Game Of Desks
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:00 AM
Labels: video
November 7, 2012
I don't know if she was being funny or being serious, but this A+ female singer spent some time yesterday basically molesting this former A list tweener who is having trouble maintaining his A list singer status. The female singer kept teasing him about his manhood and kept trying to get him to take his clothes off and would grab him and try to feel his manhood. Apparently she was obsessed with it or pretended to be. She finally cornered him and grabbed it and held it and told him to call her sometime. The tweener was bright red and tried to act cool like it happened everyday but just ended up looking like an idiot. He also called her a h* after she left. Idiot.
Justin Bieber/Rihanna
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:45 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
November 24, 2012
If you are in the Miami area, have access to a great deal of meth, then you to can have sex with this former B list actress from a hit cable show. Now she is probably a C lister, but if you act fast, you can have her before she loses her teeth.
Paz De La Huerta
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:30 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
November 25, 2012
This B list actor who has dabbled with A list in the past and usually does movies now but has dabbled in television previously has a new significant other and they have not been together long. They got very close, very quickly. Most people say way too quickly. He is a person though who also believes in open love which his new significant other is finding tough to grasp. She wants to be supportive, but finds it hard when she comes home to finding him in bed with a couple of other women and stoned out of his mind tells her to come join them.
Shia LaBeouf
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:15 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
November 25, 2012
This A list all movie actress is telling reporters in her interviews that the failures of her most recent movie are because of her co-stars and director and that she kept trying to get them to change their performances and that she worked so hard to make everything try and work out right and that she worked 20 hours a day to try and make it right. Everyone on the cast and crew hates her for this and it was because she didn't want to be there and complained everyday that everyone tried to get her fired and consider her the reason this last movie like most of her recent movies have been toxic. People hate working with her.
Halle Berry - Cloud Atlas
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:00 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
November 26, 2012
This actress is an idiot. The actress who used to be almost A list back in the day and is now a laughable C who is lucky to get work but still has A list name recognition was told by one of her friends that Prince Harry loved her and had a crush on her from back in the day and there was some super secret exchange thing going on and after a lot of back and forth our actress thought she had the personal cell phone number of Prince Harry. For two days straight she sent massive amounts of texts and photos, many of them not fully clothed and was just incessant about communicating and told everyone they were texting and dating and just went on and on. The thing is no one ever wrote back and after two days of this constant barrage, it turns out that it was a wrong number and belonged to some woman who had left her phone at work over the weekend and came in on Monday in London to almost 500 messages and photos since she had left on Friday.
Lindsay Lohan
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:45 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
November 27, 2012
This real housewife recently went on vacation. She wants the world to think the family has plenty of money and that the luxury vacation proves it. Reality is that the vacation was paid for by a company in exchange for photos to be sold and the family is more broke than they have ever been and if not for the show would probably be living at the in-laws house.
Melissa Gorga
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:30 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
There has been talk of this celebrity couple trying to work things out. She is really close to A list. Definitely A list name recognition. He used to be B list, but you really have to be a certain age to know him as more than her husband. She wanted to work it out for the kids. He just kept wanting to get his freak on, and she has finally found someone she is interested in, so the divorce is coming. She is going to have to pay a lot.
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:15 AM
Labels: blind item
There is so much to say about Amanda Bynes. The thing is, unlike when Britney Spears went through her off the rails phase, there are not paps tracking her every movement, because Amanda Bynes stays inside a lot of the time. Also, I think Amanda is not crazy. I think she has a big drug problem which is contributing to her issues and I also think she has this fear of actually being caught by her parents doing drugs so continues to deny she does drugs. I can't think of another reason why she keeps denying the obvious. She claims she does not drink or do drugs. That has been proven wrong. I thought I would post this post this morning, so everyone could give their theories and also offer Amanda suggestions as to where she could buy better quality wigs.
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:00 AM
Labels: Amanda Bynes
Morgan Freeman falls asleep during a live television interview.
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:31 PM
Labels: David Beckham , Eva Longoria , Gisele Bundchen , Heather Graham , Jessica Alba , Michael Caine , Morgan Freeman , Steven Tyler
Kylie Minogue
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:21 PM
Labels: Audrey Tautou , Cannes Photos , Goldie Hawn , Heidi Klum , Kylie Minogue , Laura Dern , Milla Jovovich , Nicole Kidman , Rosario Dawson , Sharon Stone , Stacy Keibler
That is Jason Bateman. That is his wife. Those are their two kids. That is a lot of rain. Looks like fun though.
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:11 PM
Labels: Amber Heard , James Caan , Jason Bateman , Jodie Foster , Johnny Depp , Katherine Heigl , Khloe Kardashian , Kristen Stewart
Four parts today.
Michael Douglas looks a little out of it in London. Probably enjoying his last few days of solo fun before flying back to Catherine Zeta Jones.
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:01 PM
Labels: Michael Douglas , Michelle Rodriguez , Ryan Phillippe , Tom Hanks , Will Ferrell
This almost A list mostly movie actress likes everyone to think her life is very perfect and very nuclear. It is not that great, but she is a great actress. The thing she loves doing though is once a week she will do a few lines of coke just because she feels like she never can party or go out and always has to be the perfect mom and wife.
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:30 AM
Labels: blind item
This C+ list mostly movie actor who really only has one great role to his career thinks he is a big shot. He is recognized for the movie, but not as much as he was when it came out a few years ago. He was hitting on a woman the other night and when she blew him off and didn't recognize him, he threw his drink in her face and told her to Google him and then come back when she was ready.
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:00 AM
Labels: blind item
This former B list mostly television actress who has been in this space a lot and is now just a C- list actress with a name trying to make it in the world, has been trying to sell producers on a reality show for her. Yes, how the high and mighty have fallen. She is pregnant and since her boyfriend dumped her, she is going to raise the child on her own. I wonder if she will stop boozing now that she is pregnant.
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:30 AM
Labels: blind item
It is that time again. It is Friday. A three day weekend which I hope everyone will enjoy. I know I will because I will be right here every single one of those days blogging away. Reveals from the archives tomorrow and Sunday and a full slate of fun on Memorial Day. Don't forget about Arrested Development this weekend and if you would like, I would love for you to follow me on Twitter. I am @entylawyer
This B- list celebrity is barely B-. I am being generous and I think it is only because of who she is with that she moves up from the dreaded C list to B-. Does a little of this and a little of that and stays in the spotlight just enough where everyone kind of knows her name. You would be hard pressed to name something she has been in except for her relationship. She does have something unique going for her though. She says she is straight and no one has ever questioned that. She is with a guy now and has always publicly been with guys. The thing is she has been with four women at least in her life and is the only person I know who has been with the following combination of tabloid train wrecks.
A+ list singer/celebrity
Former almost A list mostly movie actress who is lucky if you consider her a C+
Former A list reality star turned joke
Former C- list celebrity now turned C+ list celebrity wife married to an A list mostly movie actor
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:10 AM
Labels: blind item , Four For Friday
This A+ list celebrity/singer says he will not be seeing this certain reality star anytime soon and will not be present for a very important life event. He also has instructed those around him to not mention her name.
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:40 AM
Labels: blind item
I believe Jodi Arias is guilty. A jury found her guilty. That same jury though could not decide whether she should be given life in prison or the death penalty, so a new jury which has not heard anything to do with the case before will try and decide if she should live or die. The jury tasked with deciding, could not and told the judge there was no way they were going to be able to decide. So, a mistrial was declared. Nothing changes about the original verdict, but I think that if a jury can't decide, then maybe there should just be a default position, which probably should be life. Apparently prosecutors will decide if they just want to offer Arias life in the next few days.
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:20 AM
So, you are Andrew Garfield and you have a few minutes in between shots on the movie Spiderman. You are in costume. There is a playground. Why not join the kids and play some basketball.
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:00 AM
This almost A list mostly movie actress from one of the year's biggest hits is telling friends she has finally split from her celebrity husband. Well, finally, but they have not been married that long. Before her more recent trip she caught him again with another woman and instead of apologizing, he threatened to beat her. Yeah, nice guy. She says she threw the wedding ring on the floor and walked out.
Posted by
ent lawyer
8:30 AM
Labels: blind item
I'm not sure how the calculations are made, but apparently Janet Jackson is now a billionaire and it has nothing to do with her billionaire husband. According to Variety, Janet has earned a billion dollars in her career, which is something Michael was unable to do. But is she a billionaire? That is the question. Just because she has made a billion dollars does not mean she has kept it. It does not really make sense to me because it conflicts with what she was doing with her mother and her nephews and niece when she was in on the whole trying to get them to sign things. The vast majority of the money Janet earned was along time ago. They have her earning over $300M from movie roles. Really? I don't think so. She was not a huge star in any movie she made to the extent where she made that kind of money. They also say she earned $458M from concert tours. Again, it seems really high. The remaining $300M was from album sales and endorsements. I don't think Janet has anywhere close to that kind of money and don't think she made half of what they say she made. I just don't. I also don't think she has more than $100M at the very most. That would be stretching it.
Posted by
ent lawyer
8:00 AM
Labels: Janet Jackson
This former B list mostly movie actor who is more known for his relationships, including a very high profile past one than he is for his acting has been getting really good at the one night stands with actresses. He does this even though he has a long time girlfriend. His latest conquest was with a soccer mom he met at one of his kid's games. He even left early so he could go home with her before her other kids got home. Then he went back to the place he shares with his girlfriend.
Posted by
ent lawyer
7:45 AM
Labels: blind item
Miley Cyrus has been running around telling her friends for the past two weeks that her engagement with Liam Hemsworth is back on. Of course her friends have not stayed quiet which is how I heard about it. The thing is, she is mistaking some affection for engagement. Yes, the two made out a couple of weeks ago. Yes, they had sex. Has he stopped seeing January Jones? Uh no. He has not. So, I guess Miley and Liam could be engaged, but is January going to be part of the marriage? Is this how this is going to work because this is a reality show I would actually like to watch. I don't think January is big on reality television, but mad Men has a time limit, and expiration date if you will, and January is going to need to find a new gig and maybe making some kind of Wisconsin Babes Meets Hannah Montana Meets The Brother Of Thor would be a great show. Be better than another season of KUWTK. If you don't know what that stands for, then you have a life and you should be proud.
Posted by
ent lawyer
7:30 AM
Labels: Miley Cyrus
This A+ list rapper has banned this former B list celebrity from ever working with anyone he does business with after she opened her mouth and said some nasty things about the A+ lister. A lot were true, but, she is going to find it very difficult to make a buck now.
Posted by
ent lawyer
7:15 AM
Labels: blind item
It took two months, but Bob Saget finally realized that Danielle Fishel took some shots at him in her issue of Maxim back at March. This week, Bob Saget responded to the claim Danielle made which was she and her family were sleeping on a private jet flight to Disney when Bob confronted them back in the day and asked them if they had any coke. He then laughed and walked away.
Posted by
ent lawyer
7:00 AM
Labels: Bob Saget , Danielle Fishel
At least Katherine Webb admits she starves herself to try and stay in shape and have her 15 minutes of fame extended. It will probably not do any good, but she can hope. She needs to do something dramatic to extend those 15 minutes or get very lucky. If I were her, I would hope for that call from Dancing With The Stars. she did the minor league ABC reality show and now wants to move up to the big time. By then, maybe her relationship will sour and she could be a Bachelorette. After that, there is not really a place for her to go, but she would have made some money and got enough publicity that she could get promo work and club work for a few years. I know it is ridiculous, but even with that little bit of fame, she is probably talking about $2M over a few years if she got those two things.
Posted by
ent lawyer
6:45 AM
The rapper Tim Dog faked his own death. Maybe. Both Rolling Stone and Vibe originally reported that the rapper had died February 14th following a battle with diabetes. The thing is, there is no death certificate and no one has seen a body and no reporters from the two magazines have been able to confirm he died. This is important because Tim Dog is accused of swindling people out of millions of dollars. One of the people he was convicted of swindling is a woman he owes $19K to. Tim Dog had been making court ordered payments to her until his supposed death. The woman is the first person who became suspicious and police agree with her that it appears he is alive somewhere and have issued a warrant for his arrest. Someone must know where he is.
Posted by
ent lawyer
6:30 AM
Star Magazine says the Kardashians are millions of dollars in debt and that Kim Kardashian spends $350K each month just on credit cards. That is in addition to all the stuff she gets for free. All I know is that if she is spending that kind of money on the clothes she has been wearing since she got pregnant, she needs to beg for her money back. I don't understand why she thinks she needs to try and look like high fashion everyday, when first of all it does not look like high fashion and I think maybe two things she has worn her entire pregnancy look to have been designed for someone who is pregnant. Maybe she has trouble accepting the fact she is pregnant. I would love for the family to be millions of dollars in debt, gambling on this continuing income stream that will dry up someday. This is Star we are talking about here though. They definitely have made some bad investments and spent a lot on lawyers and they money stream has slowed to a quarter of what it used to be. We can all dream and hope it is true.
Posted by
ent lawyer
6:15 AM
Labels: Kim Kardashian
Amanda Bynes thinks she is above the law. Also, she thinks she has people convinced she does not smoke pot. Last night she went down to the lobby of her apartment building and started smoking pot. Throwing his Christmas tip out the window, the doorman called the police to rat out Amanda. Amanda then went back up to her 36th floor apartment where police visited her a short time later. She opened the door and they saw the bong. Amanda then grabbed the bong and threw it out the window. Lets think about that for a second. She dropped her bong over 360 feet. It would have killed someone if it had hit someone. Police arrested her and before taking her to booking had her checked out for psychiatric issues. Those doctors released her, so I guess they decided she is ok.
Posted by
ent lawyer
6:00 AM
Labels: Amanda Bynes
Eva Longoria gets the top spot. Yeah, I know, but she got a Master's Degree and it was not honorary.
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:31 PM
Labels: Catherine Zeta Jones , Christina Milian , David Beckham , Derek Hough , Eva Longoria , George Clooney , Kellie Pickler