Wednesday, December 04, 2013

Your Turn

The woman above is married to a Norwegian Premiere League soccer player. She took this photo four days after she gave birth and has been taking a lot of flack for it. What do you think?


  1. Lucky? Honestly, I don't really care.

  2. I'm foresquare in favor of awesome-looking hot women posting revealing selfies.

  3. I think she has good genes coupled with the major insecurity that attractive women in the public eye have.

  4. I think I'd like to see a pic of the husband


      Sorry, don't know how to make it clicky

    2. Tyrion Lannister has a bastard son?!?

  5. How did she do it…?

  6. If she's comfortable doing it, why not? Not everyone looks that great, though, after giving birth... but we're all beautiful. Well, most of us. ;)

  7. Yeah, that has "major insecurity" written all over it. Like, totally. Yeah.

  8. Shes hot as hell don't care if she had the weight suctioned out of her.

  9. Are we 100% there was no surrogacy involved here?

    1. Exactly!!! Everyone is taking her word as Gospel that she actually carried a baby. Please. The first word that came to mind when I first heard this story was: Surrogate.

    2. Exactly!!! Everyone is taking her word as Gospel that she actually carried a baby. Please. The first word that came to mind when I first heard this story was: Surrogate.

  10. @VIP, he looks like Theon Greyjoy from GoT! Lars-Kristian Eriksen

    @cece, agreed. She tagged her pic, "I feel so empty and it's only been 4 days" (since giving birth). Yeah, sexy selfies are on every new mom's to do list.

    1. Ha! I just scrolled down and saw your comment;)

  11. She must've had the "giselle" diet. Either way whatever.

  12. Kind of screams I used a surrogate ha ha and you'll never know.

  13. Some women are lucky. Good for her. I'm 5 months post partem and still have 15 to go. Not taking a selfie any time soon.

    1. YOU are actually on a normal track. And there's nothing wrong with that!! I call bullshit on this photo.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. she said she worked out at least 5 days a week. Frankly I never had the energy when I was pregnant. And I was still only 1 or 2 pounds heavier after birth, but I didn't look like that. I think she's just trying to say that it is possible to keep your body if you work hard enough.

  16. And, VIP saves the day! Delicious! :)

  17. Good for her. I don't care if this is the result of surgery or superior genes. And I don't see why anyone else should.

    I don;t understand the energy strangers put into getting worked up about this the way others have. I had a kid more than a year ago and definitely am NOT back to my general pre-pregnancy shape or weight. I have accepted that, short of surgery, I will *never* get my bewbs back. [RIP, my oft-admired rack. Sigh.] But, also, so what? You know? I don't feel competitive with this woman. I don't feel like she's putting pressure on me to lose weight. That's OTHER people's toxic shit. If someone looks at her then looks at another woman and goes, "What's your excuse?" Then fuck them, not this lady. And if looking at her makes you feel bad, then just don't look.

  18. I'm thinking, No fucking way. Unless I see her birth video, I will never believe this abs having witch had a baby 4 days prior to this pic. And if she did (yeah right), then someone please get her poor baby a sandwich.

  19. I don't buy it. Even if you lose the weight your skin/uterus stays stretched for a few weeks no? And who has time/desire to get into underwear like that and pose after birthing 4 days ago?

    Agree on the insecurity front.

  20. Wow, good for her then. I'd want to show off, too.

  21. I'm Norwegian and she has Norways biggest blog.
    Caroline and Lars Kristian is thought of as a big power couple in Norway, but i actually have some huge gossip about them that is not known in Norway, and now that she's been brought up here, I can finally share it with someone lol. One of my friends walked in on Lars Kristian on a party a few years ago having sex with another man. Wonder if Caroline knows about it..

  22. She's gorgeous, but I'm . . . .dismayed is probably the best word I can come up with. ..... that people feel the need for constant public adoration. These days it seems that if somethings not done for public consumption and attention, it's not worth doing.

  23. ^^ What Ethorne said.

  24. She looks great! Go soccer wife!

  25. Ooooo, Silje swings a big gossip stick. Norway is now forgiven for foisting lutefisk upon us.

  26. I think she should fuck me hard.

  27. @Charlie.. I can't find the video of the guys trying the lutefisk and one of them exclaiming, 'I gotta get home before my wife things I was fingering a hooker in the alley' so this will have to do..

  28. I say more power to her! Its the jealous ones that are outraged. I don't think by her posting this picture is her personally saying "Everyone should look like this." I am sure she worked hard to look like that after. Self discipline has its perks!

  29. What The What, Silje??? Not even an almost reveal.

    1. @Kristin Almost Reveal: The other man has a strong connection to Paula Patton.

    2. @ethorne Strong or tenuous. Cuz these things make a big difference.

    3. @Kristin-Strong, like wiener every night strong.

  30. I've never had a baby and I don't look that good. I'm not envious of her body, but is it actually possible for the belly skin to spring back into shape so quickly after all those months of being very stretched? The skin is the sole reason I suspect she's had some sort of tighten up surgery.

  31. I've known people who bounced back like that after giving birth. No big deal. Anyway, I'm sure Lars is the envy of all his friends. I bet they wish their wives could do that.

  32. Good for her! She looks amazing!

  33. I've heard of something called the Mommy Tuck, where they do a tummy tuck and lipo right after the c section, not legal in Canada but common in Europe apparently.

  34. She looks great. Even with working out during the pregnancy, her buffness is a bit surprising 4 days after birthin. Your body is still full of fluids and disgustingness. So, I kinda feel like this pic is a fraud, but whatevs. I don't really care. Says a lot about her that's she posting half nekkid selfies rather than her newborn. But I guess that's what people do now.

  35. Wonder if her husband gave her any flack.

    I don't get the need in general for people to catalogue their whole life including what should be private matters on public social media.

  36. She looks great, on the outside. The kid is what she should worry about. Be proud. Just stop posting this BS.

  37. Anonymous10:59 AM

    I think she looks good but looking this good only four days after giving birth to a full term baby is fishy to me.

  38. Oooooh, Silje! Fellow Norwegian here and an avid fan of this site - thought I was the only Norwegian here :-) That was a juicy piece of gossip _ I'm sure all the gossip mongers would love to hear that. Poor Caroline - no wonder she feels the need to portray everything as so perfect all the time. She is the most insecure woman ever. I feel bad for her.

    1. Hahah, ja, jeg vet-beste gossip ever! Spre det til alle du kjenner hehe:) det satte brikkene litt på plass ang fotballfrue, hun er sykt usikker ja

  39. I was back in my (uk) size 8 jeans a couple of days after child one was born. I mean I didn't exactly look like this woman (husband should be so lucky) and I sure wasn't taking naked selfies in the mirror but there are sons of us that do snap back. (Ask me what I looked like after child 3 and it might have been a different story)

    1. *sons = some.
      Also meant to say I was dripping gross stuff for weeks after so the lovely underwear was most definitely not on the agenda.

  40. For one, waiting for the death of "selfies" really, why do you feel the need to take pics of yourself?
    I went to High School with a girl that looked like this, and at 9 months pregnant, looked a lot like this! The baby was fine but she only had a little pooch of a stomach. Some women are lucky like that,good for her, but seriously people, PUT THE CAMERA PHONE DOWN

  41. I fucking hate selfies. And I think women are under way too much pressure to look perfect.

    I have never been overweight, I have never had a baby. I feel for pregnant women - this pressure is just too much.

  42. A couple of Norwegian posters! Hey Silje and KillMilla! I sometimes forget that this is the internet and that what gets posted also gets read, sometimes on the other side of the world.

  43. Google her old pictures. She's a pro ana girl. She's got self image issues foso.

  44. Don't care what she looks like. It just seems her priorities are mixed up.

  45. Wendy Williams had pictures of Kim Zolciak 4 days after giving birth to twins and you would not have known she was pregnant. It's hard to imagine.

  46. What is there to think about? It's her body and that's what it looks like. Good for her.

  47. How premature was the baby when they did the c-section?

    How much did the baby weigh?

  48. Though it's pathetic that women keep posting these types of photos of themselves I can't really care because it has nothing to do with me.

  49. Hello to you too, Harry Knuckles :) To everyone wondering if there's surrogacy involved, it's not. Nor has she had surgery. And no, her boobs are filled with milk in the photo, not silicone. She hardly gained a pound during her pregnancy and at 9 months she looked like she was 3 months along. She exercises every day and feels fat if she doesn't. She photoshops a lot of the photos on her blog and is obsessed with being perfect at all times. She really is highly insecure. One of her husbands most famous comments is the one he made about Beyonce and how fat she was - I think Caroline has some high standards to meet and not just her own..

    1. Couldn't have said it better myself Kamilla (I'm guessing thats your name)..i think I've found my new best friend! A crazydaysandnights norwegian reader and a fotballfrue-criticist!

    2. @KillMilla-Thanks for the scoop, that makes me really sad for her baby though.

    3. @KM, how you do know that this woman did not have a surrogate?? How can you speak w/ such certainty on the matter? She is a celebrity and their surrogacy's are normally kept top secret. Only recently has it become "acceptable" for celebs and the wealthy to announce and actually admit to having someone else carry little Bobby. But trust me, plenty of celebs still do it on the hush hush.

      Faking pregnancies for the "after birth-OMG her body looks Fantastic" attention is actually more common thank you know. :-/

  50. Well she deserves the flak for being such a narcissist. It's not the selfie that's the problem; it's what she wrote accompanying it. Someone was mentioning to me that she finds it weird when girls put things like "#pretty" on their selfies. Let other people do that for you if they want to. It's not really considered socially proper to brag like that.

  51. Oh, and it is "flak," not "flack." #grammargirl #pretty #smart ;)

  52. My sister was back into her skinny jeans and stomach bearing shirt about 3-4 days after her first kid. You never would have known she had just had a baby. The only noticable difference was that her already large breast became even larger.

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. I don't believe this was taken four days after birth. I've had three kids, and at no time did I wear that kind of awesomely beautiful underwear afterwards. And her body doesn't just look fit, it looks tight.

  55. Why the flak? All she did was show pic and kinda sweetly say she feels empty after giving birth. Shes not saying i look great and u dont. I think peeps reading into this.

  56. It took me much longer to bounce back, and even after I did, I was too focused on my baby and life to worry about "bragging" about how quickly my abs came back. She looks great, but if she is this worried about what people think of her post-pregnancy body, then i feel sorry for her. She's gonna freak when she ages. I've never heard of her, but I wonder if she's that country's version of Kim K? Narcissistic and shallow?

  57. Ya think she is like Homer and has all the loose skin pulled back with Chip Clips?

    Was that Homer Simpson who did that or Peter Griffin?

  58. Don't believe it. You're gonna have some sag no matter how thin you are. The belly expands too much. Unless her poor child was starved in the womb..

  59. I wonder what shape her vagina is in

  60. Anonymous9:08 PM

    My first born was 9 lbs. My belly looked life a deflated balloon. Good for her.

    Wait a friggen minute! 4DAYS? I had a HUGE after giving birth type of sanitary napkin on. How is she not leaking a river of death? Wow!

    I don't get it.

  61. Well that is just rude!

  62. She looks good, and it is very doable- but I know that 4 days after birth, I was knee - deep in dirty diapers and breastbone to even think about taking a selfie

    1. Sorry..The grammar was horrible but u get the gist

  63. @LMJ I'm positive she didn't use a surrogate because A:she's from Norway and I'm from Norway. B: She has a blog she updates frequently every day. Her pregnancy is well documented in photos and written text via her blog as well as photos from the delivery room and various other examinations she's been on. C: We're Norwegians, and there are strict laws regarding surrogacy.
    D: Again, we are from Norway and it's a small country and there is no way she could have kept it a secret if she indeed went that way. Just trust me on this. E: She's really not a celebrity. She's a normal girl who is obsessed with being perfect and makes a living writing a blog. In Norway.
    In fact one of the things that really would infuriate her is knowing that people thinks this is fake, that she has resorted to surrogacy and that she has a personal chef and a nanny. No such things. She does however, have PT appointment but so does every other Norwegian who has joined a gym. ;-)
