Thursday, January 02, 2014

Blind Item #2

This Teen Mom saw how much money Farrah Abraham made so shot her own porn video Monday. The actor who shot with her says she was wasted but they filmed anyway. The mom controls the product so it's up to her what to do with it. He says there is nothing glamorous about the shoot and that if the public is expecting something nice and sweet then this porn is not for them.


  1. Gotta be Amber. Fresh out of jail and desperate for attention.

  2. More "Desperate Women" coming right up...don't you dare change that channel!

  3. I think if Amber was already off the wagon we would know about it. Jenelle is going through one of her calm before the storm phases.

    I gotta go with Maci on this one. she's a big drinker these days.

  4. I have never watched Teen Mom. I know nothing about those 'women'.

  5. I'm going to guess Chelsea because she wanted to do playboy

  6. Can we assume that English is not Enty's 1st language?

  7. Yeah I'm with Maci. She is known add a drunk and fucks around with all the pro motos to keep her face out there.

  8. I think Count and I need to start our own porn production company. It's so easy to get these girls to do whatever just so they can say they were in a movie.

    Definitely making sure my nieces don't grow up like these skanks. I think TTM can attest I'm doing my best on that part.

  9. There is a video of Maci on TMZ today drunk and dancing in a hotel room. I would definitely say this is her. Jenelle is pregnant like someone else said but then again, the blind does lead one to believe this is some pretty raunchy porn. Oh god please not the pregnant porn.

  10. Um, not a big consumer of porn myself so not so familiar, but is it EVER "nice and sweet"?

  11. "Nice and sweet" probably alludes to the weird nice edit they give Maci's useless ass

  12. I was thinking the same thing. When is porn sweet?

    So glad I don't know any of these trashy girls.

  13. Leah? She did the "fake pregnancy" thing to grab some money after Janelle did. Either her or Maci (who I haven't followed at all).

    I don't see this as being Amber - she seems serious about her sobriety. She voluntarily went to jail instead of rehab to get clean and she's likely making at least a little money with post-jail interviews.

  14. Mommy por n is one big turn off. I can only imagine that octomom looks like a tunnel blasted thru with dynamite.

  15. Why is making a porno movie the answer to everything for these young women? I blame Kim K.

  16. I love my fellow CNADers, but I am appalled at how many of you know who any of these "Teen Moms" are!!

  17. I just know some of their names and whatever stories that end up here and Daily Mail. They had a piece about the Janelle, Jenelle (sp?) one that I just read, so I guess her. One other one just got married, I think, Maci? Is that right?
