This Is Pretty Damn Adorable
February 9, 2011
#2 - So, if you are this A list movie actress and big award winner, what do you do when your B++ actor significant other cheats on you every chance he gets and you know about it. Apparently you pretend everything is great until he gets publicly caught. At this point he does not even try that hard to hide it.
Naomi Watts and Liev Schreiber (This was about 8 months before he was publicly outed as a cheater)
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:45 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
Planet Hollywood in Las Vegas will finally be known for something other than having the name of a truly atrocious restaurant chain and a production that once starred Holly Madison and now has Coco. Britney Spears is getting close to signing a deal to perform at the hotel for probably the better part of her life. I wonder if she will get to live in a house in Vegas or if her minders will force her to live inside the hotel and attach some kind of monitor to her which will shock her if she tries to leave. Britney is not tall and I bet she can move like lightning. You let her loose among all the people they have in a casino she can probably make a run for it. I'm kind of sad about all of this. I always feel like Britney never really enjoys going out and performing but at least she got to get out of the house and travel to different cities in the world even if they did not let her leave the hotel. Now though, someone will just wind her up five days a week so they can make some money off her. Britney has enough money to last forever and her kids and her grandkids. Do you think she even knows what is going on or that she is signing up for this?
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:30 AM
Labels: Britney Spears
This married, closeted almost A list all movie actress is thrilled out of her mind. She has been offered the role of a lesbian and has already asked producers to give her more than the one sex scene that is written in the movie. Her almost A list all movie actor must be thrilled too. He does not get tired of bearding for her though. She puts up with his antics and the other women and she is hot.
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:15 AM
Labels: blind item
Writing on the website Kveller, Mayim Bialik says that she reluctantly stopped breastfeeding her four year old son Fred. It all happened at the same time she announced her divorce from her husband. I wonder if she has given her two kids their own bedrooms now or if they all are still sleeping in the same room with Blossom. When Mayim starts hitting the dating world again don't you think it is going to be a little awkward when things get interesting on the couch and they move into Mayim's bedroom and she says, "Watch out for the kids on the floor." I think it must have been kind of awkward at pre-school for all the other kids to have a milk carton and a lunch box and Fred had his mom.
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:00 AM
October 27, 2010
According to an ex-girlfriend of this A list movie actor (Barely A list by the way), our actor likes to call the person he is having sex with, "mom" and also sucks his thumb after sex. Can you say disturbing.
Shia LaBeouf
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:45 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
In a statement released yesterday, Christina Applegate announced she was leaving the NBC show Up All Night over creative differences. Will Arnett and Maya Rudolph are staying. The show is not what it started out to be and is going to be dramatically different if it ever gets back on the air, but it is tough to walk away from a network sitcom if there is any chance it will stay on the air. It is not like Christina has had a run of success when she has been given shows so you would think she would have hung on until the bitter end. Will and Christina have had some up and down moments during the run of the show and their relationship is not as warm as it used to be. It is interesting to note that while she specifically thanked Lorne Michaels in her statement, she did not mention any of the cast specifically and just threw them in the same sentence as cast, producers and crew.
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:30 AM
Labels: Christina Applegate , Will Arnett
This A+ list rapper who talks a big game when it comes to women and has had a few high profile relationships with women has always preferred guys. Fairly open secret. The thing is he has never practiced safe sex and one of his conquests is threatening to sue him saying that the rapper passed on the HIV virus. The rap star has refused to take a test proving he is negative.
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:15 AM
Labels: blind item
A few months ago, Coco was caught in some photos that looked like they were way more than your typical meet and greet photos. Coco was seen with AP.9. Coco insisted that nothing had happened, despite AP.9 implying the pair had sex a lot. Ice-T and Coco made up at least a little bit and then everyone promptly forgot about it because our focus can never leave Lindsay Lohan for longer than a second. Now it turns out that AP.9 is selling a sex tape he made between himself and Coco. He apparently is asking $100K for the tape and accompanying photos. That seems low. I don't think the entire world really cares about a Coco sex tape, but there would be enough interest to easily make $100K. With that kind of number, I'm wondering if he really has a sex tape. Coco might have cheated with the guy, especially considering she has never sued, but is she dumb enough to let him make a video?
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:00 AM
Beyonce takes up a new sport.
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:30 PM
Labels: Ashlee Simpson , Beyonce , Charlize Theron , Christina Ricci , Drew Barrymore , Emma Roberts , Emmy Rossum , Ethan Hawke , Heidi Klum , Rashida Jones , Victoria Beckham
Gabriel Aubry sends time with Nahla.
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:15 PM
Labels: Anne Hathaway , Beyonce , Geri Halliwell , Gisele Bundchen , Hilary Duff , Hilary Swank , Hugh Jackman , Jay-Z , Julianne Hough , Mel B
Three parts today.
Adam Levine in a very bizarre photoshoot.
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:01 PM
Labels: Adam Levine , Amanda Seyfried , Amy Adams , J-Lo , Jennifer Lawrence , Leonardo DiCaprio , Marc Anthony , Paris Hilton , Sofia Vergara , Tara Reid
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:40 AM
Labels: Jimmy Kimmel , video
This B- list celebrity and former failed reality judge has always trashed her former co-worker. Now, when the celebrity heard that her former co-worker was spending several nights a week with Prince Harry she can't stop trying to text and call and be bff with her former co-worker. The celebrity even gave an interview where she says they used to be like sisters. The aggrieved co-worker said, "True, if this was Cinderella and she was the evil step-sister."
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:30 AM
Labels: blind item
The only thing that is needed to make this parody actually better than Les Miserables is Adam Lambert making a cameo. This video was made for $900.
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:15 AM
Labels: video
This B list celebrity and foreign reality star spent ten minutes ranting about his A list celebrity partner and used the b word about 200 times in those ten minutes. He also said he would never work with her again and then started talking about how she wants the world to think she is clean and a do gooder and how he knew things that would destroy her. The world would LOVE to hear those things.
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:00 AM
Labels: blind item
Well, if you want to ruin Girls, the best thing I can think of is for someone to make a reality show out of it. A few weeks ago there was a casting announcement for women who thought they fit into the "Girls" mold and now we know it was for ABC and they are going to start airing it in the spring. So, basically nothing like Girls probably. It will just be a bunch of single women in NYC having sex and partying and looking more like Jersey Shore than an actual episode of Girls.
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:30 AM
Today is Friday so that means announcement day. I will be posting all weekend and on Sunday afternoon sometime I will put up a Grammy post so everyone can discuss the fashion and the awards if you so choose. Tomorrow I will be revealing a blind item or two or three from the archives. For those of you in the Northeast, I hope you are all hunkered down with bacon and booze and firewood. If you are so inclined, I would love for you to follow me on Twitter where I try to post things I don't always post here and try to find the perfect Florida story. If you want to follow me I am @entylawyer
This A list celebrity and reality star is married. He holds a very powerful position and lately he seems to relish finding out information about various women and then using that information as trade bait. He will make their lives miserable unless they have sex with him. His wife has been long relegated to showing up only at events that he cannot explain away. He has not divorced her simply because he knows he would marry again and have to go through dating and paying for a wedding and he just at this point in his life is enjoying blackmail and extortion. There is one person though who has started fighting back and sending e-mails to people with details and photos and trying to build a record to use against the A lister in court. She has been sending it out because she honestly fears for her life sometimes and it is still being used by the A lister. In her e-mails she documents where and when each meeting happened and she has been able to find two other women he has also threatened. They are scared to come forward but the woman at least has their names. She tried following one of the women for awhile to see if she could take photos but said it was a mess and she sucks at it. The woman she tried to follow is a former B-/C+ list singer/celebrity who has some financial problems and the A lister helped her out and then demanded sex. The celebrity complied and in the process the A lister learned even more and has been demanding sex more frequently.
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:10 AM
Labels: blind item , Four For Friday
What is on your bucket list?
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:00 AM
Labels: Your Turn
This A list celebrity has had to deny she is having marriage problems. She says that everything is perfect and that she will never get divorced. She might never get divorced, but she should probably also stop seeing that executive in that company she works with. Of course the weekly hotel room visits could be about work. The room service. The bathrobe you opened the door in last week. It's all work. The marriage is probably fine.
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:40 AM
Labels: blind item
The New York Times has encountered something rather seedy. while doing a report on the Academy awards they discovered there is a secret committee that decides which people get shown in the In Memoriam portion of the Academy Awards. In the past it was presumed someone was not included because their work focused more on television or music rather than movies or there was simply not enough time. Turns out though what you need is someone campaigning on your behalf. Running a For Your Consideration ad which seems so tacky. I don't understand why you can't cut 1 extra minute somewhere in the broadcast and in that 60 seconds you could show an additional 20 images which would cover everyone. There are usually only 4 or 5 complaints per year.
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:20 AM
Labels: Academy Awards
You know, at some point you would expect a news organization to actually try and report on some news or make some news with some journalistic questions. Apparently that news organization is not Today. Yesterday they had Justin Bieber's mom on the show and instead of asking her questions about all the trouble Justin has got into lately or quizzing her more deeply about what she does with the funds from her film or her book they just talked about Selena Gomez and how she is a good person for Justin and how she is nervous about Justin hosting SNL. Why even put her on the air? I bet NBC agreed to so they could have Justin on SNL.
Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:00 AM
Labels: Justin Bieber
This former A list celebrity and now struggling to hold on to B- after dropping to a C was criticized last year for putting on weight. Turns out she had been pregnant and her publicist was set to make an announcement when she lost the baby in a miscarriage. She never stopped drinking after she found out she was pregnant.
Posted by
ent lawyer
8:30 AM
Labels: blind item
I remember six years ago writing about the death of Anna Nicole Smith and all spring and summer there were these huge fights between Howard K Stern and Larry Birkhead and there was this confusion about how Ana's son had died and what happened in the Bahamas and who gave Anna what and why were they giving it to her and there are still things happening in courtrooms today related to her death. It is hard to believe it has been six years and how everyday there just seemed to be something new to discuss and one more bombshell after the other.
Posted by
ent lawyer
8:00 AM
Labels: Anna Nicole Smith
This A list award winning all movie actress showed up at a charity event for Fashion Week which usually involves walking the runway. The actress hammered out of her mind but insisted she could make it and would be fine and that she was not drunk and that she was just a little sleepy. She then proceeded to not only throw up on the dress she was supposed to wear but another too. She then passed out under a makeup table and didn't walk the runway.
Posted by
ent lawyer
7:45 AM
Labels: blind item
I am all for a scathing review. In fact, I much prefer scathing reviews to kiss butt reviews because I think it takes much more writing ability and intelligence to find new ways to say something sucks and comparing it to other things in life that suck. There is a line that you don't cross though and Rex Reed in his review of Identity Thief crosses the line. I think we all know it is going to be a bad movie. It looks like it is a good 90 minutes of escapist fun that I am looking forward to watching on DVD in a month. Write your review and trash the movie. I am all good with that. Rex does not just write about the movie though. He also insults Melissa McCarthy. In the second paragraph he calls her tractor sized and a hippo. In the third paragraph he calls her obese. Why? Body jokes are not funny and just show a lack of creativity and writing ability. Criticize her acting, but not her body.
Posted by
ent lawyer
7:30 AM
Labels: Jason Bateman
This former almost A list celebrity who is now a C lister has been sitting front row everywhere and designers are ticked off. At one show when she attempted to take her front row seat and the organizers saw who it was and not who it was supposed to be (A list celebrity who is very close to C lister) they told her she would have to move several rows back. Instead, the celebrity got her photo taken in the front row and then left rather than be towards the back with everyone else.
Posted by
ent lawyer
7:15 AM
Labels: blind item
There have been some crazy developments in this story of the 9 year old girl who gave birth a couple of weeks ago. Apparently doctors at the hospital where she gave birth sterilized her so she can't have more children. This was not done with the consent of anyone. Now, it also is likely that her stepfather may be the father of the baby because he has had sex with all of his stepdaughters. Police are performing DNA tests to determine whether it is the stepdad or the 15 year old boyfriend (previously it was announced he was 17). The 9 year old did not know she was pregnant until she she was 7 months along. Most of the time I'm always skeptical of the whole didn't know until I gave birth thing, but since she was 8 and 9, I tend to agree she probably had no idea. The mom works as a prostitute and the 9 year old was not allowed to go to school, but had to stay home and take care of the other 13 kids. The mom may have AIDS which she passed on to the 9 year old girl which may have also been passed on to the new baby.
Posted by
ent lawyer
7:00 AM
You know what I hate? When celebrities clamor for privacy while they are hitting red carpets and giving interviews everyday. Yet, that is exactly what Dina Lohan did when she said she wants the press to leave her alone because she is just a single mom of four. Uh huh. Who kis also trying to sell a book she wrote and will want lots of attention if she ever does sell it. Oh, and she would also like to make sure companies give her free stuff and that she is invited to events and everything else. Just no questions please. She is a piece of work. According to the NY Daily News, she or Lindsay is also being sued for not paying something. Chase is doing the suing and the guy serving it was afraid to lose his job so it must be something pretty spectacular. Maybe instead of spending all that New Years Eve money and the money Lindsay Lohan has been earning from her special friends on first class tickets and $1000 a night hotel rooms, they could have paid a bill or two. You know, like a normal single mom would do.
Posted by
ent lawyer
6:45 AM
Labels: Dina Lohan , Lindsay Lohan
It has taken two years since his arrest, but on February 25, a judge will finally set a trial date for Joe Giudice. Joe, the husband of Real Housewives - New Jersey star Teresa Giudice has been charged with stealing his brother's identity to get a drivers license. Reason? Joe's was suspended because of a DWI conviction. For two years this has dragged out. The reason? He knows he is going to jail and keeps hoping a miracle will happen. I was hoping they would still be taping RH-NJ during the trial, but they won't be. Maybe at the reunion though something will be mentioned. Teresa is supposedly going to testify but I don't see what she can add and the prosecution might start asking about other things she doesn't want to answer.
Posted by
ent lawyer
6:30 AM
Labels: Real Housewives
James Cromwell partnered up with PETA and their spokesperson Jeremy Beckham and busted into a board meeting at UW-Madison. The two entered the meeting shouting and holding up signs to protest the torture of cats at the University Of Wisconsin. Apparently the university kills up to 30 cats a year in an effort to improve hearing for those who are deaf. The people meeting in the board room didn't even seem to care and the police were there a minute later. Cromwell, who was nominated for an Academy Award for Babe will be charged with disorderly conduct.
Posted by
ent lawyer
6:15 AM
Labels: PETA
John Mayer is going to be on CBS Sunday Morning. I'm sure a lot of his fans are thinking to themselves, "You know what? I have nothing to do on a Sunday at 9am and I have never watched this program ever, so it should be interesting." Apparently John is tired of giving print interviews because he says stuff he regrets so he thought he would try this whole television thing because they are nicer and have less time to fill. The only thing of relevance John said in the interview is that he admits he was a jerk to all the women he has met in the past and dated in the past. He blames it all on the fact that he was trying to please everyone and have everyone like him. Sure, I can see why they would think he was a jerk if he was trying so hard to get them to like him. What he said makes absolutely no sense, but he says he has changed and that he is a much better person now. Uh huh.
Posted by
ent lawyer
6:00 AM
Labels: John Mayer
Who knew golf was so sexual?
Bill Murray gets a spanking.
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:30 PM
Labels: Andy Garcia , Bill Murray , Colin Farrell , Jennifer Connelly , Josh Duhamel , Rashida Jones
David Beckham's butt double.
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:15 PM
Labels: Amanda Bynes , David Beckham , Denise Richards , Diane Kruger , Heidi Montag , Jessica Simpson , Leonardo DiCaprio