Thursday, December 05, 2013

Your Turn

The woman above took a selfie in New York. On the bridge behind her a man is being talked out of suicide by police. Would you have taken a selfie in the same circumstances?


  1. People like this cunt suck.

  2. ^Assuming she knew what was going on.

  3. If she knew what was going on, then she sucks.
    Hell no, I wouldn't take a damn selfie.

  4. She's not wearing a class ring.

  5. Who took that picture of that lady taking a selfie? They should be held accountable for this man's suicide attempt as well!

    Maybe she didn't know what was going on behind her? If she did, yes it's in poor taste, to say the least.

  6. First I need to know if she even knew what was happening.

    And no, just because I only take selfies in the bathroom like all normal people.

  7. The age of the selfie is distressing to this oldie to begin with. Social media has created such narcism.

    As everyone else has said, she may not have known what was going on. Way to jump to instant judgment!

  8. At the angle she's taking the picture, it's hard to tell if she's aware of it, or only (maybe) the individual who is taking her picture is aware of it. Also possible: Whoever's taking her picture discovered it later.

    Or they are assholes. Really could go either way.

  9. New York is such a dangerous place to take a selfie. She's lucky her phone didn't get snatched from her hands!

  10. She is far away from the bridge. She probably did not know it was happening.

  11. THANK YOU, @SUGAR I was wondering the same thing!

  12. This reminds me of that fool last month who took a selfie while his teacher was having labor pains.

  13. The person who took this was a photographer for the New York Post. Everyone around her, including the lady taking the selfie, knew what was happening on the other bridge. The guy ended up getting talked down and sent to the hospital.

  14. The article in the NY Post said the woman was a tourist and definitely knew what was happening (as did everyone else in the Brooklyn Bridge Park around her).

  15. People just don't care about anybody else these days. That picture is disgusting. I wonder how they would feel if it was their family member?

  16. Sure. People jump of bridges all the time. If you want privacy for your suicide, do it at home.

  17. People announce what they are by their actions. This woman is a disgusting piece of crap and now everyone knows. Congrats, moron.

  18. OK. Assholes it is. :)

  19. Who would want that as a memento? What if the guy had died? "Oh, and here I am with a guy jumping to his death off a bridge behind me."

  20. "Oh my gawd, ya'll, I'm totally standing in front of this guy trying to himself. SELFIE!"

  21. Perhaps she thought of it as talkng her picture, not recording a suicide attempt. Idk. It looks now like shes an uncaring creep.

  22. Plus, bitch is wearing too many knit pieces and is holding the camera at an unflattering low angle for a selfie. Chick needs a cunt punt for sure.

  23. This is why I don't use Instagram or Twitter. I am not so important that people need to see me making a duck face while the rest of the world carries on their lives. I do think all of you need to focus on me, though.

  24. Another reason the selfie should go the way of Paris Hilton.

  25. Would you use a pic of a woman taking a selfie while a man is attempting suicide behind her just for clicks? Sure you wouldn't.

  26. Oh come on. How could she possibly know what was going on from that distance?

  27. She's not taking a selfie. She's being photographed holding her phone. What possible evidence is there that she knew what was going on a mile away?

    Did you get your tight panties in a twist when documentary film makers filmed 24 people jumping off the same bridge, for the purposes of a film, without contacting any authority? I though not.

  28. She seems to be a tourist who wants to take a selfie with that bridge. Tourist have no time to waste until the asshole kills himself or the cop convinces him not to do it. I agree with Jerkula, if he wanted privacy, he should have tried it at home.

  29. There is a whole blog of selfies in inappropriate places. The captions are great, and undoubtedly lost on the idiots therein. "Duck face for Pearl Harbor" etc.
    Oh, for me... No.

  30. She can't see what's going on behind her. I can't see what's going on either. Non story.

  31. I am not sure why the world feels the need to be so judgmental about a stranger sometimes.

  32. It looks to me like she's holding the phone wrong way for a selfie. Don't you point the back of the phone at the subject you're photographing? She's looking at the front of the phone maybe taking a photo of something in front of her.

  33. @hotheat, there is a setting on the iphone and probably other smartphones so you can switch the way the camera is facing. That way when taking a selfie you can make sure you look good.

    I hate selfies. I can't even stand being in a regular picture or candid. I would assume that is what this person is doing IF they are in fact taking a "selfie". If she is trying to get the bridge it makes more sense to take it as a landscape instead of portrait to get more of the bridge.

    I have no idea where this story came from and Enty isn't great with facts so I don't automatically assume she knows what is going on on the bridge. I would never take a photo like that but who is to say she even knows.

  34. Oh, come on. People have been taking pictures of themselves long before the word 'selfie' existed. It's possible that she couldn't even see what was happening; the angle of the camera and the closeness suggests her face filled most of the screen.

    I would not have even noticed the bridge activity had it not been pointed out. They're specks. And I can almost guarantee that whoever was snapping the pic of her snapping a pic of herself couldn't see it, either, in their tiny phone window (or camera viewfinder).

    Much ado about nothing.

  35. This is the story from the Post. Grain of salt, as always, with the Post's reporting, but reporter indicates he spoke to the woman taking the selfie. Everyone was gathered at that point of the park to watch the drama of the suicidal man unfold, so undoubtedly she was aware of what was happening behind her. Here's the story:

  36. Does anyone else get embarrassed whenever they see a selfie? Especially since anyone of 6 billion people on the planet could take your photograph, except most people don't want to take a picture of your ass every 5 minutes so you can post it on Instagram.

  37. I photo bomb the kids who volunteer with me on the weekends. I casually stroll over when I spot them posing with their phones and bam, they have a granny peeking over their shoulder. I don't understand this obsession with taking continuous photos of yourself with your cell phone, but then again I don't understand this Kardashian thing either..

  38. This would look better if she's used a sepia effect.
