Saturday, July 27, 2013

Blind Item #3

This B- list mostly television actress from a very hit, long running, network show has finally walked away from her husband. At least this time it has been a week. He cheats constantly and is at it from the time his wife leaves for work until she gets home. He then goes out at night, leaves her with the child(ren) and hooks up with whoever he has met online that day. He promises the women that he can make them a star. He then has sex with them and rarely calls them again.

Blind Item #2

This A list singer/former A list tweener made five women stand naked in his hotel room before they were allowed to talk to him. While they were standing there they were talked about and leered at. There were more women originally but some gave up and one was pulled out of the lineup because one of the guys there wanted to have sex with her and another two were kicked out for being too fat. This will be revealed.

Blind Items Revealed

April 22, 2013

This newfound B list celebrity/reality star was all set to hang out with 100 kids and give them some pointers in their chosen sport. Kids and parents were all looking forward to it. Our celebrity decided to party instead and got wasted and slept with a random woman he met and missed his flight and blew off the kids and families.

Ryan Lochte

Blind Items Revealed

April 22, 2013

This former A+ list mostly movie actor is a perv of epic proportions. I think everyone of us knows that. This might be pushing the edge of perviness though. Is it proper protocol to fondle and grope your girlfriend's breasts and slide your hand under her dress outside the bathroom and then take her hand and go back to the table where her parents are seated?

 Arnold Schwarzenegger

Blind Items Revealed

April 21, 2013

This B-/C+ list mostly movie actress from a franchise has lost out on several roles because she refuses to crash diet. Producers have offered her roles provided she drop a ton of weight and say they can arrange for her to get some Adderall or speed, but our actress refuses it and says they can hire her like she is or she will continue to lose weight the old-fashioned way.

Bryce Dallas Howard

Blind Items Revealed

April 20, 2013

This A list comedic actor who has had a run of good luck in the past two years has really started to get his drink back on. I have talked about him before and his drinking issues, but this might be the ultimate. At a party after a premiere, our actor got so drunk that he peed himself while talking to a group of people. He suddenly stopped talking and looked down and everyone else's eyes followed and there was no doubt what he was doing. He then went and found a table to fall asleep under.

Jason Segel

Blind Items Revealed

April 18, 2013

This former A list female tweener must have been a huge fan of FFF, because she went up to this A+ list rapper and said I will show you mine if you show me yours. He was all for it so she stripped up top and he stripped down bottom and apparently she stared for a good five minutes and said she had never seen anything like it. No word on what happened after, but this part happened in front of a crowd of five or six people.

Miley Cyrus/Snoop Dogg

Blind Items Revealed

April 18, 2013

This A list singer got her hands on some acid that was not her normal fare a few weeks ago. As a result, she can't remember the words to about half her songs and now needs a teleprompter on stage to help remind her.


Blind Items Revealed

February 27, 2013

This new to the A list mostly movie actress who got her start on a hit network television show told some of her fans following her asking for a photo to f**k off and that if they wanted to see her or get a photo they should print one off the internet and go see her latest movie.

Mila Kunis

Blind Item #1

Sometime in the next week there is going to be a 30 second cell phone recording hitting the internet which shows the celebrity husband of this A list reality star having sex with a woman who is most definitely not his wife. The recording is very very recent. The recording is grainy but there is no mistaking who it is.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Random Photos Part Five

A mini-reunion of The Return Of The Jedi cast gets the top spot.
Amanda Bynes being shuttled between hospital buildings.
Bar Refaeli wishes all of you a very good weekend. I know one way she could make it better.
It may not always look like it, but I saw Britney Spears the other day and she looked really really good.
Bruce Willis and his wife push their daughter around Europe.
Also in Europe are Connor and Isabella Cruise.
Hello Winnie Cooper. Come over and study some math with me.
The Goopster in Europe with and
without clothes.

Random Photos Part Four

Denise Richards taking a night off from five kids.
Mrs. Carlos Danger seemed to be in a pretty good mood in NYC yesterday.
Jennifer Aniston is probably counting down the days to get rid of the hair style and to get hired for another movie which will make no money.
Jimmy Fallon yesterday and
his new baby, Winnie.
Joshua Jackson and Diane Kruger hiking. I'm shocked she did not attempt it in a pair of heels.
Joe Manganiello and his girlfriend in Australia.
Jenna Ushkowitz after the Cory Monteith memorial.
Jane Lynch got her nail polish on after the service which she said was great.

Random Photos Part Three

Jessica Simpson makes her post baby public debut.
Long time no see in the photos for Jwoww. It must be all of two weeks since she was in.
It actually has been a long time for Katrina Bowden.
I'm not sure what kind of look Kaley Cuoco is going for with this.
Kelly Clarkson modeling wedding dresses.
It took 30 minutes of this pose for Kylie Minogue to be happy with the butt shot she eventually posted to Twitter.
Not posting any butt shots to Twitter this week, is Kristin Cavillari who was filming a television show. Yeah, it makes me sick too.
Alone and in need of his wife and kids, but stuck with hookers and groupies for now is Liam Gallagher.
Mel B in NYC with two of her kids.

Random Photos Part Two

Miley Cyrus standing in front of her name in London.
Michelle Rodriguez looking a little worse for wear last night.
Nicole Eggert out with her baby.
Not with either of her children, but with her new breasts, was Nicole Richie in Italy.
Naomi Watts walking her dog and not in a pregnancy prosthetic.
Orlando Bloom out and about in NYC.
This is the worst example of American tourism I can remember. This family caught and then killed a six tentacled octopus in Greece so they could eat it. It was only the second one ever discovered.
Olivia Wilde is spending some time in Senegal. Good for her.
Pierce Brosnan and his rarely seen son.

Random Photos Part One

Five parts today.

Prince Harry at his first public appearance since the birth of his nephew who he plans to take out drinking really soon.
Reese Witherspoon at a very rare dinner with friends. She usually keeps friends confined to lunch.
At the same restaurant at the same time were the Beckhams.
Not dining with anyone was Sandra Bullock who was on a school run with her bodyguard.
Selena Gomez goes with the look this summer of short shorts designed to look like long shorts.
Sofia Vergara is back from Greece.
What Tina Turner wore to her wedding.
Vanessa Hudgens has been dropping the weight the past few months.
Willow Smith shows off her new hair.

Blind Item #9

This A+ name who is now a shell of her former almost A list mostly movie actress self has apparently been banned from ever entering a certain country again after a hotel claims that a rare piece of jewelry was stolen by the actress. They have kept it quiet, but the insurance company is going to pursue a claim against the actress. The only action the hotel took was to talk to someone who had it arranged that the actress is not allowed back inside the country. I don't think she was planning on going back anyway.

Blind Item #8

This father/son duo spent a night holed up in a strip club on a recent night. They each took someone back to the hotel. One is married to a permanent A list celebrity. The other has an A list celebrity girlfriend.

Blind Items Revealed

April 17, 2013

This really close, if not there A list mostly movie comedic actor has got such a big head now that he even lost a friendship over it. A friendship to an A+ list mostly movie actor who let him have the keys to one of his houses. Our almost A lister threw party after party there and the house was trashed and valuable pieces of art were broken and the almost A lister told the A+ lister he would write him a check and it was no big deal, but the A+ lister told him that it was not about the money, it is about respecting another person's property, especially when entrusted to you.

Jonah Hill/Brad Pitt

Four For Friday - Two Years Of Hell

It is Friday. The last Friday in July and less than a month before school starts in many places. Enjoy those last 30 days kids. I will be here all weekend with some blind reveals from the archives and from more recent times too. If you don't have anything to do this weekend, why not spend a minute or two all comfortable on your sofa while we pound back Bloody Mary's and wish that everyday was a weekend. Then we can drag ourselves back to work on Monday promising ourselves we won't ever drink again. By Tuesday we waver. You can follow me on Twitter. I am @entylawyer

This actor was approaching A list when he was younger. That was when he got the role of a lifetime on a television show. Then he dropped to B despite a truly great film performance that everyone loves. Loves. He stayed busy even without fame and was pumping out movies as fast as he could make them. Every genre, but not many successful ones. It didn't matter. he was working. From the time he hit his first set when he was in his teens he was drinking. That turned to drugs and back to drinking. That turned to rehab and then rehab again. As he drank and grew older, he also became a real pain to work with and directors and producers wanted less and less to do with him. When he came on the set with a knife once and then later with a gun while high on meth, he was shown the door. Literally. Rock bottom. He said he literally slept in a gutter that night because he kept drinking and kept using and when h fell down off a curb, the gutter was on a slant and he did not have enough muscle coordination to beat the slant and was on the ground all night. He woke up and went to rehab the next day. Had a slip and then went again. After that second chance he has kept on the straight and narrow. He has been clean. From the day he got out of rehab that second time he has been calling producers and directors and writers. He just wanted a chance to act again and to show everyone he could do it. He says he never missed a day of calling for almost two years. He kept going to lunch with people to show them he was clean. He made sure people saw him clean. Now, almost two years later he landed a great film role and a small part on a very popular television show. Hopefully he can keep it together.

Your Turn

Kris Jenner talked about faking orgasms and having sex on an airplane in front of her two youngest daughters. I know we all dislike Kris and the rest of the Kardashians, but, should she have been talking about things like that in front of her mid-teens daughters? Would you?

Blind Item #7

This actress is C- list. Mostly movies. She is related to a B- list actress who will join her relative in the C range very quickly since her show ended and can't get work. Anyway, the current C lister is about to get a few roles because she filmed herself and this almost A list mostly movie actress having sex. Apparently it is very hot. The almost A lister is out so that is not the big deal. It is who she is dating now. he does not want a scandal and is throwing parts the C lister's way.

Aaron Hernandez Was Carrying Gun Minutes After Murder

The court in the Aaron Hernandez case made 104 pages of documents available to the public. They also included photos. One of the photos shown above is of Aaron Hernandez, in his house, just minutes after the murder holding a gun in his hand. The photo comes from video taken by his own cameras. I thought he destroyed them all. I guess he missed a couple or they managed to repair what he thought he destroyed. Now, with his history of guns, he could just like to walk around the house with a gun in his hand, but it does seem really coincidental that just a few minutes after a murder of which he is accused that he has a gun in his hands as he comes from outside.

Blind Item #6

This barely A list mostly now movie actor is back on the stripper bandwagon again. The married to a celebrity actor is keeping it online this time though and just has webcam chats with several different women who have all signed non-disclosure agreements. His wife does not know though.

Blind Item #5

This show creator of a hit cable show admitted that he let his peen get the best of him when he cast this B- list mostly movie actress in a role for which she was not suited. She said she would sleep with him if she got the part and he really wanted to, she got the part and was hated. She slept with a cast member to get him to stick up for her, but he just blew her off when she tried to get him on her side and keep her on the show.

OJ Simpson Wants To Be Paroled - Kind Of

Can you imagine a world with OJ Simpson back on the streets? He was not in the news all that month during his years between the murder of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman, but when he was, it was usually only bad news. It has been nice to have him in jail in a state that really goes after you if you commit crimes. I think it is because Nevada has endless land for prisons and they don't mind funding them. Yesterday, OJ had his first parole hearing and told the board that he has been a model prisoner and the parole board seemed to think he is a low risk for repeating his behavior. The thing is, even if he is paroled for the robbery for which he was sentenced to 33 years in jail over five years ago, he would still need to serve time on other sentences and would be in jail for at least another four years and have to remain a model prisoner inside jail.

Blind Item #4

The boyfriend of this former A list reality star from a hit cable show who is now a B list celebrity and still has A list name recognition brokered a deal for the celebrity to have sex with a fan. $100K for just three hours. Impressive. What is not that impressive is that the boyfriend is keeping it all for himself. Yeah, he is that way for sure.

Eliot Spitzer's Wife To File For Divorce

According to The NY Post, the wife of Eliot Spitzer is finished standing by her man. Kind of. The long suffering wife of the hooker lover will do him one last solid and wait until his campaign is over before filing for divorce, but, once it has ended so has their marriage. Apparently with him running for office again, all of the old stories being talked about all the time is just too much for her and she does not want to relive everything and hear about the hookers and why he never takes his socks off when having sex with hookers and how much he spent on them and why he prefers them to his wife. What she should really do is file while the campaign is going on. That would get him. He and Anthony Weiner do make quite the team in NYC.

Blind Item #3

This A list reality star with A+ name recognition from a very hit cable show is thrilled with her weight loss. You know, diet and exercise is what she says. The Adderrall she pops like Skittles would tell a different story. She takes so many that she has been sleeping two hours a night and has become the most impossible diva on the set of her show.

Blind Item #2

This former A list mostly movie actress who was this close to A+ before everyone realized she can't act and was not popular and made a string of bombs got naked with this almost B+ celebrity who everyone has been talking about this past year. As soon as they got naked though, the boyfriend of the almost B+ lister walked in the room and started undressing and that was the cue for the former A lister to grab her clothes and leave. I'm sure her husband was glad to get her back.

Blind Item #1

This former B list mostly movie actress was going to be the next big thing at one point. A bunch of movies in a row. Kind of reminds me of Kirsten Dunst, but without the booze and need to have a strong of rock star boyfriends. Anyway, she now does mostly television. Probably B- list. Anyway, two nights ago she and some guy she had just picked up at a club decided to have sex in a cab on the way to his place. Full on sex. hey managed to finish before arriving at his place, so she just said good night, and went home. Where is Taxicab Confessions when you need it?

Mick Jagger Turns 70 Today

It is rare that I stop for a second and say something about a birthday of a celebrity, but Mick Jagger turns 70 today. That is crazy. What is crazier is that his band, The Rolling Stones have played better shows this summer than lots of bands who are half their ages and who have done significantly less drugs than all of them. Mick Jagger is 70. Let that sink in for just a second. To live the kind of life he has led and to play that hard and work that hard and to still be alive at 70 is an amazing accomplishment. So, is the fact that right now there is probably some baby being born and that baby will probably be the date of Mick Jagger at his 90th birthday party where he will keep the set list down to an hour because Keith Richards has a bag of blow to do before he goes to bed. Oh, and all shows start at 2pm.

Kristen Wiig And Fabrizio Moretti Split

As I told you a month or so ago, things were very rough with Kristen Wiig and her boyfriend of 18 months, Fabrizio Moretti and now Kristen's publicist has confirmed the pair split but will remain the best of friends. Uh huh. So, that of course means they will keep hanging out everyday and when they each find someone else to have sex with, they will continue to hang with each other. I don't think so. I know that all publicists are required to include that phrase in any kind of breakup report, but it really is disingenuous, especially when you know that the publicist saying it have never stayed best friends with any of the people they have split with. Do people do it? Yes, and those people still belong together or one of them is gay. You can't tell me that your current partner would allow you to remain best friends with your ex and do things together. They just would not. I think Kristen wanted to get something out now because of some press she has to do and also because Fabrizio has been spotted with other women, including making out with one in a club the other night.