Tuesday, December 03, 2013

Today's Blind Items - The Employees

Not much has been heard from this A list singer in the past couple of years. He has tried to focus all the attention on his music and pretending to be a happily married man. Gone is the bad boy image and philanderer that was so prevalent before. Not to worry though. He has not gone on the straight and narrow. He has just been getting much much better at keeping everything under wraps. He has spent months perfecting what he thinks is a foolproof plan but the problem he is facing is his lust. See, at the beginning he did keep everything quiet. Sure, I was hearing whispers that he had one mistress stashed in an apartment that he would see just twice a month. Nothing ever confirmed though. She was on the books as an employee and her apartment rent was her housing allowance. He also had several people on tour with him who actually did do the jobs they were asked to do because the singer's wife wanted to see the resumes of all the female employees. No problem for our singer though because he hired professionals but also those who would keep him happy. He got greedy though and started really drinking and coking it up again and that is where the cracks developed. Late night visits from his regular dealer who saw some women with our singer. The room service guys bringing up booze and ice to a naked singer who didn't bother covering himself while a woman was sprawled naked on a sofa. So far the wife seems unaware of what is going on but it is just a matter of time.


  1. Timberlake? Or is he too recently wed?

  2. I'm with A RESIDENT: Buble

  3. Buble is a good guess. I also thought of Robbie Williams, who is working the 'family man' angle pretty hard these days.

  4. Noooooo Bowie,never!!

    I 'm such a fangirl. I think he's genius.

  5. Yep I was think Robbie Williams too.

  6. Anonymous10:21 AM


  7. Michael Buble or Robbie Williams.

  8. Buble. Some of these guesses just boggle my mind.
    But then, again, it doesn't take much.
    I'm going with Buble.

  9. @sevenofeleven is one of the old posters that treated this page like a highschool populatity contest. I wonder if its libby or one of her many minions. Zee truth shall be revealed.

    1. What you talkin bout willis?

    2. Yes, Skimpy. I'm curious too. Libby did disappear but I don't think she changes her name on here.

    3. For someone who quit this bitch ages ago, Libby still seems to be a polarizing person.

    4. Libby is definitely reading this.

  10. This screams Buble to me. I sort of wish he'd just stay single and whore it up - he's cute and he has a great voice, why not have fun and stay unattached?

  11. Bowie ? Iman would murder him…

  12. Anonymous10:50 AM

    I think this is Buble.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Buble just had a baby, but I guess he and his wife would still be the family. However, I just read an article where Buble's team is made up of a lot of older people, even described as white-haired. It seems he has a lot of people who are familiar with the music he covers around. Could still be him, but he also was never like a MASSIVE celebrity. Has he done an awards show? Does he get a ton of radio play? And after Emily Blunt, most of the news stories about him have been his current wife and their child. I don't remember hearing of other girlfriends.

  15. What? 7 as Libby ? No way. Different styles. What happened to Libby anyway?

    1. Here I am! Sorry I've been away. I've been WAY busy helping MY bf build a draw bridge for our palatial estate. Yes we built that too!

      Oh, and 7/11 is not me. But I LOVE her Slurpees!

    2. LOL @ libbyonamobile!

      I'm intrigued by the idea that libby has minions and that I might be one of them. Is she my dark lord or something?

      Re Buble, every time I see his name it makes me think of Whitney's dookie bubble or whatever it was that I would never have heard of were it not for this site. Thanks, guys. :b

    3. @Msgirl, 7, I don't see any likeness either. For the record I find everyone pretty pleasant but then I'm one of "those" people.

  16. It sounded like JayZ to me. I just can't see Buble's wife checking resumes

  17. @sevenofeleven I had to put you on blast. You deleted your comment too late cause I already read it and you pretty much confirmed my suspicion. Libby and her minions were chased out after being exposed by the "trolls" and have remerged under different names.

    1. OK, sure thing. I deleted it because, well, see the link underneath my comment. Not sure what suspicions were confirmed, but whatever, I'm not going to argue with you, I have to go help Libby finish the new pool house.

    2. You mean fan her while jax feeds her grapes

    3. Thanks 7/11. Don't forget the Slurpees!

    4. Ah, thanks for reminding, my Pit Lord! Red or blue?

    5. Skimpy 7of11 really isn't Libby. Go and read her posts. So completely different style.

    6. @7/11 one of each please. I like red and MY bf likes blue.

    7. @sherry I said sevenofeleven is EITHER libby OR one of her minions.

  18. I'm not sure how a comment section on a gossip website makes people get so angry. It's so weird!

  19. Nevah Bowie! Nevah!! He would man-up, be up front and honest with Iman. It's just not that hard to do.

  20. I miss libby and her silly pic. She was spicy. I recall her talking about mental illness,i hope shes ok wherever she is. How can a troll "chase" someone out of a comments section? There was a confrontation, the libby on a mobile thing, but come on, it is after all is said and done, just a comments section. Maybe she just got tired of it?

  21. Thats my thought too AnnaKN. I've slowed down on my readership.and posting too. People move on when they.find some other groovy place just like any local watering hole. That sloppy old drunk still propped up at the end and new kids dancing around him.

  22. I can't see it bring Michael Buble, his wife is a Latin American-born model and barely spoke English when they married. I can't see her poring over resumes.

    I do not miss Libby, as she rarely deigned to speak to the commentariat, but I never had a problem with anyone commenting. I have all these fingers, see! Great for scrolling. And if it really bugs me, I say something, as we all can.

  23. I like you, TalksTooMuch! You never fail to make me laugh or smile.

    But I always liked Libby's comments too and have been wondering where she's been.

    Count Jerkula, don't go changing!

    Back to my lurking....

  24. I remember the day Libby and The Pit quit.

    The comments were angry that day, my friends.

    Libby on a mobile couldn't get the iron soldering right on the corn silo she was helping her boyfriend build.

    Libby and the Pit didn't want to hear it. She only likes light housework. But Libby on a mobile wasn't having it!

    Soon, Libby The Pit couldn't make any comment without Libby on a mobile bringing up caulking, electrical contracting, and other structural engineering tasks!

    And that's when Killer killed Nibbles.

    I think that's a pretty accurate summation of the events that fateful day we lost Libby The Pit.

    1. (She got mad she was being picked on and The Pit quit)


    2. Lmao perfect recap Kristin.

  25. I think Skimpy will be jealous that we are all talking about Libby and not her!

    1. @mitzy why would I be jealous. Libbys minions are heavily lurking but have different names. I got sick and tired of being quite while the page slowly slipped back into the hands of the dictator

    2. Oh. So they both lurk and post under different names? And don't quite (sic) yourself, Skimpy! Ever. Your little explosions here are very entertaining! Keep em coming.

  26. FWIW, Sherry, I've always thought of you as one of "those" (pleasant) people as well. :)

    @Kristin, "And that's when Killer killed Nibbles." LOL! "I didn't know that horse was diabetic!"

  27. I like you too, kellyluna! And you should post more, not lurk! All you lurkey-lous, come on oot!

  28. I think Bowie and Iman are both way too open-minded for this to be them.

  29. Don't underestimate those Latin chicas, just because English isn't one's first language does not make you a total pushover, the examples are many.

  30. 7 was here before Libby. And I missed the day Libby left. So big deal she had a gang, didn't affect me, Sometimes she was funny.

  31. I think buble has his wife and baby on tour with him!

  32. Hey I like everyone [ok some more than others..] and sevenofeleven is hilarious! dude/dudette - keep it up!
    BTW, where is Rach?
    I thought Libby was cool too... but then again i am generally just reading the comments and trying not to spit my coffee on the keyboard at work..
    although I seem to remember I told someone to go eff themselves once.. must have been the PMS!

  33. oh, and I thought it was Keith Urban until the blind implied that the wife cares... LOL!

  34. Why bother being married??? Just get divorced and be with whomever you want for the rest of your life. Then you don't have to backstab your innocent spouse and break her heart because you're a selfish prick.

  35. Anonymous2:35 PM

    i was thinking Buble the whole time

  36. I'm a "lurkey-lou"!

    1. Yay hottiewithabody! Lurkers, out of the shadows and into the comments! The more yakkin the better!

  37. Can't wait for James Earl Jones & Malcolm McDowell to perform These comments!

    1. @shopgirl wins. Game over, guys.

  38. I was thinking Buble as well but it does not quite fit cause I was reading this as someone who has been married for some time and philandered before. He had a relationship, but it wasn't that long-term.
    Gonna go with Vince Gill.

  39. Just screams Rod Stewart to me. Rod is even more famous for being a bad boy and philanderer than for being a singer. Rod's toured this year, and besides that, he's got a show in Vegas. That would explain the visits from his regular dealer - doubt the dealer would tour with him, but he'd be Rod's Vegas connection.

  40. Timberlake only works as a guess if they stashed employees are all men.

  41. I kind of thought Jay Z too until I read the end... I feel like Beyonce is not unaware but just pretends not to know, at least to the public-- I mean she had a pillow baby right?

  42. and is it just me or does anyone else really just look forward to reading the comments section more than the posts on this site? That's why I come on here! You guys are hilarious and way more entertaining!

    1. Jessica, my favorite part is waiting for the Aussies to wake up the next day and go through the carnage.

      Hi guys!!!!

  43. I'm thinking Tim McGraw for this - he's looking awful these days and checking resumes sounds like something Faith Hill might do

  44. Am I the only one who thought of Gene Simmons from KISS for this? (I don't think he's been mentioned yet.) His reality show has been off the air for a couple of years, I believe, and he had a big cheating scandal some time ago but it's been quiet since. He's married to Shannon Tweed and their show was all about him as a family man/rock star.

  45. i liked libby she was fun, but it doesnt mean i dont like you all! I enjoy the count for his take on things. As some one from the fetish lifestyle scene (had to take a break, crazy stalker ex) he is on point alot. Plus he funny to those who 'know' or dont know. I LOVE cdan, and for those who dont you cant stop looking can you??

  46. I'm going to go in a different direction here, because for some reason I thought this was Rob Thomas.

  47. excuse the missins 'esses' in
    my name and post lol ill make it up

  48. theres way to many to choose from. They could all be right

  49. thank you talksTooMuch!

  50. Goopie's husband Chris Martin.

  51. Buble. I'm not sure why he got married.

  52. Robin Thicke? Too obvious though.

  53. Lol Michael Buble hardly had a bad boy image!

  54. OK - 100% this is Robbie Williams. Having had first hand experience with his former coke-fueled, womanizing behavior and the fact that he is totally playing up the happily married thing right now (just saw him on The Graham Norton Show doing just that!), this is definitely him.
