Sunday, January 05, 2014

Blind Item #1

This former almost A list celebrity/singer who creates controversy every time she opens her mouth went on a rampage at a record executive's home and claimed he was having sex with another performer on the label. She used a different word than sex and did it loudly and frequently right in front of the wife and kids of the executive. Could he have been? Maybe. It wouldn't shock me. Apparently the singer on the rampage though also took it as a personal affront he had not had sex with her. Our rampager was booted from the label and the damage she caused added to what she already owes the company.


  1. Anonymous8:06 AM

    I almost want to say this has something to do with Dr Luke, Katy Perry and Ke$ha, but it's a bit of an 'out there' guess ...

  2. O thought of Kesha and Dr Luke too since she just went to rehab and its being blamed on him.

  3. Anonymous8:09 AM

    Katherine Jenkins was dumped by her label but I don't think she's considered A list celebrity as well as singer ... she's the Welsh one who had the hots for Becks a while back ...

  4. I'm with @Cleodacat. I think M.i.A.

  5. Aw phooey, all this time I was picturing Miley.

  6. But wouldn't the label exec in MIA's case be Jay Z. He and Beyawnce only have Periwinkle Hydrangea. Maybe Ke$ha?

  7. Kesha, Katy and Miley are not former A listers. They are A listers right now.

  8. id say keisha. shes a hot mess, recently rehabbing, and throwing her producer under the bus.

  9. @warecat, holy shit ur avi!

  10. Captain Spaulding all the way, ghoul!

  11. "Periwinkle Hydrangea" LOL

  12. i'm thinking about rihanna

  13. Ke $ ha, M.I.A. or Lily Allen

  14. M.I.A. just left her record label the other day.

  15. I'm on the MIA train too.

  16. This is bullshit! This is supposed to be MIA, Jay and Rihanna. MIA left Rocnation for the same reason everyone else leaves or should leave. They weren't putting anything in to her CD so she bounced. But to say its because jay wasn't fucking her is beyond ridiculous.
    Stop making up blinds to fit press releases.

  17. In what world would MIA be consider A List?

  18. This has Anne Murray written all over it.

  19. Ke$ha. There was nothing about her having problems and then she was in rehab.
