Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Your Turn

The most drunk you have ever been. Best NYE party or you can even do your resolution.


  1. The most drunk I've ever been is from freshman year in high school through my mid 20's.

  2. My 35th birthday.
    Drank better than a fifth of Jack Daniels.
    Abso-posi-lutely the last chicken-chasing drunk I've done.
    Also signaled the end of my relationship with Mr. Daniels.

  3. 18 years old, puking on the floor in a bathroom stall in a bar I somehow was able to get into. Everyone stayed in the bar as I nodded off on the sidewalk waiting for a cab.

  4. The first and last time I was so sick….my 21st

  5. Never had a good NYE. They always end up being boring or overhyped. My college days were my drunken days but I was the drunkest ever in my senior high school year. Awesome party days. Still cant drink Sambuca or Tequila.

  6. Too many to pick from sadly.

  7. I'm with you, Reno.Chequered pasts FTW!

  8. My New Year's resolution is to get out of a really bad situation. I have a very abusive family. I am going to move to a different city, and start all over. My friends have been begging me to do this for years. I just wasn't able to do it. Wish me well.

    1. Best wishes to you Bessie. Good luck and be safe.

    2. Best wishes and luck, Bessie

    3. It takes courage to admit that you deserve more and make a move! We are all pulling for you Bessie.

  9. Still can't drink gin from a night in Myrtle Beach at 17. Not sure I would count that as my drunkest. Actually that would be at a party in Gastonia around the age of 18. Started to drive home and went back to the Duckworth's. I may have been young but I wasn't an idiot at least.

    1. Sweet baby Jebus! I hadn't thought about that night/week in Myrtle Beach in years! Why my parents let me go for Spring Break, I'll never understand, but I had a hell of a time.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Best NYE, in a little cottage in Wales with a group of people I didn't know (except the bf who took me). It was snowing. They played guitars and sang and we drank whatever was there. Just a warm feeling being in my birthplace with people who welcomed me with open arms. 33 years ago and I still smile thinking about it (and him :)

  11. Wishing you strength and peace Bessie.

  12. Best wishes Bessie as long as you wont be alone you should do ok.

  13. pffft. New Year's eve is amateur night. Most drunk was my high school graduation. Fell off the roof of a garage, (missed the swimming pool) then lost my innocence in an abandoned school bus.
    I was an alkie for a good 15 years. Been dry for 22 years. Still miss it.

  14. Good luck Bessie, and remember, you are worth it!

  15. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Ireland. two Christmases ago. was a singing competition after party and they gave me so many shots I couldn t count. Must be before visiting the Garda and after screaming to a police officer in the pub to take off his clothes. Couldn t see properly that he was not a stripper. anyways I met him in Court two months later and I realised the stripper I was sexting was a Guarde.

  16. The most drunk I've been was the night I almost left Mr Katt. After a huge fight my bestie took me to a pirate bar and we got HANGOVER faced! I have never been truly blackout drunk before or since then. Thank God for a good bestie... Never an epic new years. Like St. Pats, I have my fun at home not in the bars.

    1. Pirate bar?? Ears perk up. Charlie, didja hear that??

    2. Legit, there's a plank that I walked for losing the rum shot race. But isn't getting to say " I walked the plank at a pirate bar" a win????

  17. Five or so years ago... NYE party. I was barely legal, a hot peice of ass, single, black out drunk, and apparently turned a gay man straight lol. Good times.

  18. (Here comes TalksTooMuch's favorite thing from me, other than the well, that's private. Here's another thrilling episode of Tales From the Rowdy One)

    This had to be 1992 since I had just gotten my drivers license. My best friend and I were able to get a few bottles of Jack (Yay for living next door to a guy who worked at a liquor store!) and we each got either a 1 liter bottle of tea or Pepsi, not sure which one and poured them out and filled them with the Jack.

    We went to the mall so I could get my comics for the week (pretty much like Mallrats) and the entire time I was drinking. I finished mine, so I had a fifth in me and took my friends since he was getting sick.

    So we finish at the comic shop and head to the arcade. We play some pool and air hockey (I'm still undefeated in my entire life in air hockey thank you very much) when we decide to play some regular games. All this time I'm still chugging, almost finished with another fifth of Jack. I go to Mortal Kombat and a kid comes up and wants to play me. he's young so I tell him he needs to ask his parents so he goes and gets his mom. I recognize her somewhat but not 100%.

    She comes over and remembers me from her time in elementary school. She was a few years older than me and had moved to a different state and moved back after she graduated.

    I play him a few times and he kicks my ass at it. I can barely see what is going on so that could be the reason or maybe the fact that I suck at fighting games is the most likely answer.

    Anyway, she sees how drunk I am and tells me she's going to drive me and my friend home. I said my parents would kill me if they saw me like this when she said "I didn't say your home".

    So she takes us back to her place and while my friend is watching her son, we go back to her room and proceed to knit potholders. Ok, it wasn't potholders and it wasn't knitting but if I said what we did, I'm pretty sure law enforcement officials would be here to arrest me even now.

    So moral of the story: Girls who went to Catholic school are just as big of freaks as the stereotypes suggest.

    Second moral of the story: Always bring a friend along because you never know when you'll need an emergency babysitter so you can get some ass.

  19. After one rando night in college (which I remember absolutely nothing of) I woke up the next day totally naked in my bed, hair soaking wet, absolutely no sheets on my bed, a GIANT throw up puddle on my fancy black shag carpet, and in my shower I found all of my bed sheets and blankets and yanked down shower curtain sitting in a good two inches of water in the bathtub.

    Another time I was being absurdly drunk and rowdy at a bar to the point where I got kicked out, so my friends dropped me off at home. I was looking for an adventure so instead of going inside I wandered around the streets randomly knocking on people's doors. At 2am. Once I figured out that I should prob get home I walked into a house that I thought was mine and sat down on the couch. Then I noticed that the decorations did not match those of my house, so instead of realizing I was in the wrong place I went around to all the bedrooms, walked in and started yelling at everyone I could find for changing my decorations without my permission. Thank god it was a bunch of college kids, so we just sat down on the couch and smoked weed while they tried to convince me that this wasn't actually my house. I finally got pissed enough that I stomped out, yelling at them, and wandered around the streets again. Thankfully my friends had noticed that no one had seen me for hours and were driving around looking for me.

    Finally, at my best friends grandparents 50th anniversary blowout party I got super drunk on wine, and of course ran away. They finally found me in the janitors bathroom in the back of the kitchen (this was at the Knights of Colombus) passed out on the toilet seat with my dress and spanks around my ankles. I had just started Lexapro the week before and didn't educate myself on what I should and should not be doing.

    Moral of the story: Don't drink FourLokos kiddos. The only times I ever got blackout drunk and did stupid shit was when I was guzzling those suckers, before they took all the good stuff out. Thankfully that love affair didn't last past the summer of '10.

    1. *Can I note that it wasn't my best friend who found me passed out on the toilet, practically naked. It was her devastatingly gorgeous brother and cousin, along with her dad and grandfather. They laugh about it but I am still absolutely mortified, three years later.

  20. Ugh. My stomach turns thinking about it.

    My best story is a friend of mine got shitfaced on red wine & threw up all over my guest room- walls, door, bed skirt. It looked like a goddamn deer had been slayed & dressed by hand in there. Horrible. Like a crime scene. Since then she takes medication to help with her acidosis and viola! no more ruining of rooms.

  21. Arrghh. So I finally know who be that saucy wench !! Honeykatt, what you did with the bartender, and the jar of martini onions.... Ohhh myyyy

    1. You joke, but I do love a good martini... :-)

  22. Halloween weekend when I was 19. Ate a bunch of Everclear soaked fruit, and drank the juice it soaked in. Knees buckled in the middle of a party, and I went down. Then I threw up in the bathroom, crying that I didn't want to go home. Stuck it out for a few more hours, but never felt more horrible in my life, than I did that next day.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. I'm sad that there are way too many to remember. Seriously. There was one time I couldn't walk, so I was crawling around my friend's party. I'm sure that was attractive. One time I was just SURE that my ex bf would want to see me, so I drove to his house and busted in on him and some girl having drinks. Last drink December 2009.

  24. Probably tonight will be one of my best. Our family of 4 will be headed to my best friends house to spend NYE with her family and another friend and her family. We are just having game night, letting the kids play together, and having yummy food.

  25. Watermelon shooters at a beach bar in San Diego. Throwing that up wasn't pretty.

    Did NYE in Vegas a few years ago. It was great.

  26. JSierra es muy guapa y sexy

  27. Ummmm... after seeing JSierra's pic yesterday, is it wrong to think impure thoughts when she mentions sitting there with her dress at her ankles? Hypothetically speaking, of course!

  28. Never been drunk, don't drink alcohol, don't go to New YR's Eve parties.

  29. I drank countless margaritas on a Thursday night in college. Vommed in the bathroom at the bar, vommed on a friend of mine (don't remember that one), and vommed myself awake the next morning (even if I'd known there was a trash can by the bed for this purpose I wouldn't have made it). I was hungover until Sunday.

  30. Most drunk was during a college scavenger hunt party. The various items were allocated points depending on how difficult/illegal it was to procure the sundry goods.

    Everything from a golf course flag, to a candy cane (try and find one in April), to a hubcap from a Cadillac.

    One huge point valued item was one of the blue lights that line an airport runway (This was MANY years prior to 9/11). I don't remember how, but we got it. I'm also not sure how my groups of 4 guys all ended up with hickeys, which was on the list.

  31. 16 years old. Mixed all sorts of booze. got ill, threw up, had migraine next day. That was it for me with booze!

  32. apartment building party. alot of tequila...bathroom sex (got my hair caught in the toilet brush) 2 day hangover that ended in the emergency room. ah those were the days...

  33. Good luck with that Bessie.. @ Enty im a control freak so no drunk off my ass stories fortunately. I don't believe in new year resolutions.. if you want to be something or do something, just do it. No excuses imo

  34. got blackout drunk at a club w a cousin, came to in the middle of a 3 some at my friend's apt w him and another girl not his gf.

    fled that scene, still a little tipsy and went to a gasstation for cigs where i bumped into a guy trying to catch a cab so i used the cab i had hailed to help him get home where i then had the best one night stand with the hottest guy ever (in my eyes at the time) and then snuck out of his place as he begged me not to leave and back into my aunt and uncles place before they woke up

  35. this years resolution is to lose the 20-30lbs i put on since i was attacked last new years and bedridden for a few months which just fucked me up physically and mentally and knocked me out (get it? ha ha) out of my healthier lifestyle

    1. Jesus, headrot, glad this New Year's is gonna be better than last, strong lady

  36. @TTM thanks.... i like gossip bc it reminds me i'm not the only one with an insane story for a life. haha

    even though it sucked i was/am really glad i got involved.

    i had just gotten engaged to my exfiance (the one that was like john cusack) and we went out to celebrate the engagement by going dancing at a club. i went to the bathroom bc i was upset bc my then bf had insisted on a 3some earlier in the night and then got upset that i touched the other guy in some way he didnt approve of and he was continuing to throw a temper tantrum about it at the club. he let me go to the bathroom by myself so he could (i now know) call his secret side peices and try to get more numbers while i was waiting for the ladies room.

    some guy was beating his exgf in the women's restroom of the club and i accidentally walked into it when i came out of the bathroom stall. i tried to call the cops and so the guy smashed my cell phone. when he then continued to beat her and his buddy wouldnt let me leave the bathroom so my 5'2 dumbass jumped on the 6'2 guy's back to get him off of the girl (he was at this point smashing her face into the sink). i provided enough of a distraction for her to escape but it was all just downhill from there for me and for my relationship.

  37. I have an hour of memory missing from when I went out with work friends to celebrate my 21st. But thank goodness someone took photos of my blackout where I apparently demanded birthday kisses from my male friends and cried because they would oblige my requests.

    And I'm glad none of them took advantage of me but boy was that an awkward Monday.

  38. @jessie because they would or would not?

    1. Would not. Ah, proof reading - it's more useful than you think!

  39. Crashing in other people's houses, JSierra? Girl, that's very Robert Downey Jr. of you.

  40. only been buzzed. once.

  41. I've got a really good story about being blind drunk and peaking on three tabs of acid, but I'm not sure if the statue of limitations has run out on what I did that night.

    There is no worse hangover than that which comes after downing a quart of rotgut tequila.

    One New Years Eve I was so drunk I accidentally impaled my foot on the tip of a ski pole. That kinda sucked.

  42. Best wishes to Bessie.

    My lovely relationship with booze will be told another time.

  43. I was at a chateau overlooking a lake one time and we had a lot of fun. I was drinking so much I stood in the middle of the main area and started talking to a giant moose head which was hung above the fireplace. As funny as that sight must have been, I then asked everybody how much they'd freak out if that moose head actually started talking back. Then for some reason I put a white sheet over myself, Amanda Bynes style and pretended I was a ghost for an hour. In the morning I woke up on a couch with a curtain for a blanket. Still don't know who put that curtain over me.

  44. If I could remember, I would tell you.

  45. The most drunk I have ever been was about 10 years ago. I drank a bottle of Southern Comfort and two beers with little food.
    I woke up in the middle of the night on the floor of a motel room at the Econo Lodge in Gatlinburg, TN and I had uh, er pooped myself quite a bit.
    I've had maybe three drinks total since that weekend.

  46. Vegas. New years. When i was 19. With 2 total strangers that were male. Went to a club and proceeded to get shitfaced. I blacked out long.before the count down and apparently all kinds of.celebrities were there. I do.t remember a damn thing. The 2 guys basically had to carry my ass back to the Luxor. Spent.the night puking and.drunk dialing.my ex. Luckily the two guys were decent humans and.didnt gang rape.me. Havent topped that one yet and its been 12yrs ;)

  47. Most drunk I've been was when one of my sister's friends spiked my drink. Guess they thought it was funny because it was my first time drinking. Never found out who, exactly, did it. Nothing really bad happened but I felt really strange. My sister's friends were such assholes.

  48. High school graduation. I consumed copious amounts of tequila and (shudder) goldschlager, who knows what else I drank that I don't remember. Anyways, there is photographic proof that I went skinny dipping in the beach and can do a back handspring. I woke up the next morning with just my underwear on, covered in sand, in the bathtub.
    Hangover lasted an eternity and I thank god those pics were sent off to be developed instead of a 1hour at the local Walmart.

  49. I don't remember.

  50. The best NYE I had, meaning the drunkest I got was 5 years ago when I got pregnant with my son. Good times.

  51. I'm not much of a drinker. Can we talk about the highest I've ever been?

  52. In 1977, when I was 20 years old, I got into a New Year's Eve drinking contest with a girl about half my size - and lost. I still can't drink rum.

  53. Anonymous3:07 AM

    I'm a very cheap date these days - I somehow managed to get a hangover from eating three Christmas mince pies! :-/

    My New Year's Resolution was to be more thankful of the things I DO have, as opposed to feeling wishful about the things I wish I have, but don't need.
