Michelle Obama Dances With Jimmy Fallon In Drag
Yeah, it is as funny as you would think it would be.
Yeah, it is as funny as you would think it would be.
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:00 AM
Labels: Jimmy Fallon , video
February 9, 2007
This B-list actor will basically work for food. OK, so maybe that makes him C-list, but he was in one of my all-time favorites, so I want to make him a B. But he was a jerk in that movie and in real life, so back to C he goes. Anyway, while filming his latest Tori Spelling-specialty, he met this actress who thought our actor was cute and he was divorced and thus worthy of a date or two. After the first date, she really thought this could be something nice. Then someone on the set warned her about why our actor got divorced. Whoops! No more dates and a really cold shoulder. When they had lines together or had to kiss, it was sterile and clinical. He really is thinking of only working overseas, because the women in Hollywood have him pegged and no one who knows the full story of his divorce wants to work with our actor.
Mario Lopez
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:45 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
Reeva Steenkamp was brutally murdered, but her father has come out saying that if Oscar Pistorius is telling the truth about his version of events that he will forgive the Olympic athlete. I don't know how he can say this. I don't know if he is starting to believe the story or is just a better person than me, but first of all, he should not even be talking about forgiveness. I wouldn't be. His daughter has been buried less than week and he is already willing to forgive. I don't think it will matter because I am hoping he will be convinced Reeva's boyfriend is lying, but I have to say I was shocked that he was talking about forgiveness so soon.
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:30 AM
February 7, 2007
There were plenty of drugs to be found throughout the week, but for sheer volume consumed per person this sometime actress/sometime singer/sometime model definitely took home first prize. Witnessing her awesome use of coke in corners, bathrooms, backstage, and sometimes even in the open, there was just awe that this person was till alive, let alone even had a nose remaining.
Paris Hilton
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:15 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
Last week, Lisa Lampanelli referred to Lena Dunham as her N word but with an a on the end instead of an er. Lisa was universally condemned and her explanation was ridiculous. Lena Dunham stayed silent. Nothing for an entire week. On Thursday the very respected writer Shayla Pierce wrote an article on xojane.com about why it is never ok to use the N word and how Lena, by her silence basically approved of what Lisa had said. The piece finally got Lena to talk and she said that the reason she did not say anything was because she did not want a Twitter war and that she was very uncomfortable with the use of the N word and apologized. How was there a Twitter war? Lena could have released a statement from one of her army of publicists. She is a brilliant writer who could have released a statement of her own. Instead she stayed silent until she was personally called out. Shayla accepted Lena's apology. Would Lena have ever said anything if she was not confronted about it?
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:00 AM
February 2, 2007
This ambiguous rocker but not a rock star has found a new flame. Everyone says she is the spitting image of his ex. I guess our rocker does not agree though because he makes her wear wigs and act like his ex whenever they rock the bed. She is growing tired of it, but does not want to lose her possible meal ticket and so just smiles and does what he says.
Marilyn Manson/Evan Rachel Wood
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:45 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
Tori Locklear is a teen who wanted to help other teens learn to curl their hair. So, she did what many teens do and made a video. Well, perhaps Tori should have practiced a couple of more times before recording herself because she burns off a huge chunk of her hair. The look is priceless and is worth the time to watch it on its own. The world agrees and in a week she has amassed about 6M hits. Well, Tori, besides being a future horrible cosmetologist, is a One Direction fan. So, when you go to the video there is a plea to tweet her mishap to One Direction because you know, nothing gets them more excited than dating a 16 year old who can burn her own hair. If she does happen to meet One Direction from this, then rest assured, middle schools and high schools around the world will be filled with teens sporting scorch marks on their head.
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:30 AM
Labels: video
January 11, 2007
If you are involved romantically with an actor or actress, you really should think 2,3,4, or even five times before letting them run off to some international movie set leaving you home alone. (I know what you are thinking/too easy) Well this actress has taken a shine to her new castmate. From the time filming started recently, they could not get enough of each other. She has been dating the same guy for awhile and this break from the mundane is exactly what she needed. At first she was going to treat it just as a fling. Not usually a tabloid victim means she can do what she wants and who she wants without much trouble. The problem is she has started to fall for her co-star and is maybe even PG(not like the movie). Her current boyfriend meanwhile is just waiting for his girlfriend to come home.
Mila Kunis
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:15 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
Back in 2009, Mischa Barton had a chance at primetime television fame again. Sure, it was on the CW, but hey, at least she would be on television with a regular gig. One teensy weensy problem. She was wasted out of her mind most of the time so she hired a sober coach. Technically a fleet of sober coaches. According to her lawyer, it was actually the mom who hired them, but, it was Mischa. Well, the company did their job and when the show was canceled and their services no longer required, they expected to be paid. Companies are funny that way. They wanted to be paid to the tune of $90K. Mischa didn't pay and they sued. Now, Mischa is trying to get the judgment against her to go away. I'm also guessing that Mischa doesn't have that kind of scratch to pay them anyway. She has dumped all of her money in that store of hers and thinks it is going to make her a Simpsonaire which for those of you who don't know is a celebrity who thinks they are going to get rich selling and designing clothes. Also known as an Olsenaire, but only if you also look homeless or like Rachel Zoe.
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:00 AM
Labels: Mischa Barton
The scariest photobomb of all time gets the top spot.
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:30 PM
Labels: Courteney Cox , Emma Stone , Gerard Butler , Goldie Hawn , J-Lo , Jamie Pressley , Jennifer Hudson , Kelly Rowland , Naomi Campbell , Snooki
Katie Holmes is back in Los Angeles. Oh, how I would love it if she would stop by the basement for a cocktail.
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:15 PM
Labels: Alyssa Milano , Anna Paquin , Kate Moss , Katie Holmes , Kim Zolciak , Rihanna , Stephen Moyer
Three parts today.
Mario Lopez takes his wife out for the first time since announcing she is expecting their second child.
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:01 PM
Labels: Mario Lopez , Peter Facinelli , Rose McGowan , Salma Hayek , Sean Stewart , Uma Thurman , Vanessa Hudgens
This almost A list mostly movie actress got tired of her almost A list mostly movie actor always hitting on guys when they were out. He told her he likes women better, but his gay webcam buddies would beg to differ.
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:30 AM
Labels: blind item
First there was the Puppy Bowl and now puppies are predicting Oscar winners.
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:15 AM
Labels: Jimmy Fallon , video
The neighbors are starting to wonder why this A++ list mostly movie actor keeps showing up in the neighborhood when he is in town and spending an hour or two with the single mom who lives in the very nice house with the two year old boy who is a dead ringer for the actor. The mom kind of looks like the actor's wife. Just way younger.
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:00 AM
Labels: blind item
Three children from two marriages resulted in Robert sand owing over $1M in child support payments and being the world's worst deadbeat dad. Apparently he has not paid any child support in ten years and yesterday he pleaded guilty to not paying and could be sentenced to four years in jail when he is sentenced in May which means of course he will not be earning a living or paying child support.
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:30 AM
It is Friday. It is also National Margarita Day soooo, today should be fun. Usually I like my tequila straight. You know, to make sure I don't top out at 400 pounds, but today I imbibe in all kinds of wonderful margarita goodness and I figure I can make it until about noon my time and lunch which will turn into some more drinks which will necessitate me not returning to the office which will make this the start of a wonderful weekend. Speaking of weekends, I will be here all weekend and will have a reveal or two tomorrow. On Sunday I will have two open Academy Award posts in the afternoon. One will be for the red carpet and one for the show. Apparently when there is just one it gets really confusing due to the high number of comments. Oh, and I would love for you to follow me on Twitter where I say things I don't always say here and often say them drunk on the weekends. Plus, when I get to 20,000 followers I have a juicy reveal. I am @entylawyer
This actress is a walking blind item. If you thought Jessica Chastain was a walking blind item, then this B- list mostly television actress from a very hit network show is a running blind item. She is filled with them and they just tangle themselves all up. Over the past few months I have spoken to enough people to fill you in on the whole picture. She has run into controversy in the past. She has run into her ex-boyfriend's fist in the past. She was forced to have a procedure done while she was dating that same boyfriend for her to stay on her hit show. Oh, and she prefers women over men. Details? Ex-boyfriend is headed up there to A list land if he would only learn how to act and also not drink as much or be so violent. He had no problems with our actress loving women and encouraged it as long as he got to watch. At first she balked but by the time they had been dating for six months she would pretty much do what he wanted. They didn't break up over the beatings or abuse. Nope. She lived with it and rationalized that it was part of his drinking and that she would try and avoid him when he was drinking. Because of her upbringing she also feels a lot of guilt for the fact that she is bisexual. She almost felt like it was ok for her to get beaten. Yes, she could use some therapy. The reason they broke up was because our actress got pregnant. Her ex was all for keeping the baby and wanted to keep the baby and actually stopped drinking he was so excited. Our actress though told the bosses at her show and they were not enthused and basically said she could have the baby but she would not have a job. She told her ex and he said to quit the show. She said no and that is when he left. Never to return. She had the abortion and has been a shell of herself since. She barely functions while filming and has lost a ton of weight off her ridiculously small frame. She usually stays in and it takes some kind of very important charity event to get out of the house.
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:10 AM
Labels: blind item , Four For Friday
Best Picture? Do you watch The Academy Awards?
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:00 AM
Labels: Your Turn
It is one thing to have an affair with someone on set while your spouse is at work or home. It takes a special kind of edginess to have an affair and sex with someone while your husband is helping to set up a shot and his almost A list mostly television actress with A list name recognition and one huge role to her name is having sex in her trailer with a producer of her current show. This may be a first.
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:40 AM
Labels: blind item
I know you try and black out all things Michael Lohan and Kate Major from your mind, but at the beginning of last year, shortly before she announced she was pregnant by presumably Michael Lohan, Kate Major was arrested. She was arrested for assaulting a couple. She was so out of it that she tried to kick the police officers who arrested her and they put her in leg restraints. The couple is now suing Kate for her actions and have also tossed in some hate crime language because Kate called the female in the couple a Mexican wh**e. Nice. Michael Lohan says the lawsuit is ridiculous which means it must have merit and he is worried because he does not have many more Lindsay stories to sell and his new kid is not old enough to be earning Michael a paycheck.
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:20 AM
Labels: Kate Major
Let the jokes, real estate purchases, wedding invitations and break up songs out of the box. Last night Taylor Swift went out on a date with British singer Tom Odell. It is now Friday evening in London so by now, they have probably spent the day looking at houses for Taylor to buy and for them to move into. By the end of the weekend the wedding invitations will have gone out and next week will be the private jet rides before finally ending the relationship next week and Taylor hitting the recording studio by mid-March for her new break up songs.
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:00 AM
Labels: Taylor Swift
This C+ list actress was giving an interview about her almost A list mostly movie actor co-star and talked about meeting his boyfriend and what a wonderful couple they were. The reporter just sat there with her mouth open and could not believe what she was hearing because the actor in question has boards nailed over his closet. It was only after a publicist happened to stop by when the reporter was confirming the details that the whole thing got quashed and the reporter got an exclusive with the actor to talk about the movie and the next movie, but nothing else.
Posted by
ent lawyer
8:30 AM
Labels: blind item
Remember when Drew Peterson was everywhere? He was like the Oscar Pistorius of Illinois for awhile as he kept dodging prosecution for the killing of his wives. Although he has never been charged with the killing of his fourth wife, a jury had previously convicted him of killing his third wife and a judge yesterday sentenced him to 38 years in prison for the crime. He could have been sentenced to 60 years, but the judge gave him a break because of military service and service as a police officer. No one gave his wives a break. They are dead.
Posted by
ent lawyer
8:00 AM
This former almost A list mostly movie actor has turned into a B- list actor and that is only because people remember his name although, it does get confused with very similar others. Anyway, our actor, who is known for womanizing was at a party last night and went up to this C+ list actress who I feel has been in everything and said to her without any preamble or introduction, "I want to nuzzle my face right in your breasts." Yeah, worked as well as might be expected. The actor got tossed from the event.
Posted by
ent lawyer
7:45 AM
Labels: blind item
While Journey continues to rake in millions of dollars each year and Neal Schon spends millions on new wife Michaele Salahi, he has left his two youngest kids, aged 8 and 10 and their mom so bad off that they are living on food stamps and the mom is selling the family home and planning on moving into an apartment. The Daily Mail interviewed Amber Kozan's mom who said that Neal is an abusive drunk who is nothing more than a sperm donor with an inadequate monthly check. She also says that Michaele has been saying nasty things to Neal about his ex and his kids and that Neal sends nasty texts and e-mails to Amber and wants nothing to do with his kids. Neal left Amber for Michaele. What the story does not talk about or the reporter ask is what the child support payments are and how come Amber does not go back to court to get more. Hopefully the shame of having his kids on food stamps will cause Neal to fork over more money, but I doubt it. Michaele is probably telling him to let them eat cake.
Posted by
ent lawyer
7:30 AM
This B+ actress from one of the initial shows and not much else, although she would love a movie career is pregnant by her second cousin. She says it is fine. I wonder if her husband would agree.
Posted by
ent lawyer
7:15 AM
Labels: blind item
Talk about going from national hero to nothing in a very short time. Three years ago, Martha Heredia won Latin American Idol and the President of the Dominican Republic told everyone of the citizens of the country to vote for her. She was so popular at the time that she could have won a presidential election. Then, thanks to bad management who did not take advantage of her fame correctly and some very poor decisions and actions by Martha including killing a boy with her car when he was running across the street and a marriage which had the 22 year old calling police frequently about being beaten. Yesterday Martha was arrested after police found 3 pounds of heroin in the heels of her shoes as she was boarding a flight from the Dominican Republic to New York City. She faces 10 years in jail if convicted.
Posted by
ent lawyer
7:00 AM
In South Africa it is actually fairly common for suspected murderers to get bail and then their cases languish for years while they roam the streets. I was hoping this case might be different, but the magistrate in the Oscar Pistorius case granted Oscar bail and he will be a free man until his trial. That trial date could be years from now and eventually my guess is that he will be found not guilty and then try and make money off the story. My only hope is that his sponsors never take him back on and that he loses all his money and is ostracized for the rest of his life much like Casey Anthony. The world knows Oscar killed his girlfriend. I just don't think the jury in his case will think so.
Posted by
ent lawyer
6:45 AM
I'm trying to think what it must be like to have to pee so bad that you would have to pee on the floor at the airport. Not in a corner or in a plant, but right out in the middle of everyone. I know if you are drunk out of your mind and high on meth that it can be hard to read the signs to the bathroom, but you couldn't pee in your carry on bag or something other than peeing in front of everyone? Yesterday Bronson Pelletier pleaded no contest to public intoxication and was sentenced to two years probation and ordered to attend two AA classes a week after being arrested for peeing on the airport floor right in front of everyone.
Posted by
ent lawyer
6:30 AM
Labels: Twilight
I wish the beatdown Lindsay Lohan's legal case got in a NYC courtroom yesterday would be what she gets when she goes back to court for her probation hearing. It won't be of course. Nothing will happen to Lindsay. Nothing will ever happen to her. She will find some guy who is rich beyond belief and marry him and spend all his money while shopping 24/7 and having an affair with some DJ named Pat who no one can ever quite figure out whether Pat is a man or a woman. Lindsay will act sometimes, but always tell people she is working on other things like fashion lines and writing and art and a sequel to Elizabeth Taylor's perfume white diamonds which she will call chocolate diamonds and place herself in the ad for them with hundreds of the diamonds and Jamie Foxx covered in oil. When she steals the diamonds from the set, her husband covers the loss. Anyway, Lindsay sued Pitbull because he dropped her name in a song. Lindsay said she was emotionally scarred and that he used her name without permission for profit. The judge threw the case out and because Lindsay si Lindsay, the judge ruled that Pitbull's lawyers were not entitled to fees from Lindsay.
Posted by
ent lawyer
6:15 AM
Labels: Lindsay Lohan
63 year old Vera Wang is tired of all the rumors and innuendo that she is dating and left her husband for 27 year old Olympic ice skater Evan Lysacek. She says that she is just his mentor. Just because they go out every night and that every time she walks a red carpet she is with Evan does not mean they are anything more than mentor and mentee. “I’m his mentor, his true mentor. I hope for his ongoing life after sports.” I'm not sure what exactly that means. I see nothing wrong with her dating the guy. The fact that one day she was with her husband and the next with Evan and she had known Evan while married and was "mentoring" him then, should all just be innocent fun according to her. As for the reports that Evan also lives with his mentor? She won't say, but I will. He does. You know, for those late night mentoring sessions.
Posted by
ent lawyer
6:00 AM
It's Willie Nelson surrounded by grass. How could he not be in the top spot?
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:30 PM
Labels: Bethenny Frankel , Courteney Cox , Fergie , Helen Hunt , Hugh Jackman , Josh Duhamel , Justin Bieber , Matthew Perry