Tom Cruise Drops Lawsuit Against In Touch
So much for the $50M lawsuit filed by Tom Cruise against In Touch for their claims that Tom abandoned Suri. As I predicted all it took for Tom to drop the case was the threat of a deposition of Katie Holmes. That was it for Tom and he dismissed the suit on Friday. The case was not a winner from the outset. People have different definitions of abandon and the guy hadn't seen his child in almost four months. He says he spoke to her regularly but the other issues he was going to have is what has he done since they wrote the story? Have you seen Tom and Suri together? Nope. Know why? He isn't allowed. Scientology won't let him. During his deposition he threw Nicole Kidman under a bus because she had previously said she had seen her kids with Tom once or twice and he said she never spoke to them or saw them. Why? Scientology. As much as Tom would have hated a million questions about his sex life with Katie Holmes in a deposition, imagine a live trial broadcast to the world which had the same questions and questions about Scientology. It would have been a circus and a public relations disaster with a big fat loss against Tom at the end. The only reason anyone even remembers the cover any longer is because Tom sued.