Friday, January 03, 2014

A Khloe Kardashian Pregnancy

I actually thought it was impossible for Khloe Kardashian to become pregnant without IVF. With that being said if the rumors on the internet are true that she is pregnant, am I really expected to believe she got pregnant by Lamar Odom? Let me ask you a question. You are married to someone who is a known drug addict. You know for sure he smokes crack and smokes pot and you have heard whispers that there may be even stronger drugs that have been taken. You know for a fact he has cheated on you with hookers and strippers and other women and didn't use any type of protection with any of those women. None. You are in the midst of getting a divorce from that same person. At what point does it seem like a good idea to you to have unprotected sex with that person?

What I do love about the rumor is that Khloe is apparently unsure who exactly the father is and that she is having to choose between three men. Game, Matt Kemp and Lamar Odom. So, basically if the Kardashians want to air any of this they will need to wait until Khloe has the baby and do a DNA test and then pretend they are nine months in the past and Khloe can pretend she is in love with whoever is the daddy.


  1. I think words like "facts" and "Kardashian" should not be used in the same sentence.

  2. Anonymous6:20 AM

    I have no doubt that it's NOT Lamar's - goodness knows they tried enough when they were together to get pregnant and it never happened.

    Aaaah - nothing like a bit of a Kardashian Karma! ;-)

  3. For the love of humanity, make it stop!! Somebody, anybody, make it stop!!!

  4. Joyous news ANOTHER Kardashian moneymaker in 9 months for PMK!!!

  5. Can we take this Kardashian time machine and fast forward to February? Who is with me?

  6. Let me ask you this---why? Why? Why? Why can't we have one day without hearing about this freaking family and their grasping at straws for attention?

    1. ^^THIS^^
      And why oh why can't God/Jesus/Buddha/the Fates/Krishna whoever it is that runs this stupid world stop giving children to trash?

  7. Thats so 2013. 2014 we get machine guns and mow them all down and defend ourselves under the Stand Your Ground laws

  8. Anonymous6:25 AM

    @Kristin - meeeeee! - That is, IF you mean February 2040.

    Also ... wasn't she (allegedly) the one that got Lamar hooked on coke, and wasn't she (allegedly) screwing around on him as well, except she kept it quiet so as not to tarnish her "image"? That's what I heard.

    Oh Mama Kris - what is it with your girls having all these babes outta wedlock? The shame, the shame! LOL ... ;-)

  9. Can babies live on Adderall in the womb?

  10. Did Big Foot find another of her kind? She must of been trolling the Jersey turnpike and the woods of Washington state.

  11. That really is some messed up karma if Lamar finally got her pregnant after so many tries when it's all over. Damn

  12. Aww, I hope everything turns out well for her and her baby.

  13. My only thought... there are thousands of couples/women who desperately want to become pregnant and start a family, yet can't. Then we have this train wreck of an extended family cranking out newborns at the drop of a hat. And such a stable environment for these wee ones *sigh*

    1. Preach it! My hope is this is all false. That's all I got though.

  14. @kristin i'm with you!

    this is juicy!

  15. Yeah I think its The Game's.

    I also think its incredibly stupid.

  16. it would be awesome if she was preggers and it was the Game's.

  17. Anonymous6:46 AM

    Out of all of them, she seems the most human. She makes me sad. I hope it goes well for her. (And I wish the rest of them would disappear into the ether along with happy pants & Bros)

  18. Perhaps she was impregnated by her Rottweiler. Does she have a Rottweiler?

  19. Who is the Kraptrashian fan base?

  20. @Step....I'm with Kristin too..around these parts February is Kartrashian Free Feb. Unless new Enty decides not to play. We LOVE Feb around here ;)

  21. Hasn't she always wanted a baby? Good for her if she is then!

  22. No kardashian stories please. Life would be better without reading or hearing their names or seeing their faces.

  23. C mon Febuary#!

  24. Anonymous7:11 AM

    I agree no more stories. But I'm hoping she's happy.

  25. Just when I thought we would have a Kardashian fee 2014. Maybe next year. :(

  26. This is just PR. Their next round/season starts soon as evidenced by the ridiculous amount of promos on E! It's possible that I need a rethink of my channel choices....

  27. I think if it's true, she has really wanted a baby, so good for her. I don't care whose it is. She has enough money not to need to marry the father if she doesn't want to.

  28. Sigh. For what it's worth, Game is actually a good father. But I hate to see another baby born as a moneymaker for the k-klan.

  29. She probably thought she couldnt get pregnant and maybe took a chance. Or condom broke. Or any number of things. Did you know if you are on Birth control pills, and take antitbiotic for any reason, you are no longer protected and may become pregnant? Creepy she doesnt know who father is if this at all true.

  30. Cmon Enty you're making too much sense. I always liked khlie but she appears to be as trashy as the others.

  31. Aw I like khloe, she actually seems like she would be a good mom of the Kourtney variety.

  32. Anonymous8:45 AM

    I call these news BS.. If she is pregnant I start drinking again :)

  33. They will do absolutely anything in the interest of generating a story line. Kim's marriage to Kris Humphries proved that, something I'm quite sure they were ALL in on, everyone except Kris Humphries of course. They all suck.

  34. She should hang out with Wynonna Judd.

  35. 1. I doubt shes pregnant, she indeed has fertility issues, and for her to 'accidentally' get pregnant would be beyond a happy accident.
    2. I thought 'enty' vehemently denied that Lamar was a druggie, saying is was all PMK spinning the media to make him look bad? MAKE UP YOUR MIND ENTY

  36. this should be pay per view w maury holding the envelope...

  37. This was a post on media take out a day ago. Which means its bullshit until further notice.

  38. Anonymous12:16 PM

    I hope this Kuntrashian free Feb isn't just a pointless lure.
    BTW: which of you girls is supporting Fanuary? The guys have Movember where they grow facial hair. Fanuary is about us girls growing hair (where it counts)
    Back me upon this one. Get sponsors. Money raised can go to the "get the Kardashian family wiped from this planet" cause.
    It's worthwhile.

  39. Can't do it @Rach. Too itchy!

  40. It the rumor about Khloe is true, that is the icing on the cake. What a bunch of low class bimbos -I mean bimbos with a capital B . Kids with odd people, drunks running around, rumor has it the fat boy has a kid hidden somewhere , everybody has a kid out of wedlock - the list goes on and on. The lead bimbo example is Kris and then it is the trickle down.

  41. I always thought she was a guy.

  42. Hey, kids. The 'I thought she was a guy' and Sasquatch references aren't cool. Grow up. And Robert - the Rottweiler thing? Really?

  43. `Just so I understand, thinking she looks masculine is unacceptable, but calling her a bimbo, a Kuntrashian, and Adderall/coke addicted is ok?
    Note taken.

    1. I guess it's true. Some people will complain about anything.

  44. For the love of god and all rationality, quit lumping weed and coke together. That is the most dangerous thought process on top of being a huge lie. If you tell kids that weed and coke are the same, they will smoke weed, find that it is not the devil then do coke to find they might have addiction issues. Just stop already. I don't need to hear a drunk 300# bacon addict basement living entertainment lawyer to be preaching about the evils of a plant. Grow up enty.
    Sorry, that continuing theme rankles me to no end.

  45. funny how khloe has given her mother shit for years for her getting preggers by someone other than her husband rob kardashian. and now khloe has 3 possible baby dady whilst still married.. pot meet kettle.. mama!!
