left unattended.
    Could it be Katie? Mostly movies? They've all been flops, so her major claim is still Dawson's Creek, no?
    Kind of fits.
    Mommy time? Yes, we are allowed to have it, but can you enjoy yourself knowing that you left your small child by his/herself?

    1. @Runswithscissors--it reads that way, and that's the part I don't believe.

      It might be implying that when the actress is out alone she sics (sp?) her bodyguard on paps if they get too close, whereas if she's on her own the child acts as, erm, a legal/natural shield. Still deciphering the wording, frankly, but don't see much here other than "unspecified actress wants dinner with friends."

    2. Newman was famous for no autographs or photos unless he was on the red carpet (if then). He said he had enough when he was asked to sign an autograph after being followed into the toilet...fair enough.

      Nobody have him too much shit about that, though.

  24. The way it's written implies to me the child is somewhere between the ages of 6 - 10, and left unattended.
    Could it be Katie? Mostly movies? They've all been flops, so her major claim is still Dawson's Creek, no?
    Kind of fits.
    Mommy time? Yes, we are allowed to have it, but can you enjoy yourself knowing that you left your small child by his/herself?

  25. I think this is supposed to be Katie Holmes, the clue being that she wasn't with Suri, which is unusual for her. It is written poorly, but I don't think meant to imply Suri was home alone. She has an army of nannies with Suri 24-7.

  26. I was thinking Natalie Portman.

    Would Katie Holmes really be a former almost-A mostly movie actress? She will always be the girl from Dawson's Creek who married crazy Tom Cruise to me.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. It's not Amy Adams, for all the reasons stated herein, but also because I was two tables down from her in a restaurant a couple months ago and watched several people approach her. She was perfectly lovely and gracious.

    Secondly, there is no way Enty meant "home alone," but rather, just "home." If it was "home alone," he would have ranted about that. Rightfully so.

  29. Kimberly Stewart

  30. agree this blind is a bit much given the cited support.

  31. Kate Hudson. She really should be C list because she has zero acting talent. She's only A+ in name recognition because she was born with a silver spoon in her mouth; her family name keeps her famous. She had a sweet image and was at one point America's sweetheart. I know she has a bodyguard. Plus I have literally never seen one picture of her posing with fans. Ever.

  32. If it is Katie Holmes it could be because the co$bots are harassing her, thus the bodyguard and curt attitude.

  33. 2nd the khud vote. the oldest was prob w/ 1st dad. and she is never w/o that cute tattooed bodyguard.

  34. She went somewhere without her child!? That bitch!

  35. Adams is in the midst of campaigning for an Oscar (which she probably won't win - again). She's not stupid enough to create this kind of publicity right now.

    I'll go with Charlize. She's no Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm anyway and Penn's a bad influence.

  36. Adams is in the midst of campaigning for an Oscar (which she probably won't win - again). She's not stupid enough to create this kind of publicity right now.

    I'll go with Charlize. She's no Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm anyway and Penn's a bad influence.

  37. Reese has 3 kids & a husband.

    Drew has 1, preg w/2nd, has husband.

    Kristen Stewart has no kids.

    Charlize goes out without her toddler.

    Katie Holmes uses a sitter or nanny. She'd never leave Suri alone because CoS & Tommy would make her life hell if she did.

    I vote Kate Hudson.

  38. Does Halle Berry fit?

  39. Katie wouldn't be considered mostly movie, she has done more tv

  40. I think this is Katie.

    Here's evidence

  41. What does Kate Hudson do to warrant a bodyguard? Or is it "I am the spawn of Hollywood ROYALTY and need one"?



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